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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
47. Sati-Paṭṭhāna Saṃyutta
9. Esana Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
47. Kindred Sayings on the Stations of Mindfulness
9. Longing

Suttas 85-94

Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
Commercial Rights Reserved
Creative Commons Licence
For details see Terms of Use.



Sutta 85


a. Full Comprehension

[85.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these three longings.

What three?

The longing for sensual delights,
the longing for becoming,
the longing for the holy life.

These, monks, are the three longings.

It is for the full comprehension of these three longings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there are these three longings.

What three?

The longing for sensual delights,
the longing for becoming,
the longing for the holy life.

These, monks, are the three longings.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three longings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there are these three longings.

What three?

The longing for sensual delights,
the longing for becoming,
the longing for the holy life.

These, monks, are the three longings.

It is for the wearing out of these three longings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there are these three longings.

What three?

The longing for sensual delights,
the longing for becoming,
the longing for the holy life.

These, monks, are the three longings.

It is for the abandoning of these three longings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 86


a. Full Comprehension

[86.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these three conceits.

What three?

The 'better am I' conceit,
the 'equal am I' conceit,
the 'worse am I' conceit.

These are the three conceits.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three conceits, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there are these three conceits.

What three?

The 'better am I' conceit,
the 'equal am I' conceit,
the 'worse am I' conceit.

These are the three conceits.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three conceits, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there are these three conceits.

What three?

The 'better am I' conceit,
the 'equal am I' conceit,
the 'worse am I' conceit.

These are the three conceits.

It is for the wearing out of these three conceits, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there are these three conceits.

What three?

The 'better am I' conceit,
the 'equal am I' conceit,
the 'worse am I' conceit.

These are the three conceits.

It is for the abandoning of these three conceits, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 87


a. Full Comprehension

[87.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are three āsavas.

What three?

The āsava of sensual delight,
the āsava of becoming,
the āsava of nescience.

These are the three.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three āsavas, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there are three āsavas.

What three?

The āsava of sensual delight,
the āsava of becoming,
the āsava of nescience.

These are the three.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three āsavas, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there are three āsavas.

What three?

The āsava of sensual delight,
the āsava of becoming,
the āsava of nescience.

These are the three.

It is for the wearing out of these three āsavas, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there are three āsavas.

What three?

The āsava of sensual delight,
the āsava of becoming,
the āsava of nescience.

These are the three.

It is for the abandoning of these three āsava, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 88


a. Full Comprehension

[88.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks there are three becomings.

What three?

Becoming in the sensuous world,
becoming in the world of form,
becoming in the formless world.

These are the three.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three becomings monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks there are three becomings.

What three?

Becoming in the sensuous world,
becoming in the world of form,
becoming in the formless world.

These are the three.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three becomings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks there are three becomings.

What three?

Becoming in the sensuous world,
becoming in the world of form,
becoming in the formless world.

These are the three.

It is for the wearing out of these three becomings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks there are three becomings.

What three?

Becoming in the sensuous world,
becoming in the world of form,
becoming in the formless world.

These are the three.

It is for the abandoning of these three becomings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 89


a. Full Comprehension

[89.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these three forms of suffering.

What three?

The sort of suffering caused by pain,
the sort caused by the activities,
the sort of suffering caused by the changeable nature of things.

These are the three.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three forms of suffering monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there are these three forms of suffering.

What three?

The sort of suffering caused by pain,
the sort caused by the activities,
the sort of suffering caused by the changeable nature of things.

These are the three.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three forms of suffering, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there are these three forms of suffering.

What three?

The sort of suffering caused by pain,
the sort caused by the activities,
the sort of suffering caused by the changeable nature of things.

These are the three.

It is for the wearing out of these three forms of suffering, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there are these three forms of suffering.

What three?

The sort of suffering caused by pain,
the sort caused by the activities,
the sort of suffering caused by the changeable nature of things.

These are the three.

It is for the abandoning of these three forms of suffering, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 90


a. Full Comprehension

[90.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these three (mental) obstructions.

What three?|| ||

The obstruction of lust,
the obstruction of hatred,
the obstruction of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three obstructions monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there are these three (mental) obstructions.

What three?|| ||

The obstruction of lust,
the obstruction of hatred,
the obstruction of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three obstructions, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there are these three (mental) obstructions.

What three?|| ||

The obstruction of lust,
the obstruction of hatred,
the obstruction of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the wearing out of these three obstructions, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there are these three (mental) obstructions.

What three?|| ||

The obstruction of lust,
the obstruction of hatred,
the obstruction of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the abandoning of these three obstructions, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 91


a. Full Comprehension

[91.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these three stains.

What three?

The stain of lust,
the stain of hatred,
the stain of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three stains, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there are these three stains.

What three?

The stain of lust,
the stain of hatred,
the stain of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three stains, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there are these three stains.

What three?

The stain of lust,
the stain of hatred,
the stain of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the wearing out of these three stains, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there are these three stains.

What three?

The stain of lust,
the stain of hatred,
the stain of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the abandoning of these three stains, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 92


a. Full Comprehension

[92.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these three pains.

What three?

The pain of lust,
the pain of hatred,
the pain of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three pains, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there are these three pains.

What three?

The pain of lust,
the pain of hatred,
the pain of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three pains, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there are these three pains.

What three?

The pain of lust,
the pain of hatred,
the pain of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the wearing out of these three pains, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there are these three pains.

What three?

The pain of lust,
the pain of hatred,
the pain of illusion.

These are the three.

It is for the abandoning of these three pains, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 93


a. Full Comprehension

[93.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these three feelings.

What three?

Feeling that is pleasant,
feeling that is painful,
feeling that is neither pleasant nor painful.

These are the three.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three feelings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there are these three feelings.

What three?

Feeling that is pleasant,
feeling that is painful,
feeling that is neither pleasant nor painful.

These are the three.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three feelings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there are these three feelings.

What three?

Feeling that is pleasant,
feeling that is painful,
feeling that is neither pleasant nor painful.

These are the three.

It is for the wearing out of these three feelings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there are these three feelings.

What three?

Feeling that is pleasant,
feeling that is painful,
feeling that is neither pleasant nor painful.

These are the three.

It is for the abandoning of these three feelings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 94


a. Full Comprehension

[94.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there axe these three cravings.

What three?

The craving for sensual delights,
the craving for becoming,
the craving for ceasing to become.

These are the three.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three cravings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there axe these three cravings.

What three?

The craving for sensual delights,
the craving for becoming,
the craving for ceasing to become.

These are the three.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three cravings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there axe these three cravings.

What three?

The craving for sensual delights,
the craving for becoming,
the craving for ceasing to become.

These are the three.

It is for the wearing out of these three cravings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there axe these three cravings.

What three?

The craving for sensual delights,
the craving for becoming,
the craving for ceasing to become.

These are the three.

It is for the abandoning of these three cravings, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.




Sutta 94.2


a. Full Comprehension

[94.2.1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Monks, there axe these three thirsts.

What three?

The thirst for sensual delights,
the thirst for becoming,
the thirst for ceasing to become.

These are the three.

It is for the full comprehension
of these three thirsts, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



b. Realization

"Monks, there axe these three thirsts.

What three?

The thirst for sensual delights,
the thirst for becoming,
the thirst for ceasing to become.

These are the three.

It is for the realization of (the meaning of) these three thirsts, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness is to be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



c. Weariing Out

"Monks, there axe these three thirsts.

What three?

The thirst for sensual delights,
the thirst for becoming,
the thirst for ceasing to become.

These are the three.

It is for the wearing out of these three thirsts, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.



d. Abandoning

"Monks, there axe these three thirsts.

What three?

The thirst for sensual delights,
the thirst for becoming,
the thirst for ceasing to become.

These are the three.

It is for the abandoning of these three thirsts, monks,
that the four stations of mindfulness must be cultivated.

What four stations of mindfulness?

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
based on seclusion,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in feeling in a contemplaton of feeling
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which ends in the restraint of passion,
which ends in the restraint of hatred,
which ends in the restraint of illusion.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which plunges into the deathless,
which has the deathless for its aim,
which has the deathless for its end.

Herein a monk dwells in body in a contemplaton of body
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in feelings in a contemplaton of feelings
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind in a contemplaton of mind
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna;

He dwells in mind-states in a contemplaton of mind-states
which flows to Nibbāna,
which slides to Nibbāna,
which tends to Nibbāna.

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