The Method, The Nack
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Ñāya | The Nack, the Method, the system | Right Method, System[1] | right path | Method | Correct Rule of Conduct | Method, Ariyan Method[2] |
Pāḷi Text Society
Pāḷi English Dictionary
Edited by T. W. Rhys Davids and William Stede
Ñāya: [Sk. nyāya = ni+i] 1. method, truth, system, later = logic...- 2. fitness, right manner, propriety, right conduct, often appld to the "right path" (ariyamagga = ariyañāya Vin I.10) D III.120; S V.19, 141, 167 sq., 185; A II.95; IV.426; V.194...ariya ñ. S II.68; V.387; = the causal law S V.388...used in apposition with dhamma and kusala D II.151; M II.181, 197; is replaced herein by sacca S I.240; = Nibbāna at Vism 219, 524; ñ.-paṭipanna walking in the right path S V.343; A II.56; III.212, 286; V.183.
[1]Rhys Davids footnotes the word in his translation of the Satipatthana Sutta: Ñāya. Practical Buddhism is summed up (Majjhima I, 181, 197) as exertion in ñāya, dhamma, and kusala (the Method, the Norm, and the Good). Ñāya is defined at Samyutta V, 388 [SN 5.55.28] as what comes pretty much to our method in philosophy. Above (p.167) it is rendered System. There, in a very old verse, the Buddha says that seeking after Good he had been a pilgrim through the realm of System and Law, outside of which no victory can be won.
[2][SN 5.55.28]
Katamo c'assa ariyo ñāyo paññāya sudiṭṭho hoti suppaṭividdho?|| ||
Idha gahapati, ariyasāvako paṭiccasamuppādaṃ yeva sādhukaṃ yoniso manasi karoti:||
"Iti imasmiṃ sati idaṃ hoti,||
imassuppādā idaṃ upapajjati,||
iti imasmiṃ asati idaṃ na hoti,||
imassa nirodhā idaṃ nirujjhati...|| ||
And what is that Ariyan Method he has well-seen, well-penetrated by wisdom?
Here, housefather, the student of the Aristocrats has well-formed in mind the etiology of rebounding conjuration:
"This being that is had
with the arising of this that comes to be,
This not being that is not had
with the ending of this that does not come to be.
"And what, housefather, is the Ariyan Method which he has well seen and well enetrated by insight?
Herein, housefather, the Ariyan disciple well and thoroughly attends to the arising-by-way-of-cause, thus: This being, that is. By the arising of this, that arises. This not being, that is not. By the ceasing of this, that ceases. Thus conditioned by ignorance, activities come to pass. (Conditioned by the activities, consciousness: conditioned by consciousness, name-and-shape: conditioned by name-and-shape, sense: conditioned by sense, contact: conditined by contact, feeling: conditioned by feeling, craving: conditioned by craving, grasping: conditined by grasping, becoming: conditioned by becoming birth: conditioned by birth, old age and death, grief, lamentation, suffering, sorrow and despair come to pass.) Such is the arising of this whole mass of Ill.
But from the utter fading and ceasing of ignorance comes the ceasing of activities: (from ceasing of activities, ceasing of consciousness: from ceasing of consciousness, ceasing of name-and-shape: from ceasing of name-and-shape, ceasing of sense: from ceasing of sense, ceasing of contact: from ceasing of contact, ceasing of feeling: from ceasing of feeling, ceasing of craving: from ceasing of craving, ceasing of grasping: from ceasing of grasping, ceasing of becoming: from ceasing of becoming, ceasing of birth: from ceasing of birth, ceasing of old age and death, grief, lamentatin, suffeing, sorrow and despair cease). Such is the ceasing of this whole mass of Ill.
This is the Ariyan Method which he has well seen and well penetrated.