Aṅguttara Nikāya

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III. Tika Nipāta
XIV. Yodh-ā-jīva Vagga

The Book of the Threes

Sutta 134

Uppādā Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds



[1][bit][pts][than] I Hear Tell:

Once upon a time The Lucky Man said words to this effect:

"Tathāgatas appearing, beggars,
or Tathāgatas not appearing,
this stands:

It holds up as a property of things,
it is a settled thing:

'Everything own-made changes.'

This the Tathāgata wakes up to
and comprehends.

Waking up to this
and comprehending it
he describes it, points to it, makes it known;
establishes, uncovers, analyzes, and makes it plain:

'Everything own-made changes.'

[2][pts][than] Tathāgatas appearing, beggars,
or Tathāgatas not appearing,
this stands:

It stands as a property of things,
is a settled thing:

'Everything own-made is just pain.'

This the Tathāgata wakes up to and comprehends.

Waking up to this
and comprehending it
he describes it, points to it, makes it known;
establishes, uncovers, analyzes, and makes it plain:

'Everything own-made is just pain.'

[3][pts][than] Tathāgatas appearing, beggars,
or Tathāgatas not appearing,
this stands:

It stands as a property of things,
is a settled thing:

'All things are not-self.'

This the Tathāgata wakes up to and comprehends.

Waking up to this
and comprehending it
he describes it, points to it, makes it known;
establishes, uncovers, analyzes, and makes it plain:

'All things are not-self.'"


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