The Sixth Lesson
Cha Nāma Kim? What is Six?
What six concepts, when used to see things to their root with penetrating knowledge, and to understand them in their broadest limits, such that their disgusting nature is seen as it really is and one has released them in their entirety, can bring one to the uttermost freedom of detachment?
Saḷāyatana — The Realm of the Senses
This, Beggars, is The All:
The Eye and Visible Objects
The Ear and Sounds
The Nose and Scents
The Tongue and Tastes
The Body and Touch
The Mind and Ideas
Any Beggar, Beggars, who came along saying:
'I will show you another all
beyond this all!'
Would be unable to do so,
and furthermore
would find himself
over the Abyss!
How come?
Because to point to another all
beyond this all
would be beyond his scope,
That's how come.
The All Is In Flames!
The All, Beggars, is In Flames!
What All, Beggars, is In Flames?
The Eye and Sights, Beggars, are In Flames!
The Ear and Sounds, Beggars, are In Flames!
The Nose and Scents, Beggars, are In Flames!
The Tongue and Tastes, The Body and Touches, and The Mind and Ideas, Beggars, are All In Flames!
Inflamed with What?
Inflamed with the Flames of Lust!
Inflamed with the Flames of Anger!
Inflamed with the Flames of Blindness!
Inflamed with the Flames of Birth!
Inflamed with the Flames of Aging, Sickness and Death!
Grief and Lamentation!
Pain and Misery!
and Despair!
The All is in Pain
He who takes delight in the All, Beggars, takes Delight in Pain,
So I say
He who delights in Pain, Beggars, is not Free from Pain,
So I say
He who takes no delight in the All, Beggars, takes no delight in Pain,
So I say
He who takes no delight in Pain, Beggars, is Free From Pain,
So say I.