Prologue I
Beggars! That man who here acts wrongly in mind, speech and body What four? |
In the first place "That's some bad hombre! Or the like. |
And again |
And again They bind his arms and legs [where the dead are taken; the charnel ground] |
And there — MN 129 |
Or they give him [They cut a hole in his skull, drop in a molten copper ball.] or The Polished Shell [They sand-paper polish his skull.] or The Sun Gobbler [They wedge open his mouth and drop in a molten copper ball.] or The Fire Garland [They use a ball-peen hammer to break every single bone in his body, then they twist him up a bit — Moggallāna was murdered by the Ajivakas in this way — in order not to die disrespectfully, he pulled himself together, went to The Great Master, explained matters and took his leave before he died][B.I.T. §41] |
or The Peeling-Bark Dress [They peel off his skin in strips from shoulders to waist making a skirt, then they chase him around so that he trips on his own skin.] or The Antelope [They stake him out propped up on all fours and build a fire underneath him and bar-b-que him alive.] or The Fish Hooking [They flail at him with fish hooks.] or The Coin-Slice [They cut coin-size pieces out of him — I have heard of this being done to a price-gouger in the cocaine trade in this day and age (June 30, 1992, A.D.).] or The Pickling Process [They pickle him in caustic liquids — The Nazis in France did this to people.] |
or Circling The Pin [They drive a pin through his ears into the ground, and taking him by the feet ... ] or The straw Mattress [In flames . . . for adultery] or they spray him with boiling oil |
And at that he thinks: "Ho Boy! |
And again, he thinks: "In so far as there is Kamma, |