Aṅguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipata
The Book of Fives
Sutta 150
Dutiya Samaya-Vimutta Suttaṃ
Freedom from Things of Time (2)
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time, Sāvatthī-town revisiting
The Lucky Man addressed the beggars there:
"Bhante!" said the beggars in response,
and The Lucky Man said:
"These five lead to coming down
for one who has gained freedom from things of time.
What five?
Delight in activity.
Delight in gab.
Delight in sleep.
Leaving unguarded the doors of the senses.
Immoderate eating.
Indeed, Beggars, these five
lead to coming down
for one who has gained freedom from things of time.
"These five lead to not coming down
for one who has gained freedom from things of time.
What five?
Non-delight in activity.
Non-delight in gab.
Non-delight in sleep.
Guarding the doors of the senses.
Moderate eating.
Indeed, Beggars, these five
lead to not coming down
for one who has gained freedom from things of time.