High-getting, Focus, Serinity, Concentration, Meditation
High Getting High
The Seventh Lesson
The Eighth Lesson
The 10th Lesson
[MN 9]
WP, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #9: Right View, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans, pp134
[MN 118]
PTS: Majjhima Nikaya III: #118 (Middle Length Sayings III #118: Mindfulness When Breathing, Horner trans., pp127)
WP: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #118: Mindfulness of Breathing., Nanamoli/Bodhi, trans., pp946
[DN 22]
PTS, Dialogues of the Buddha II: #22: Setting-Up of Mindfulness, Rhys Davids, trans, pp336
[AN 4.14]
PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings II: The Book of the Fours, II: Deportment iv: Restraint, Woodward, trans, pp16
Wings to Awakening
Puremind Publishers, Bhante Madawela Punnaji, Awakening Meditation, pp4-7
[DN 16]
Rhys Davids: Buddhist Suttas, I: The Book of the Great Decease, Chapter I, note 17
[SN 3.34.1-55]
SN 3.34.1-55: Linked Suttas on Burning Includes suttas, vocabulary and discussion.
SN 1.4.1-25, The Mara Suttas, Penitence and Works, Olds, translation, n5.
Pāḷi | MO | Hare | Horner | Punnaji | Bodhi | Nanamoli | Rhys Davids | (Mrs)Rhys Davids | Thanissaro | Walshe | Woodward |
samādhi | Serenity, Getting High | concentration | concentration, enlightenment | Equilibrium, Mental Repose | concentration, enlightenment | concentration | earnest contemplation, rapture | concentration | concentration | Concentration | concentration |
Pāḷi Text Society
Pāḷi English Dictionary
Edited by T. W. Rhys Davids and William Stede
Samādhi: [fr. saṅ+ā+dhā]
1. concentration; a concentrated, self-collected, intent state of mind and meditation, which, concomitant with right living, is a necessary condition to the attainment of higher wisdom and emancipation. In the Subha-suttanta of the Digha (D I.209 sq.) samā the title otherwise given to the cittasampadā...Thus samādhi would comprise
(a) the guarding of the senses...
(b) self-possession...
(c) contentment...
(d) emancipation from the 5 hindrances
(e) the 4 jhānas....A III.12...D III.229...A I.125; II.20; III.15; V.326;... It is defined as cittassa ekaggatā M I.301;...and with samatha...-- sammā* is one the constituents of the eightfold ariya-magga, e. g. D III.277;... -- See further D II.123 (ariya); Vin I.97, 104; S I.28;...
2. Description & characterization of samādhi: Its four nimittas or signs are the four satipaṭṭhānas M I.301; six conditions and six hindrances A III.427; other hindrances M III.158. The second jhāna is born from samādhi D II.186; it is a condition for attaining kusalā dhammā A I.115;...; conducive to insight A III.19, 24 sq., 200; S IV.80; to seeing heavenly sights etc. D I.173; to removing mountains etc. A III.311; removes the delusions of self A I.132 sq.; leads to Arahantship A II.45;...ceto-samādhi (rapture of mind) D I.13; A II.54; III.51; S IV.297; citta* id..... dhammāsamādhi almost identical with samatha S IV.350 sq.
...-- Three kinds of s. are distinguished, suññata or empty, appaṇihita or aimless, and animitta or signless A I.299; S IV.360; cp. IV.296; Vin III.93;...
--it is fourfold chanda-, viriya-, citta-, and vīmaṅsa-samādhi D II.213; S V.268....
-indriya the faculty of concentration A II.149...
-ja produced by concentration D I.74; III.13; Vism 158.
-bala the power of concentration A I.94; II.252; D III.213, 253;...
-bhāvanā cultivation, attainment of samādhi M I.301; A II.44 sq. (four different kinds mentioned); III.25 sq.; D III.222; Vism 371.
-sambojjhanga the s. constituent of enlightment D III.106, 226, 252; Vism 134...
SN 1.4.1-25, The Mara Suttas, Penitence and Works, Olds, translation, n5.
Horner and Bhk Bodhi use "enlightenment". The word used is: samajjhagan (> samadhigā; samadhigacchati). Important? I think so. I think the situation before the Buddha was "enlightened" was similar to what we have here today. Those who were working on their minds got high. They do it now, they did it then. The problem was the same then as it is now: drugs are not reliable (in this life) or portable (to other lives), so the intelligent let go of drugs and say 'It has got to be possible to do this (thinking 'and hopefully do it better!') with just the mind.' Afterward, when they do it, they refer to it in the terms from which they emerged: they got high, or they got higher than high. In any case it is important to break away from the sleepy trance of accepted terminology (certainly there is nothing in any of that that is anywhere near the word "enlightenment") as Mara will slip one in there someplace when you are not looking and that will be the one that throws you off track and into another round.
Note: For political correctness I now mostly translate 'samādhi' as 'serentiy' — 'calmly above'.
[Glossology Table of Contents] [Ariya Atthangika Magga] [Satta Sambojjhanga]