Saṃyutta Nikāya
4. Saḷāyatana Vagga
38. Jambukhādaka Saṃyutta
Roseapple-Eater's Questions
Sutta 2
Arahatta Suttaṃ
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time, Old Man Sāriputta,
was living amungst the Magadhese,
in Nālagā town.
There then Roseapple-Eater, the wanderer,
went to where Old Man Sāriputta was located,
where he drew near and
having drawn near Old Man Sāriputta,
having given salutation,
took a seat to one side.
Having taken a seat to one side then,
Roseapple-Eater, the wanderer, said this
to Old Man Sāriputta:
"'Arahantship, Arahantship'
they say, friend Sāriputta.
What then, friend,
is this Arahantship?
"Just this, friend:
the destruction of lust,
the destruction of anger,
the destruction of confusion.
This is called
"Is there, friend, a Way,
is there a path
to personally experience
this Arahantship?"
"There is, friend, a Way,
there is a path
to personally experience
this Arahantship.'
"What, friend, is that Way,
what is that path
to personally experience
this Arahantship?"
"This, friend:
The Aristocratic Multi-dimensional Way,[1]
that is:
Consummate view,
consummate principles,
consummate talk,
consummate works,
consummate lifestyle,
consummate self-control,
consummate mind,
consummate serenity.
"This is, friend, that Way,
that path
to personally experience
this Arahantship.'
"A lucky Way, friend,
a lucky path,
to personally experience,
this Arahantship and
moreover, friend Sāriputta,
there is enough there
to bring about non-carelessness."
[1] For details, see Footnote 1 of SN 4.38.01.