Aṅguttara Nikāya

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Aṅguttara Nikāya
XVII. Āghāta Vaggo

Sutta 165

Pañha-Pucchā Suttaṃ

On Asking Questions

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

Proofed against and modified in accordance with the revised edition at dhammatalks.org
For free distribution only.



[1][pts] Then Ven. Sāriputta addressed the monks:

"Friend monks."

"Yes, friend,"
the monks responded to him.

Ven. Sāriputta said:

"All those who ask questions of another
do so from any one of five motivations.

Which five?

"One asks a question of another
through stupidity and bewilderment.

One asks a question of another
through evil desires and overwhelmed with greed.

One asks a question of another
through contempt.

One asks a question of another
when desiring knowledge.

Or one asks a question
with this thought,[1]

'If, when asked,
he answers correctly,
well and good.
If not,
then I will answer correctly [for him].'

"All those who ask questions of another
do so from any one
of these five motivations.




And as for me,
when I ask a question of another,
it's with this thought:

'If, when asked,
he answers correctly,
well and good.
If not,
then I will answer correctly [for him].'


[1]Reading pan'evam-citto with the Thai edition. The PTS reading — pakuppanto citto, "with a provoked heart" — does not fit the context at all.



Of Related Interest:

AN 3:68;
AN 4.42


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