Ethical Culture
The Pāḷi Line: The Gradual Course: Ethical Culture
[DN 1]
Long Discourses I: BrahmaNet Spell: Ethics
ATI: Virtue: sila (an anthology)
Pāḷi | MO | Hare | Horner | Punnaji | Bodhi | Nanamoli | Rhys Davids | (Mrs)Rhys Davids | Thanissaro | Walshe | Woodward |
Sīla | Ethical Culture, Ethics | Morals | Moral habit | acts of omission letting go of behaviors rooted in self-centered emotional impulses | Virtue, Habits, Rule | Virtue, Habits, Rule | Morality | Morality | Virtue | Morality | Habit |
Pāḷi Text Society
Pāḷi English Dictionary
Edited by T. W. Rhys Davids and William Stede
Sīla: [cp. Sk. shīla. It is interesting to note that the Dhtp puts down a root sīl in meaning of samādhi...1. nature, character, habit, behaviour; usually as-in adj. function "being of such a nature," like, having the character of . . ., e. g. adāna- of stingy character, illiberal...parisuddha- of excellent character A III.124...- dussīla (of) bad character D III.235;...- 2. moral practice, good character, Buddhist ethics, code of morality. (a) The dasa-sīla or 10 items of good character (not "commandments") are (1) pāṇa-tipātā veramaṇī, i. e. abstinence from taking life; (2) adinn'ādānā (from) taking what is not given to one; (3) abrahmacariyā adultery (oṭherwise called kāmesu micchā-cārā); (4) musā-vādā telling lies; (5) pisuna-vācāya slander; (6) pharusa-vācāya harsh or impolite speech; (7) samphappalāpā frivolous and senseless talk; (8) abhijjhāya covetousness; (9) byāpādā malevolence; (10) micchādiṭṭhiyā heretic views. - Of these 10 we sometimes find only the first 7 designated as "sīla" per se, or good character generally. See e. g. A I.269...- (b) The pañca-sīla or 5 items of good behaviour are Nos. 1-4 of dasa-sīla, and (5) abstaining from any state of indolence arising from (the use of) intoxicants, viz. surā-meraya-majjapamāda-ṭṭhānā veramaṇī. These five also from the first half of the 10 sikkha-padāni. They are a sort of preliminary condition to any higher development after conforming to the teaching of the Buddha...- (c) The only standard enumerations of the 5 or 10 sīlas are found at two places in the Saṅyutta...S IV.342...S II.68...- (d) Three special tracts on morality are found in the Canon. The Cullasīla (D I.3 sq.) consists first of the items (dasa) sīla 1-7; then follow specific injunctions as to practices of daily living and special conduct,...and then the Mahāsīla D I.9 sq. The whole of these 3 sīlas is called sīlakkhandha and is (in the Sāmaññaphala sutta e. g.) grouped with samādhi- and paññākkhandha: D I.206 sq.; at A V.205, 206 sīla-kkhandha refers to the Culla-sīla only. The three (s., samādhi and paññā) are often mentioned together, e. g. D II.81, 84...
-anga constituent of morality...
-kkhandha all that belongs to moral practices, body of morality as forming the first constituent of the 5 khandhas or groups (+samādhi-, paññā-, vimutti-, ñāṇadassana-kkhandha), which make up the 5 sampadās or whole range of religious development...- Vin. 162 sq.; III.164; A I.124, 291; II.20; S I.99 sq.;...
-gandha the fragrance of good works...
-caraṇa moral life J IV.328, 332.
-bbata ...good works and ceremonial observances...A I.225; S IV.118...
-parāmāsa the contagion of mere rule and ritual, the infatuation of good works, the delusion that they suffice Vin I.184; M I.433;...A III.377; IV.144 sq.;...sīlabbatupādāna grasping after works and rites D II.58;...- The old form sīlavata still preserves the original good sense, as much as "observing the rules of good conduct," "being of virtuous behaviour."...
-bheda a breach of morality...
-mattaka a matter of mere morality D I.3...
-vatta morality, virtue S I.143...
-saṅvara self-restraint in conduct D I.69;...
-sampadā practice of morality Vin I.227; D II.86; M I.194, 201 sq.; A I.95, 269 sq., II.66;...