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Pāḷi Text Society Publications

Works on this site originally published by the Pāḷi Text Society are copyrighted by them. Except where they are already in the Public Domain, they are being offered under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 (CC BY-NC 3.0) licence, or the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series
and the translations of Sister Upalavana

The Pāli Texts herein were Adapted from the 1995 edition of the digital version of the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series and carry no copyright.
The translations of Sister Upalavana are in the Public Domain.

Works adapted from Access to Insight

Works adapted from Access to Insight are so indicated under the 'translator' line on the individual works except in the case of Bhikkhu Thanissaro all of whose work originates from that source.
The translations of Bhikkhu Thanissaro are copyrighted by him and are made available through Access to Insight [http://www.accesstoinsight.org]. Terms of use are as follows: "You may download these files to your computer, print them out, read them, share them with your friends, copy them to your own website, translate them into other languages, and redistribute them electronically — provided that you do not charge any money for them. They are not in the public domain. You may reformat the files as you please, but you may not change their content without first obtaining permission from the author, translator, or publisher."
These same terms apply to the works of other translators whose works have been adapted from Access to Insight.

Discussion of terms of use:

[Adopted from the similar discussion of terms of use found on Access to Insight]

In Brief:

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In Detail

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