Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Edited: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 7:22 AM

Saṃyutta Nikāya:
IV. Saḷāyatana Vagga
35: Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta
Paññāsaṃ Catutthaṃ
1. Nandikkhaya Vagga

Sutta 156

Dutiya Nandi-k-Khaya Suttaṃ (Bāhirana)

The Destruction of Taking Enjoyment in the External

Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds



[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

Once upon a time, Lucky Man,
Sāvatthi-town revisiting,
Anāthapiṇḍika's Jeta grove.

There to the Beggars gathered round, he said:


And upon the bhikkhus responding "Bhante!"
Bhagava said:

"Whenever, beggars,
a beggar sees visual objects
as unreliable,
he has achieved consummate view.

With seeing consummately
comes satiation.

In the destruction of taking enjoyment,
the destruction of lust
in the destruction of lust,
the destruction of taking enjoyment.

With the destruction
of taking enjoyment in lust,
the heart is called

Whenever, beggars,
a beggar sees unreliable sounds
as unreliable,
he has achieved consummate view.

With seeing consummately
comes satiation.

In the destruction of taking enjoyment,
the destruction of lust
in the destruction of lust,
the destruction of taking enjoyment.

With the destruction
of taking enjoyment in lust,
the heart is called

Whenever, beggars,
a beggar sees unreliable scents
as unreliable,
he has achieved consummate view.

With seeing consummately
comes satiation.

In the destruction of taking enjoyment,
the destruction of lust
in the destruction of lust,
the destruction of taking enjoyment.

With the destruction
of taking enjoyment in lust,
the heart is called

Whenever, beggars,
a beggar sees unreliable tastes
as unreliable,
he has achieved consummate view.

With seeing consummately
comes satiation.

In the destruction of taking enjoyment,
the destruction of lust
in the destruction of lust,
the destruction of taking enjoyment.

With the destruction
of taking enjoyment in lust,
the heart is called

Whenever, beggars,
a beggar sees unreliable touches
as unreliable,
he has achieved consummate view.

With seeing consummately
comes satiation.

In the destruction of taking enjoyment,
the destruction of lust
in the destruction of lust,
the destruction of taking enjoyment.

With the destruction
of taking enjoyment in lust,
the heart is called

Whenever, beggars,
a beggar sees unreliable things
as unreliable,
he has achieved consummate view.

With seeing consummately
comes satiation.

In the destruction
of taking enjoyment,
the destruction of lust
in the destruction of lust,
the destruction of taking enjoyment.

With the destruction
of taking enjoyment in lust,
the heart is called


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