Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Pañcaka Nipāta
I: Sekha-Bala Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
I: The Learner's Powers

Sutta 8

He falls away

Translated by E. M. Hare

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[6] [5]

[1][bodh] 'Monks, possessed of five things a monk falls away,
finding no support in Saddhamma.[1]

What five?

Without faith a monk falls away,
finding no support in Saddhamma;
without conscientiousness a monk falls away,
finding no support in Saddhamma;
without fear of blame a monk falls away,
finding no support in Saddhamma;
being indolent a monk falls away,
finding no support in Saddhamma;
without insight a monk falls away,
finding no support in Saddhamma.

Monks, possessed of these five things a monk falls away,
finding no support in Saddhamma.




Monks, possessed of five things a monk falls not away,
finding support in Saddhamma.

What five?

With faith a monk falls not away,
finding support in Saddhamma;
with conscientiousness a monk falls not away,
finding support in Saddhamma;
with fear of blame a monk falls not away,
finding support in Saddhamma;
with energy a monk falls not away,
finding support in Saddhamma;
with insight a monk falls not away,
finding support in Saddhamma.


[1] On this emphatic term (usually rendered 'good' dhamma) see Vol. I, ix ff.

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