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Index to Sutta Indexes



This index points to sub-indexes listing individual suttas. Every sutta is listed with a short descriptive paragraph and sometimes a more elaborate discussion. There is on this site 3 complete sets of the Pāḷi;[1] the Complete Pāḷi Text Society translations of the four Nikāyas and many of the lesser works; all the translations of Lord Chalmers, most of the available translations of Bhikkhu Thanissaro, all the 'for-free-distribution' translations of Bhikkhu Bodhi, a number of miscellaneous translations, and all my translations — all interlinked for easy cross-checking. What you have here is the core of what we have of what Gotama taught both in the Pāḷi and in translation, often multiple translations, and in the majority unabridged such that many suttas are contained herein which have not been seen since these works were first put into writing.



An old piece of information known to me but unfortunately forgotten probably a few minutes after it was first read, has just returned to consciousness from my giving a re-reading to Rhys Davids, Buddhist India, pg. 168. There Rhys Davids points out that the term 'Suttanta' means 'end of the suttas' in our sense of 'the aim' or 'a summary', that is, compiled from smaller suttas. Since I have 'suspected' for many years that suttas of the Dīgha and some of those in the Majjhima Nikāya were compilations, I am very glad to see that this was not a matter of anyone trying to sneak these in pretending that they were originally uttered in the form we find them, but that the fact that they were compilations was being stated outright. On the other hand, there is no reason to think that these suttas were not compiled by Gotama himself.

p.p. explains it all — p.p.

[DN] Dīgha Nikāya: (T.W. Rhys Davids: The Long Dialogues of the Buddha; M. Walshe: The Long Discourses of the Buddha)

PTS translation citation links are to page numbers.

Volume 1: Suttas 1-13
Links to individual suttas.
Volume 2: Suttas 14-23
Volume 3: Suttas 24-34


[MN] Majjhima Nikāya:

(Horner: The Middle Length Sayings of the Buddha; Chalmers: Further Dialogues of the Buddha; Bhk. Ñaṇamoli, Bhk. Bodhi, ed.: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha)

Citations of Pāḷi suttas in the PTS translations are to page numbers in the Pāḷi Text physical volume; citations of translations are to page numbers in the "Paṇṇāsa" Volumes.
Individual sutta links here are to the Index of individual suttas.
Numbers in green square brackets [ — ] indicate the page in the Pāḷi text volume where the first sutta of the next PTS translation volume begins.

Volume 1. (Pāḷi Text physical volume; suttas 1-76, pgs 1-524)

I. Mūla-Paṇṇāsaṃ (The Root 50: Suttas 1-50; PTS translation Volume 1, pgs 1-403)


II. Majjhima-Paṇṇāsaṃ (The Middle 50: Suttas 51-100; PTS translation Volume 2, pgs 1-402)


Volume 2. (Pāḷi Text physical volume; suttas 77-106, pgs 1-266)


III. Upari-Paṇṇāsaṃ (The Final 50: Suttas 101-152, PTS translation Volume 3, 1-350)


Volume 3. (Pāḷi Text physical volume; suttas 107-152, Pāḷi Text pgs 1-302)


[SN] Saṃyutta Nikāya: (Mrs. Rhys Davids, F.L. Woodward: The Book of the Kindred Sayings, Bhk. Bodhi: The Connected Discourses of the Buddha)

This collection is organized as:
Vagga = Volume (1-5)
   Saṃyutta (56 Chapters Consecutively numbered across the set) (1-56)
      Vagga (Chapters within Saṃyuttas; generally not used for identification)
          Sutta (Consecutively numbered within Saṃyutta)

The links below are to sub-indexes, one for each Vagga, listing the Saṃyuttas of that Vagga which then link, as per the above to individual Saṃyutta pages listing and linking to that Saṃyutta's Vaggas and Suttas.

PTS translation citation links are to page numbers.

1.(sṃ 1-11) Sagāthā-Vagga (With Cantos, Poetry, Verses)

Direct links to the Saṃyuttas' Individual Sutta Listings:

2.(sṃ 12-21) Nidāna-Vagga (About Nidana, Dependence)


3.(sṃ 22-34) Khandha-Vagga (On the Stockpiles, Elements of Existance, Aggregates)


4.(sṃ 35-44) Saḷāyatana-Vagga (On the Sense Realms, Six Sense Bases)


5.(sṃ 45-56) Mahā-Vagga (The Great Collection)


[AN] Aṅguttara Nikāya:
PTS: (F.L. Woodward, E.M. Hare: The Book of the Gradual Sayings;
WP: Bhk. Bodhi: The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha)

Page numbers: (p 0-0) = PTS Pāḷi Text; (gs 0-0) = PTS translation.
PTS translation citation links are to page numbers.
BD: Yarnbasket for a Buddhist, Volume 3: Selected Suttas

[PTS Volume I]
Ekanipāta (Ones) (p 1-46)(gs 1-41)
Dukanipāta (Twos) (p 47-100)(gs 42-86)
Tikanipāta (Threes) (p 101-299)(gs 87-276)
[PTS Volume II]
Catukkanipāta (Fours)
[PTS Volume III]
Pancakanipāta (Fives) (p 1-278)(gs 1-201)
Chakkanipāta (Sixes) (p 279-452)(gs 202-315)
[PTS Volume IV]
Sattakanipāta (Sevens) (p 1-149)(gs 1-102)
Atthakanipāta (Eights) (p 150-350)(gs 103-230)
Navakanipāta (Nines) (p 351-466)(gs 231-306)
[PTS Volume V]
Dasakanipāta (Tens) (p 1-310)(gs 1-200)
Ekadasakanipāta (Elevens) (p 311-361)(gs 201-230)

[VP] Vinaya Piṭaka: Rules of the Order

Commentary and Secondary Works

[KD] Kuddhaka Nikāya

[khp] Khuddakapatha
[ud] Udana A complete listing of all the suttas in the Udana with links to translations available digitally and page numbers for the PTS edition. Links to the Pāḷi.
[iti] Itivuttaka A collection of short sayings grouped by the number of concepts dealt with.
From DPPN: The fourth book of the Kuddaka Nikāya, containing 112 Suttas, each of which begins with the words: Vuttaṃ h'etaṃ Bhagavatā vuttam-arahatā ti me sutaṃ. According to Dhammapāla, the suttas were preached from time to time by the Buddha to Khujjuttarā at Kosambī. She then repeated them to the five hundred women of Udena's palace, chief of whom was Sāmāvatī. In order to emphasise to her audience the fact that she was repeating the Buddha's words nd not her own, she prefaced each sutta with the phrase quoted above. There was no need to describe any special circumstances in which the suttas were preached, because they were familiar to Khujjuttarā's audience. At the Rājagaha Council, Ānanda repeated the suttas to the Assembly and they were gathered into this collection.
[snp] Sutta Nipāta
[vv] Vimanavatthu
[pv] Petavatthu
[thag] Theragāthā Index to the verses of the early bhikkhu community, usually declaring Arahantship. Biographical stories accompany the verses.
[thig] Therigāthā Index to the verses of the early bhikkhuni community, usually declaring Arahantship. Biographical stories accompany the verses. Here is a work which is highly recommended especially for those of you pretending to be feminists. Here is a bunch of women who are real men!
[jat] Jātaka Annotated index to the birth stories of the Buddha. The entire collection of The Pāḷi Text Society translation of the Jātaka Stories edited by Professor E.B. Cowell is available on this site.
[ap] Apadāna Legends of the Buddhist Saints (Apadana) is a collection of about six hundred autobiographical poems ascribed to the accomplished Buddhas and Arahants of the early Buddhist community. The author has asked that I make sure readers are aware that this is a work still in beta and that they should check from time to time for an updated work. [Contact info is on the copright page.]

In the Burmese Tipitaka there is also:
[Ne] Netti
[Pe] Peṭako-padesa (links directly to the Pāḷi)
The Burmese also include the Milindapañha (listed below) in the KD.

[ABHI] Abhidhamma Piṭaka

Dhammasaṅgaṇī: Buddhist Psychological Ethics
Vibhaṅga: The Book of Analysis
Dhātukathā: Discourse on Elements
Puggalapaññatti: A Designation of Human Types
Kathāvatthu: Points of Controversy
Tika-paṭṭhāna: Conditional Relations

Visuddhi Magga: pdfPath of Purification, Translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

[miln] Milindapañha, The Questions of King Milinda



Index of all available Bhikkhu Bodhi translations.
Index of all available Michael M. Olds translations.
Warren, Buddhism in Translations, Title and Contents page. An early anthology of translations from the Pāḷi.


[1] Please note that the Pāḷi text to which all suttas on this site are linked is my own edited version of the 1995 edition of the digital version of the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series.

As I review suttas, I review all the translations we have and also the Pāḷi. With regard to the Pāḷi I generally agree with (or blindly accept) the PTS reading but not always the way sentences have been broken up.

The original Pāḷi was written down with no word breaks and the punctuation consists only of line breaks almost precisely of the same nature as </p> = || || <br /> = ||.

Aside from these breaks, spaces between words, hyphenated compounds, and contractions are all a matter of an editor's choice so what we have in 'The Original Pāḷi' is already a sort of pre-translation translation. Further, choice of glyph for diacriticals is inconsistent between the Four Nikāyas.

So in addition to line-breaks, as I am reviewing the Pāḷi, I am standardizing glyph use, hyphenation, and contractions. I will undoubtedly make mistakes doing this, but I try to keep my changes to those where at least one of the 'authoritative' translators has done the same.

In the case of hyphenation and inserting apostrophes in contractions, this was done by the original editors only very haphazardly.

One other change I have made is to un-abridge suttas where they have not already been unabridged by the editors of the BJT. I have also corrected numerous incorrectly unabridged suttas.

So the Pāḷi on this site should be understood as my version.

Readers are rightly advised to be on their guard in this sphere! For doubters I have provided the original from which I work (the BJT) and the PTS originals. The Chattha Sangayana Pāḷi [CSCD] version is easily and freely available elsewhere. Otherwise I justify my version on the basis of readability:

There is a world of difference for a beginning translator between a sea of Pāḷi and the changes I am making:

Katamā catasso?

Akkhamā paṭipadā,||
khamā paṭipadā,||
damā paṭipadā,||
samā paṭipadā.
|| ||


catasso imā bhikkhave paṭipadā. katamā catasso akkhamāpaṭipadā khamāpaṭipadā damāpaṭipadā samāpaṭipadā.|| ||

And the fact is that the PTS, the BJT and even the CSCD are a mess. Omissions, errors all sorts of problems.

I will be accused of modifying the Pāḷi to fit my translation. If I were around for that I would say yes, that is true, and explain myself as I have done here. But also be more or less assured that I have not changed any words or word-order. I have changed some word spellings, but always with the previous example of one of the PTS translators or the PED.

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