Aṅguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipata
The Book of Fives
Sutta 177
Vaṇijjā Suttaṃ
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Translators Introduction
Notice here the use of broad general or generic terms for the various occupations thus rendering the list less subject to time. 'Swords' is to imply weapons. It could have been 'knives', but knives are sometimes not used as weapons. Trade in living beings implies more than the slave trade and includes trade in animals raised for slaughter. Trade in 'limbs' or 'members' (parts) points to the role of the butcher.
Once upon a time Bhagava, Sāvatthi-town, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park, came-a revisiting.
There, to the Beggars gathered round, he said:
And: "Broke Tooth!" the Beggars gathered round responded.
Then Bhagava said:
"Five, beggars, are the trades[1] that should not be undertaken by a lay follower.
What five?
Trade in swords,
trade in living beings,
trade in limbs,
trade in maddening drugs,
trade in poisons.
These are the five trades, beggars, that should not be undertaken by a lay follower."
[1] Vaṇijjā. Trade. Sattha- swords, weapons; satta- living beings, human slaves, animals raised for slaughter, probably even animals raised for farm labor, possibly even pets; maṃsa- limbs, members, (meat), 'parts'; majja- maddening drugs, alcohol, intoxicants, any substance resulting in people loosing good judgment; visa- poisons.