Aṅguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipata
The Book of Fives
Sutta 153
Tatiya Sammatta-Niyāma Suttaṃ
The High Measure of Madness Method (3)
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time, Sāvatthī-town revisiting
The Lucky Man addressed the beggars there:
"Bhante!" said the beggars in response,
and The Lucky Man said:
"Five, beggars, are things possessed of which,
even hearing the best of Dhammas,
there will be no falling in with the method
of skillful things consummately delightful.
What five?
Listening to Dhamma hypocritically,
pre-positioned to fake enthusiasm,[1]
listening to Dhamma critical at heart,
seeking the weak spots,
Dhamma-teaching being beaten-back in a heart
overpowered by obstructions,
being stupid, a dull drivler
being knowledge-proud, not knowing.
These, beggars, are the things possessed of which,
even hearing the best of Dhammas,
there will be no falling in with the method
of skillful things consummately delightful.
"Five, beggars, are things possessed of which,
if hearing the best of Dhammas,
there will be falling in with the method
of skillful things consummately delightful.
Not listening to Dhamma hypocritically,
not pre-positioned to fake enthusiasm,
not listening to Dhamma critical at heart,
not seeking the weak spots,
Dhamma-teaching not being beaten-back in a heart
not overpowered by obstructions,
being wise, no dull driveler,
not being knowledge-proud not knowing.
These, beggars, are the things possessed of which,
if hearing the best of Dhammas,
there will be falling in with the method
of skillful things consummately delightful.
[1] Makkhī ... makkha-pariyuṭṭhito. Smearing over, masking, hence Hare's 'unction'.