Manoratha-pūraṇī PTS 1924 |
*A (e.g. DhA) |
Commentary (on) |
Abhidhānappadīpikā, ed. W. Subhūti, Colombo 1883. |
ablative |
absolute(ly) |
abstract |
accusative |
active |
addition |
adjective |
adverb |
Anglo-Saxon |
AN [A] |
Anguttara-Nikāya. Edited by Rev. Richard Morris. 5 Volumes. Pāli Text Society, London, 1885-1900. Depending on how the suttas are tallied, it contains either 9,557; 8,777; or 2,308 suttas. The Anguttara Nikaya is divided into 11 nipatas (books), each of which is further divided into vaggas containing 10 or more suttas. References are to nipata and sutta number. Citation example: File names: |
aorist |
Apadāna PTS 1925 |
applied |
article |
Access to Insight. Website of John Bullitt containing hundreds of modern sutta translations, primarily by Bhikkhu Thanissaro. |
Avadāna-shataka, ed. J. S. Speyer (Bibl. Buddhica III), 2 vols., St. Petersbourg 1906. |
Burmese MSS |
Buddhadatta's Manuals 3 vols, PTS 1915 |
Burmese script edition (Sixth Council) |
Buddhism in Translations Henry Clarke Warren, trans. Anthology. |
Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series. A free public-domain electronic edition of the Tipitaka, published in 1997 by the International Buddhist Research and Information Center (380/9, Sarana Road, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka) and distributed by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project in association with the Journal of Buddhist Ethics. |
Buddhist Legends (trans. of DhpA) |
BMPE [Dhs trsl.] |
Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics (trsl. of the Dhamma-sangaṇi) by Mrs. Rhys Davids (R. As. Soc. Trsl. Fund XII), London 1900. |
Buddhist Publication Society |
Buddhist Sanskrit |
Buddha-Vaṃsa PTS 1882 |
causative |
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2000) Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Sinhala script edition (Buddha Jayanti) |
certain |
collective |
combination combined, combination |
comparative, comparison, composition |
Comy.[Comm. C. Cy] |
Commentary. |
conditional |
consonant |
correct(ed) |
correlation, correlative |
Cariyā-Piṭaka PTS 1882 |
compare |
Compendium of Philosophy (trsl. of the Abhidhamm' attha-sangaha) by S. Z. Aung and Mrs. Rhys Davids, PTS Trsl. 1910. |
compound |
Cv [CV] |
Culla-Vagga. Edited by Hermann Oldenberg. Vinaya-Pitaka, vol. ii., London, 1880. |
D[Dial.] |
Dialogues of the Buddha. T. W. and C. A. F. Rhys Davids translation of the Digha Nikaya, London I. 1899; II. 1910; III. 1921. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Sumangala-Vilāsinī, vol. I, PTS 1886 |
dative |
Davs [Dāvs] |
Dāṭhāvaṃsa, JPTS 1884 |
denominative |
derived, derivation |
desiderative |
Dhammapada Commentary, 4 vols. PTS 1906-14 |
Dhp [Dp Dh] |
Dhammapada. Edited by V. Fausböll. Copenhagen. 1855. Contains 423 verses, arranged in 26 vaggas. References are to verse number. |
Dhammapada-atthakatha |
Dhamma-Sangaṇi PTS. 1885 |
Atthasālinī PTS 1897 |
Dhtp, Dhtm |
Dhātupāṭha and Dhātumañjūsā, ed. Andersen and Smith, Copenhagen 1921 |
dialect(ical) |
different |
distinct, distinguished |
Divya-vadāna, ed. Cowell and Neil, Cambridge 1886. |
DN [D] |
Dīgha-Nikāya, Edited by T. W. R. Davids and J. E. Carpenter. P. T. S., 1890. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Childers, R. C., A Dictionary of the Pāḷi Language, London 1874. |
Dukapaṭṭhāna PTS 1906 |
Dīpavaṃsa, London 1879 |
English |
European edition (PTS) |
for instance |
enclitic |
epithet |
especially |
etymology |
Elders' Verses II (trans. of Thi) |
except |
exclamation, exclusive |
explanation, explained |
Expositor (trsl. of the Attha-sālinī), by Maung Tin, PTS Trsl. 1920, 21. |
feminine |
figurative(ly) |
following pages |
formation |
from |
frequently, frequentative |
future |
Gallic |
genitive |
gerund |
German |
Gothic |
Greek |
grammar |
gerundive |
Sept Suttas Pālis. Edited by P. Grimblot. Paris, 1876. |
GS [BGS] |
The Book of the Gradual Sayings, F.L. Woodward and E.M. Hare, trans. (Oxford: Pāḷi Text Society, 1994). English translation of the Anguttara Nikaya. Citation example: File names: |
Human Types, PTS trsl. 1924 (Pug trsl.) |
at the same passage |
the same |
identical passage |
that is |
in general |
imperative |
impersonal |
imperfect |
Idx [Ind.] |
Index |
indicative |
indeclinable |
indefinite |
infinitive |
instrumental |
interrogative |
intransitive |
iterative |
Iti [It] |
Itivuttaka. Contains 112 suttas, arranged in 4 nipatas. References are to sutta number. |
Journal of the American Oriental Society |
Journal Asiatique |
Jat [J] |
Jātaka, together with its Commentary, 6 vols. Edited by V. Fausböll, London 1877-96. |
Journal of the Pāḷi Text Society |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, London |
Jātaka-mālā, ed. H. Kern (Harvard Or. Ser. I), Boston 1891. |
Kaccāyana-ppakaraṇa, ed. and trsl. Senart (J. As. 1871) |
Khp [Kh] |
Khuddakapatha. Contains 9 short texts. References are to text number. |
KhpA [KhA] |
Khuddaka-Pāṭha-atthakatha commentary. |
Khuddhasikkhā, J.T.PāḷiS. 1883 |
Khud. [KN] |
Khuddaka Nikaya |
KS [BKS] |
The Book of the Kindred Sayings, Rhys Davids and F.L. Woodward, trans. (Oxford: Pāḷi Text Society, 1997). English translation of the Samyutta Nikaya. Divided into 5 vaggas (chapters) containing a total of 56 samyuttas (groups) of suttas. References are to samyutta and sutta number using BKS as a guide to numbering. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Kathā-Vatthu. 2 vols. PTS 1894, 95 |
Lalita-vistara, ed. S. Lefmann, I. Halle 1902. |
Latin |
loco citato |
The Long Discourses of the Buddha, Maurice Walshe, trans. (Boston: Wisdom Publications). English translation of the Digha Nikaya. 1 Volume. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
literal(ly), literary |
Lithuanian |
locative |
masculine |
Papañca Sūdanī, pt. I, PTS 1922 |
MN [M] |
Majjhima-Nikāya. Edited by V. Trenckner. P. T. S., 1888-1902. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Mahā-Bodhi-Vaṃsa, PTS 1891 |
Mahāvaṃsa trsl. by W. Geiger, PTS Trsl. 1912. |
Mahāvaṃsa, PTS 1908 |
Mil [Miln] |
Milindapañha. Edited by V. Trenckner. London, 1880. |
MoM [Mystic] |
Manual of a Mystic (Yoga-vacara), trs. by F. L. Woodward, PTS Trsl. 1916. |
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, Bhikkhu Ñaṇamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. (Boston: Wisdom Publications). English translation of the Majjhima Nikaya. 1 Volume. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Muls [Mūls] |
Mūlasikkhā, JPTS 1883 |
Mv [MV] |
Mahā-Vagga. Edited by Hermann Oldenberg. Vinaya-Pitaka, vol. i., London, 1879. |
Mvst [M Vastu] |
Mahā-vastu, ed. É. Senart, 3 vols., Paris 1882-1897. |
Mahāvyutpatti, ed. Mironow (Bibl. Buddhica XIII) St. Petersbourg 1910, 11. |
Name |
noun, note |
Mahāniddesa |
Cullaniddesa |
Netti-Pakaraṇa, PTS 1902 |
Niddesa |
nominative |
neuter |
numeral |
Old-Bulgarian |
Old-High-German |
Old-Icelandic |
Old-Irish |
onomatopoetic |
opposed, opposite |
ordinal, ordinary |
Pāli |
particle |
passive |
Points of Controversy Kathāvatthu trsl., by Aung and Mrs. Rhys Davids, PTS Trsl. 1915. |
PDF-format. Indicates downloadable e-book. |
Pāḷi Text Society, Pāḷi English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and William Stede |
perfect |
personal |
Pañca-gati-dīpana, JPTS 1884 |
plural |
Path of Purity, PTS trsl. 1923 |
possessive |
past participle |
present participle |
preceding |
predicative |
prefix |
preposition |
present |
preterite |
Prākrit |
Paṭisambhidāmagga 2 vols. PTS 1905, 1907 |
Psalms of the Brethren (trsl. Mrs. Rhys Davids), PTS Trsl. 1913. |
Psalms of the Sisters (trsl. Mrs. Rhys Davids), PTS Trsl. 1909. |
Puggala-Paññatti PTS 1883 |
Puggala-Paññatti Commentary, JPTS 1914 |
Peta-Vatthu PTS 1889 |
Peta-Vatthu Commentary, PTS 1894 |
Questions of Milinda (trsl. T. W. Rhys Davids), SBE. vols. 35, 36. |
quod vide (which see) |
reference, referred |
reflexive |
Samyutta Nikaya Atthakatha |
singular |
Sit-compressed file — for Mac. Indicates downloadable sit-compressed archive of text files. |
Sam. Pas. or Vin A [Sam. Pās.] |
Samanta-pāsādikā PTS 1924 |
Sacred Books of the East |
Saddhammopāyana, JPTS 1887 |
Shiks.ā-samuccaya. Ed. C. Bendall, St. Petersburg, 1902 |
Sanskrit |
SN [S] |
Saṅyutta-Nikāya. 5 Volumes. Edited by Leon Feer. P. T. S., 1884-94. Depending on how the suttas are tallied, it contains either 7,762, 2,904, or 2,889 suttas. The Samyutta Nikaya is divided into 5 vaggas (chapters: 1 — Sagatha-vagga: "sagv"; 2 — Nidana-vagga: "nv"; 3 — Khandha-vagga: "kv"; 4 — Salayatana-vagga: "sal"; 5 — Maha-vagga: "mv";) containing a total of 56 samyuttas (groups) of suttas. References are to samyutta and sutta number using BKS as a guide to numbering. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Sutta-Nipāta PTS 1913. Contains 71 suttas, arranged in 5 vaggas. References are to nikaya, vagga and sutta number. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Sutta-Nipāta Commentary, 2 vols. PTS 1916-17 |
and following |
Singhalese MSS. |
Samyutta Nikaya Tika |
suffix |
Sumangala-Vilāsinī. Edited by T. W. R. Davids and J. E. Carpenter. P. T. S., 1886. |
sub voce (under the word mentioned) |
synonym(ous) |
Therīgāthā Commentary, PTS 1891 |
Thag [Th 1] |
Theragatha. Contains 1,291 gathas (verses) divided into 264 poems that are grouped according to length in 21 vaggas. References are to vagga and poem number. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Thig [Th 2] |
Therigatha. Contains 522 gathas divided into 73 poems that are grouped according to length in 16 vaggas. References are to vagga and poem number. Citation example: File names/numbers: |
Therigatha -- see Thag |
Therigatha Atthakatha (Ee) |
Tikapaṭṭhāna 3 vols. PTS 1921-23 |
transitive |
trans. [trsl.] |
translated, translation |
Udāna. Edited by Paul Steinthal. P. T. S., 1885. Contains 80 suttas, arranged in 8 vaggas. References are to vagga and sutta number. |
Vibhanga PTS 1904 |
Sammoha-Vinodanī, PTS 1923 |
Vinaya Texts (trsl. Rhys Davids and Oldenberg), S B E. vols. 13, 17, 20. |
VM [Vis Vism] |
Visuddhi-Magga, 2 vols. PTS 1920 21 |
vocative |
Vimāna-Vatthu PTS 1886 |
Vimāna-Vatthu Commentary, PTS 1901 |
Zip-compressed file. Indicates downloadable zip-compressed archive of text files. |
Yogāvacara's Manual, PTS 1896 |
Zip-compressed file. Indicates downloadable zip-compressed archive of text files. |