Aṅguttara Nikāya
23. Dīgha-Cārika Vagga
The Book of Fives
Sutta 224
Dutiya Ati-Nivāsa Suttaṃ
Over-Staying (Second)
Once upon a time, Bhagavā, Sāvatthi-town residing.
There then the Lucky Man addressed the beggars gathered round:
And the beggars responding:
the Lucky Man said this:
"There are these five disadvantages of over-staying.
What five?
Having residence-greed,
having supporter-greed,
having gains-greed,
having status-greed,
having Dhamma-greed.
These, beggars, are the five disadvantages from over-staying.
There are these five advantages of regular habitat-rotation.
What five?
Not having residence-greed,
not having supporter-greed,
not having gains-greed,
not having status-greed,
not having Dhamma-greed.
These, beggars, are the five advantages of regular habitat-rotation."