Aṅguttara Nikāya

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Aṅguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
V. Akkosa Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
V: Reviling

Sutta 49

Sarīra'ṭṭha-Dhamma Suttaṃ

Inherent in Body

Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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[1][olds] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī.

There the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:


"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:

"These ten conditions, monks, are inherent in body.[1]

What ten?

Cold and heat,
hunger and thirst,
evacuation and urination,
restraint of body,
restraint of speech,
restraint of living,
and the again-becoming becoming-aggregate.[2]

These ten conditions are inherent in body.'


[1] Sarīra-ṭṭhā.

[2] Bhava-sankhāro.

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