Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
55. Sot'Āpatti Saṃyutta
4. Puññ-ā-bhisanda Vagga

Sutta 33

Tatiya Abhisanda Suttaṃ

Bonanzas (3)

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Provenance, terms and conditons



[1][pts] "Monks, there are these four bonanzas of merit, bonanzas of skillfulness, nourishments of bliss.

Which four?

"There is the case where the disciple of the noble ones is endowed with verified confidence in the Awakened One....

This is the first bonanza of merit, bonanza of skillfulness, nourishment of bliss.

"And further, the disciple of the noble ones is endowed with verified confidence in the Dhamma....

This is the second bonanza of merit, bonanza of skillfulness, nourishment of bliss.

"And further, the disciple of the noble ones is endowed with verified confidence in the Saṇgha....

This is the third bonanza of merit, bonanza of skillfulness, nourishment of bliss.

"And further, the disciple of the noble ones is discerning, endowed with discernment of arising & passing away—noble, penetrating, leading to the right ending of stress.

This is the fourth bonanza of merit, bonanza of skillfulness, nourishment of bliss.

"These are four bonanzas of merit, bonanzas of skillfulness, nourishments of bliss."



See also:
AN 8:39
SN 55.31;
SN 55.32


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