The Method
Practice Giving at every opportunity. Pervade the 10 Directions with your Friendly Vibrations, Sympathetic Vibrations, Empathetic Vibrations, and Objective Detachment. Practice thinking, speaking, and acting ethically. Practice a little self-defense: want little, eat little, talk little, sleep little. Acquaint yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of good and bad behavior. Research the Dhamma. Do your homework. Know your stuff. See for yourself Don't take anyone's word for anything. Follow: |
The Aristocratic Multi-Dimensional High Way
1. High Working Hypothesis
Adopt as your working hypothesis these
Four Aristocrats of Truths
1. This is the truth about pain: This is all pain
2. This is the truth about the origin of pain: This pain originates from your hunger and thirst
3. This is the truth about how to end the pain: To end the pain, end the hunger and thirst
4. This is the truth about the walk to walk to end the pain: The walk to walk to end the pain is this Aristocratic Multidimensional High Way, that is: High Working Hypothesis; High Principles; High Talk; High Works; High Lifestyle; High Self-Control; High Mind; High Serenity; High Vision and High Objective Detachment.
2. High Principles
1. Aandoning, dumping, letting go, putting down, putting away, dropping, giving up, departing from, leaving behind, renouncing
2. Non-Cruelty
3. Non-Harm
The principles you use to govern your behavior based on the working hypothesis you are testing.
3. High Talk
No intentional untrue, cruel, harsh, slanderous or useless talk
4. High Works
No intentional working harm, taking what has not been given, or straying from the path for pleasure's sake in your magic charms, works (deeds), or occupation.
5. High Lifestyle
Make a lifestyle out of identifying those elements of your personality that are contra-indicated, low, unskillful, un-Aristocratic, profitless, and dumping them
6. High Self-Control
Exercise Self-control. Make effort, exert energy to
1. Restrain low unskillful conditions that have arisen in the here and now
2. Refrain from low unskillful conditions that have not yet arisen
3. Obtain high, skillful conditions that have not yet arisen
4. Retain high, skillful conditions that have arisen
7. High Mind
Live, while you live in a body, in sensation, in the heart, and in the word,
understanding body, sensation, the heart and the word,
seeing them as they really are,
seeing how they arise,
seeing how they end,
satchful and diligent,
(Appamāda; non-carelessness),
reviewing and calming down,
overcoming any hunger and thirst that may appear,
releasing it all,
above it all,
downbound to nothing at all in the world.
8. High Serenity
Achieve a state with no objectives,
no indications of lust, anger, or blindness, and
empty of lust, anger, and blindness,
whether walking, standing sill, sitting down, or lying down.
Do this by the practice of
cultivating one state of mind by abandoning another,
this way:
Sit down.
Sit up straight.
Take in 1, 2, 3 deep, deep, deep inhalations of fresh air, and
focusing the mind around area of the mouth, and
putting aside any wanting to attain pleasure,
any anger,
any inclination towards laziness,
any fear and trembling,
any doubt and vacillation, and
using any method or device that works for you,
still, calm, and tranquillize the body and
concentrate the mind, and
having attained concentration in mind,
having attained tranquillity of body,
let go of any method or device you have used to still, calm, and tranquillize the body and concentrate the mind, and
from this point, practice "not-doing" and
let it all go:
do not strive after any level of attainment in meditative skill
let go
of any tension in the body that you notice arising and
reside in the appreciation of the peace and calm of solitude
let go
of any "train of thought", rethinking and pondering, that may arise, and
reside in the enjoyment of enthusiasm for sereneity
let go of any inclination to enjoyment or enthusiasm and reside in ease
let go
of any predisposition to return to bodily pains and pleasures or
mental ease or discomfort and
reside in objective detachment.
Develop and make a big thing of the Four Paths to Magic Powers.
9. High Vision
Downbound Confounded Rebounding Conjuration
Downbound because "down" it is what is tying one down,
"up" it is headed downward.
Confounded because it is the co-founding by that which is identified as the self and "the world" of a personal world — made through identification with intentional acts of body, speech or mind where the intention is to produce experience in the self and which result in sensations identified as belonging to the self. Otherwise called here "own-making".
Rebounding because it doubles back on the track of the force which creates it.
Conjuration meaning the same thing as confounding (joining together to bring into existence) but is here a word for the act where the former was a word for the fact.
See, do not "understand in theory" or "think through", but actually "envision" — "see in the mind" how:
Downbound blindness
rebounds bound up in confounding
That is: Blindness to these Four Aristocrats of Truths — this Aristocratic Multi-Dimensional High Way — or, in other words, blindness to the fact that
Whatsoever has Come to Be
is a Thing Destined to Come to an End —
results in creation of existence in a personal world.
Downbound confounding
rebounds bound up in re-knowing-knowing-knowledge
knowing the knowable as an individual;
self-consciousness, individualized consciousness.
Downbound re-knowing-knowing-knowledge
rebounds bound up in Named Form
"Phenomena" FaceName. The inter-operation of the individualized mind (called "name" because it distinguishes and identifies itself and other by an internal set of names) and matter (called "form" or "shape" or "appearance" or "entity" because it is whatever can be said to have become a "thing" in the world, including mental states, concepts, sounds, etc.)
Downbound Named Form
rebounds bound up in re-knowing-knowing-knowledge
Individualized — confounded — consciousness is the factor on which the name/form phenomena depends, and name/form is the factor on which individualized consciousness depends.
It is only in-so-far-as these three:
consciousness, name and form
interact that there is that which is understood to be existence as a being in a state of being.
Downbound re-knowing-knowing-knowledge
rebounds bound up in the realm of the senses
Downbound being bound up in the realm of the senses
rebounds bound up in contact
In the "realm" or "sphere" or "state" characterized by experience
through contact through the six senses
of the objects of those senses;
(being conscious of seeing sights, etc.)
Downbound contact
rebounds bound up in sensation
The experience of pleasure, pain, or neither pain nor pleasure
in connection with a sense stimulus)
Downbound sensation
rebounds bound up in wanting
(that's that 'hunger and thirst'; craving; appetite)
To get, to get away.
Downbound wanting
rebounds bound up bound up
Getting involved in getting.
Downbound getting bound up
rebounds bound up in living
Getting involved in living
in some state of being an "it"
in some place of being "at"
Downbound living
rebounds bound up being born
As some kind of an "it"
in some place of being "at".
Downbound being born
rebounds bound up in
Grief and Lamentation
and Despair.
See how:
Cut down blindness to the Four Aristocrats of Truths — this Aristocratic Multi-Dimensional High Way —
cuts down rebounding bound up in confounding
Cut down confounding
cuts down rebounding bound up in re-knowing-knowing-knowledge
Cut down re-knowing-knowing-knowledge
cuts down rebounding bound up in named form
Cut down named form
cuts down rebounding bound up in re-knowing-knowing-knowledge
Cut down re-knowing-knowing-knowledge
cuts down rebounding bound up in the realm of the senses
Cut down being bound up in the senses
cuts down contact
Cut down contact
cuts down rebounding bound up in sensation
Cut down sensation
cuts down rebounding bound up in hunger and thirst
Cut down hunger and thirst cuts down rebounding bound up bound up
Cut down getting bound up
cuts down rebounding bound up in living
Cut down living
cuts down rebounding bound up being born
Cut down being born
cuts down rebounding bound up in
Aging, Sickness and Death
Grief and Lamentation
Pain and Misery
and Despair.
10. High Objective Detachment
So seeing (High Vision), act accordingly.
Seeing the arising of re-knowing-knowing-knowledge and sense experience;
seeing the ending of re-knowing-knowing-knowledge and sense experience;
understanding that this seeing and all those mental states that came before are confounded,
made up of parts,
subject to breaking a-part,
(and do not just resolve, but actually do it)
to let go of confounding mental states
and by that
attain the uttermost objective detachment possible,
and at that point,
seeing that this is being free,
In freedom recognize freedom, and
Recognize that
birth has been left behind, and
Recognize that
duty's doing has been done, and
Recognize that
there is no more this side or that, and
Recognize that
there is no more being any kind of an "it"
at any place of "atness" left for you.