Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
36. Vedanā Saṃyutta
2. Raho-Gata Vagga

Sutta 14

Āgāra Suttaṃ

The Guest House

Translated from the Pali by Nyanaponika Thera.
For free distribution only.
From Contemplation of Feeling: The Discourse-grouping on the Feelings (WH 303),
translated from the Pali by Nyanaponika Thera
(Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1983).
Copyright ©1983 Buddhist Publication Society.
Used with permission.



[1][pts][bodh] "In a guest house, O monks, people from the east may take lodgings, or people from the west, north or south.

People from the warrior caste may come and take lodgings there, and also Brahmans, middle class people and menials.

"Similarly, O monks, there arise in this body various kinds of feelings; there arise pleasant feelings, painful feelings and neutral feelings; worldly feelings that are pleasant, painful or neutral, and unworldly (spiritual) feelings that are pleasant, painful and neutral."


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