Dictionary of Pāḷi Roots
[ A ][ Ā ][ I ][ Ī ][ U ][ Ū ][ E ][ K ][ Kh ][ G ][ Gh ][ C ][ Ch ][ J ][ Jh ][ Ñ ][ Ṭ ][ Ṭh ][ Ḍ ][ T ][ Th ][ D ][ Dh ][ N ][ P ][ Ph ][ B ][ Bh ][ M ][ Y ][ R ][ L ][ V ][ S ][ H ] |
aggh - [ agghati ] - to be worth, cost Skt.: argh añc - [ aṅga] - to bend Skt.: añc acc - [ accati ] - to praise, honor Skt.: [.r]c acch - [ acchati ] - to sit, remain Skt.: ās aj - [ aja] - to go, drive, throw Skt.: aj ajj - [ ajjati ] - to gain, aquire, attain Skt.: [.r]j añch - [ añchati ] - to pull, drag, pull along, turnSkt.: cp. añc, añch, āch añj - [(1) - [ añjati ] - to stretch out, straighten Skt.: [.r]j añj - [(2) - [ añjati, añjeti ] - to smear, anoint, adorn Skt.: añj aṭ - [ aṭatṇaka ] - to wander, roam about Skt.: aṭ aṭṭ - [ aṭṭiyati ] - to trouble, torment, stir, dissolve Skt.: [.r]d at - [ atithi ] - to wander, roam about Skt.: at (same as aṭ) atth - [ attheti ] - to request, beg, ask for Skt.: arth ad - [ adeti ] - to eat Skt.: ad an - [ aṇati ] - to breathe Skt.: an ap - [(app) - [ appoti ] - to get, reach, obtain Skt.: āp app - [ appeti ] - 1. to move, rush 2. to fix, apply, put on Skt.: arp arah - [ arahati ] - to deserve, be worthy of Skt.: arh av - [ ūna, avita, avati? ] - to want, wish, desire Skt.: av as - [(1) - [ atthi ] - to be, exist Skt.: as as - [(2) - [ asati ] - to eat Skt.: a[^s] ah - [ in perfect - āha ] - to speak, say Skt.: ah
āṇa - [ only causative āṇāpeti ] - to order, command Skt.: ājñā āp - [ āpuṇāti ] - to pervade, obtain, reach Skt.: āp ās - [ āsati ] - to sit Skt.: ās āsis - [ āsiṃsati ] - to wish, hope for Skt.: ā[^s]aṃs
i - [ eti ] - to go, move; to accumulate Skt.: i, [.r] (as I have discered from skt: [.r]cchati=pali: icchati, and related words. see app also) ikkh - [ ikkhati ] - to see, look Skt.: īk[.s] icch - [ icchati(2) ] - to go, move, send Skt.: [.r], [.r]ch iñj - [ iñjati ] - to stir, turn about Skt.: iñj, [.r]j? idh - [(1) - [ ijjhati ] - to prosper, thrive Skt.: [.r]dh idh - [(indh)(2) - [ iddha ] - to kindle, light Skt.: idh, indh is - [(a) - [ esati ] - to seek, search Skt.: i[.s] is - [(u) - [ icchati(1) ] - to wish, desire, seek Skt.: i[.s] iss - [ issati ] - to envy, be jealous Skt.: ī[.s]y, īr[.s]y (PED has īr[.s])
ī - to go, move Skt.: ī īr - [ iriyati ] - to move, set in motion Skt.: īr īs - [ īsa ] - to have power, own, possess Skt.: ī[^s] īh - [ īhati ] - to endeavor, attempt Skt.: īh
ukkh - [ ukkhita ] - to sprinkle, drip, wet Skt.: uk[.s] (see also: vakkh) uc - [ ucita, oka ] - to take pleasure in, be fond of, delight in Skt.: uc ujjh - [ ujjhati ] - to forsake, abandon Skt.: ujjh uñch - [ uñchati ] - to glean, gather Skt.: uñch ud - [ udaka ] - to wet Skt.: ud us - [ ukkā, useti, usati? ] - to shine; to burn Skt.: u[.s], vas
ūh - [ ūha, ūhati ] - 1. to consider, conjecture, infer -2. to push, move, thrust Skt.: ūh (see also: vah)
ej - [ ejā ] - to stir, tremble, shake Skt.: ej edh - [ edhati ] - to thrive, grow, prosper Skt.: edh
kaṅkh - [ kaṅkhati ] - to desire, long for Skt.: kāṅk[.s] kac - [(kañc) - [ kañcuka ] - to bind Skt.: kac kaṭh - [ kaṭhati ] - to boil Skt.: kvath kaḍḍh - [ kaḍḍhati ] - to drag, draw, pull Skt.: k[.r][.s] kat - [(kant) - [ kantati ] - 1. to spin, twist, surround 2. to cut, cut off Skt.: k[.r]t katth - [ katthati ] - to boast, flatter Skt.: katth kath - [ katheti ] - to relate, tell, speak Skt.: kath kand - [ kandati ] - to cry, cry out, wail Skt.: krand kap - [ kapaṇa ] - to wail, mourn, lament Skt.: k[.r]p kapp - [ kappeti ] - to arrange, organize Skt.: kl[.r]p, k'p kam - [(1)- [ kāmeti ] - to love, long for Skt.: kam kam - [(2) -[ kamati ] - to walk, walk about, stride, cross, etc. Skt.: kram kamp - [ kampati ] - to shake, tremble Skt.: kamp kay - [ kayati ] - to buy, purchase Skt.: krī kar - [(1) - [ karoti ] - to make, do, work Skt.: k[.r] kar - [(2) - [ karati ] - to cut, hurt Skt.: k[.r]t kal - [ kalati ] - to sound, utter (indistinctly) Skt.: kal kas - [(kass) - [ kassati ] - to till, plough Skt.: k[.r][.s] kās - [(1) - [ kāsa ] - to cough Skt.: kās kās - [(2) - [ okāsati ] - Skt.: kās ki - [ kiṇāti ] - to buy, purchase Skt.: krī kicch - [ kicchati ] - to tire, become weary Skt.: unknown, perhaps related to k[.r]cchra kiṇ - [ kiṇi and kiṇakiṇāyati ] - to tinkle Skt.: unknown, cp. kinkiṇi kit - [ tikicchati ] - to cure, heal Skt.: cp. cikit, cit (AK Warder's Intro. to Pāli has this root, but the Sanskrit has a kit root that I find doesn't fit. The PED has it as a desiderative of cit.) kitt - [ kitteti ] - to praise, proclaim, announce Skt.: cp. kīrti kir - [(kīr) - [ kirati ] - to scatter, spread Skt.: kir (PED has kīr) kilam - [ kilameti ] - to tire, become weary Skt.: klam kilid - [ kilijjati ] - to wet, moisten, be wet Skt.: klid kilis - [ kilissati ] - to torment, trouble, molest (this later took on the meaning of: to wet, stain, dirty) Skt.: kli[^s] kiles - [ kileseti ] - to become soiled, stained Skt.: cp. kle[^s] kis - [ kissati ] - to become emaciated, waste, weary Skt.: k[.r][^s] kī' - [ kī'ati ] - to play, amuse oneself Skt.: krīḍ kūj - [ kūjati ] - to sing, hum, woo Skt.: kuj kujj - [ kujja ] - to bend, fold Skt.: kuc, kruc kujjh - [ kujjhati ] - to be angry Skt.: krudh kuñc - [ kuñcita ] - to curve, bend, make crooked Skt.: kruñc kuṭ - [ kuṭati ] - to crush, break into pieces Skt.: kuṭ kuḍ - [ kuḍḍa ] - to grind, pound Skt.: k[.s]ud kuth - [ kuthati ] - to boil Skt.: kvath kup - [ kuppati ] - to shake, tremble, be angry Skt.: kup kus - [ kosati ] - to call out, cry Skt.: kru[^s] kuh - [ kuheti ] - to deceive, surprise Skt.: kuh
khac - [ khacita ] - to fasten, set Skt.: khac khaj - [ khañjati ] - to be lame Skt.: khaj khajj - [ khajjati ] - to become firm, eat, chew Skt.: khād khaṇḍ - [ khaṇḍeti ] - to break, destroy, divide Skt.: khaṇḍ khan - [ khaṇati ] - to dig up Skt.: khan khand - [ khandati ] - to jump, leap Skt.: skand kham - [ khamati ] - to please, suit, approve, like, endure Skt.: k[.s]am khambh - [ khambheti ] - 1. to prop, support 2. to obstruct Skt.: skambh (see also: thambh) khal - [(1) - [ khalati ] - to stumble, trip, waver Skt.: skhal khal - [(2) - [ khaleti ] - to wash, rub, cleanse Skt.: k[.s]al khā - [ khāyati ] - to seem, see Skt.: khyā khād - [ khādati ] - to eat, bite, chew Skt.: khād khip - [(khipp) - [ khipati ] - to throw, throw out Skt.: k[.s]ip khī - [ khīyati ] - to waste, perish, exhaust Skt.: k[.s]i khubh - [ khubhati ] - to agitate, tremble, shake Skt.: k[.s]ubh
gajj - - [[ gajjati ] - to roar, thunder, growl Skt.: garj gaṇ - [ gaṇeti ] - to count, add up, reckon Skt.: gaṇ gath - [ ganthati ] - to tie, bind Skt.: grath, granth gam - [ gacchati ] - to go, move, go away Skt.: gam garah - [ garahati ] - to scold, reproach, blame, censure Skt.: garh gal - [ ga'ati ] - to drip, flow Skt.: gal gaves - [ gavesati ] - to look for, search, seek Skt.: gave[.s] gah - [ gaṇhati ] - to seize, grasp, take Skt.: grah, grabh gādh - [ gādhati ] - to be firm, steadfast Skt.: gādh gāh - [ gāheti ] - to immerse, plunge into Skt.: gāh gijjh - [ gijjhati ] - to be greedy, long for, covet Skt.: g[.r]dh gir - [ fr. girati, uggirati ] - to swallow, eat Skt.: g[rr.r] gil - [ gilati ] - to swallow, eat Skt.: g[rr.r] guṇṭh - [ guṇṭheti ] - to cover, surround, hide Skt.: guṇṭh gup - [ gopeti ] - to gaurd, watch Skt.: gup gumph - [ fr. ogumpheti ] - to sting together Skt.: gumph guh - [ gūhati ] - to hide, conceal Skt.: guh ge - [ gāyati ] - to sing, recite Skt.: gai
ghaṃs - [ gaṃsati ] - to rub, brush, grind, crush Skt.: gh[.r][.s] ghaṭ - - [1. [ ghaṭeti ] - to join, collect, arrange -2. [ ghaṭati ] - to strive, exert oneself Skt.: ghaṭ ghaṭṭ - [ ghaṭṭeti ] - to rub, touch, shake Skt.: ghaṭṭ ghaṇṭ - [ ghaṇṭa ] - to shine Skt.: ghaṇṭ ghar - [ gharati ] - 1. to drip, sprinkle, moisten -2. to shine Skt.: gh[.r] ghas - [ ghasati ] - to eat, consume Skt.: ghas ghā - [ ghāyati ] - to smell Skt.: ghrā ghuṭ - [ ghoṭa ] - to resist, oppose Skt.: ghuṭ ghuṇ - [ ghuṇa ] - to go, move about Skt.: ghuṇ ghur - [ ghora ] - to cry frightfully, wail Skt.: ghur ghus - [ ghosa ] - to proclaim, sound Skt.: ghu[.s]
cak - [ cakita ] - to quake, shake, Skt.: cak cakkh - [ cakkhu ] - to see, observe, notice Skt.: cak[.s] caj - [ cajati ] - to abandon, give up, distribute, let go Skt.: tyaj cand - [ canda ] - to shine Skt.: cand capp - [ cappeti ] - to chew Skt.: carv (PED also gives Pāli root cabb, following the example of sarv (skt)=sabb etc., carv=cabb, and other similars) car - [ carati ] - to proceed, live, carry on, move Skt.: car cal - [ calati ] - to move, stir, shake Skt.: cal cāy - [ cāyati ] - to honour, discern, observe Skt.: cāy ci - [ cināti ] - to gather, collect, accumulate Skt.: ci cikkh - [ cikkhati ] - to tell, relate Skt.: khyā cit - [ cinteti ] - to think, see, know, perceive Skt.: cit cint - [ cintā ] - to think, remember, perceive Skt.: cint cir - [ cirāyati ] - to delay, be long Skt.: ?? (perhaps this root comes from ci) cu - [ cavati ] - to move, stir, shift, pass away Skt.: cyu cud - [ codeti ] - to urge, impel, put forward, push on Skt.: cud cup - [ copana ] - to stir, move Skt.: cup cumd - [ cumbati ] - to kiss Skt.: cumb cur - [ cora ] - to steal Skt.: cur cet - [ ceteti ] - to think, perceive Skt.: cet
chaḍḍ - [ chaḍḍeti ] - to vomit, eject, eliminate Skt.: ch[.r]d chad - [ chada ] - to cover, cover over, veil; to hide, conceal Skt.: chad, chand chadd - [ chaddika ] - see: chaḍḍ chand - [ chanda ] - to seem, seem good, please, be pleased Skt.: chand, chad cham - to endure, forgive Skt.: k[.s]am, k[.s]amp chambh - to obstruct, be firm or rigid Skt.: skambh chā - to devour, eat Skt.: psā, bhak[.s], bhas (not completely sure of root, may be chāt) chid - [ chindati ] - to cut, cut down, cut off Skt.: chid chuddh (perhaps chud) - to throw away, reject Skt.: k[.s]ubh?, [.s]ṭhiv (PED [.s]ṭīv) -compare chaḍḍ chup - to touch Skt.: chup chubh - to thrown out Skt.: k[.s]ubh (PED) chur - to cut, engrave Skt.: chur, k[.s]ur
jagg - [to wake, be awake, watch Skt.: jāg[.r] jaggh - [to laugh, laugh at Skt.: jak[.s], ghagh jaṭ - [to become matted, tangled Skt.: jaṭ jan - [to be born, become Skt.: jan jap - [to whisper, mumble, mutter Skt.: jap, jalp japp - [to chew, suck, be hungry Skt.: carv (from Pāḷi capp) jambh - [to try, go , go forth Skt.: jeh jar - [to grow old , decay Skt.: j[.r], j[rr.r] jav - [(ju?)- to run, be swift, hurry Skt.: ju, jūv jal - [to blaze, burn Skt.: jval ji - [to conquer, win, overcome Skt.: ji jīr - [to become old, age Skt.: j[.r], j[rr.r] jīv - [to live, be alive, make a living Skt.: jīv jut - [to shine Skt.: jut, jyut, dyut
jhas - [ jhasa ] - to hurt Skt.: jha[.s] jhāṭ - [ jhāṭala ] - to become entangled or intertwined Skt.: jhaṭ jhe - [ jhāyati ] - 1. to meditate, think upon, contemplate Skt.: dhyai -2. to burn Skt.: k[.s]ai
ñā - [ jānāti ] - to know, understand Skt.: jñā
ṭaṅk - [ ṭaṅka ] - to bind, seal, cover; to build Skt.: ṭaṅk
ṭhā - [ tiṭṭhati ] - to stand, remain, stay Skt.: sthā ṭhubh - [ oṭṭhubhati, niṭṭhubhati ] - to spit, eject, throw out Skt.: [.s]ṭhiv
ḍas - [(ḍaṃs) - [ ḍasati, ḍaṃsati ] - to bite Skt.: da[^s], daṃ[^s] ḍah - [to burn, consume, torment Skt.: dah ḍā - [ only in: uḍḍeti and oḍḍeti ] to lay, place, set; to bind, snare, fetter Skt.: dā ḍī - [to fly Skt.: ḍī
takk - [to think, guess, suppose Skt.: tark tacch - [to chop, carve Skt.: tak[.s] tajj - [to threaten, scold Skt.: tarj taṇ - [to thirst, be thirsty, wish Skt.: t[.r][.s] (not sure on this, it may just be tas) tan - [ tanoti ] - to expand, stretch Skt.: tan tap - [to heat, be hot, burn Skt.: tap tapp - [to be pleased, satisfied Skt.: t[.r]p tam - [to faint, swoon Skt.: tam, tim tar(1) - to cross, cross over, traverse Skt.: t[.r] tar(2) - to turn around, move quickly Skt.: tvar tas(1) - to thirst, be thirsty, wish Skt.: t[.r][.s] tas(2) - to tremble, shake Skt.: tras tā - [to protect, rescue Skt.: trā, trai (may be tāṇ or tāt) tā' - [to beat, strike Skt.: taḍ tij - [to be sharp, sharpen Skt.: tij tim - [1. to faint, swoon 2. to be wet, moist 3. to be dark? Skt.: tim , stim (apparently this along with related roots is to imply darkness, or becoming dark) tir - [to cross, cross over, traverse Skt.: t[.r], t[rr.r], tir tud - [to strike, wound, push, thrust Skt.: tud tum - [to stand out Skt.: tum tur - [to turn around, move quickly Skt.: tvar, t[rr.r], tur tul (tūl) - to lift, weigh, measureSkt.: tul, tūl tus - [ tussati ] - to satisfy; to be happy, content Skt.: tus |
thak - [ thaketi ] - to cover, hide, conceal Skt.: sthag than - [ thaneti ] - to resound, thunder, roar Skt.: stan thambh - [ thambhati ] - 1. to prop, support -2. to stop, make stiff, paralyze Skt.: stambh, stabh (see also: khambh) thar - [1. [ tharati ] - to strew, spread, scatter, cover Skt.: st[.r], st[rr.r] -2. [ tharu ] - to creep on, approach stealthily, sneak Skt.: tsar thal - [ thala ] - to stand firm, be firm Skt.: sthal thā - [1. [ thāma, thāvara ] - to stand, remain, stay Skt.: sthā (see also: ṭhā) -2. [ theyya ] - to steal, be stealthy Skt.: stai, stā thi (thī) - [ thika, thina ] - to collect into a heap, congeal, stiffen Skt.: styai thiv - [ thevati ] - to be congealed, stiff, thick (fr. thi) thu - [ thavati ] - to praise, extol, eulogize Skt.: stu thus - [ thusa ] - to discharge, emit, reject; to divide, distribute Skt.: bus (see also: bhus) thūp - [ thūpa ] - to heap up, pile, collect, erect Skt.: stūp (Certainly an invented root, but this is warranted since this root appears in the majority of Indian languages.) thūl - [ thulla, thūla ] - to become big, grow fat, increase Skt.: sthūl then - [ thena ] - to steal, be stealthy Skt.: sten (from: thā #2) thok - [ thoka ] - to be congealed, stiff, thick (fr. thi) Skt.: according to Sanskrit grammarians it is from: [^s]cut thom - [ fr. thoma ] - to praise, extol, eulogize (fr. thu) Skt.: stom
dakkh - [to be able, to please, satisfy Skt.: dak[.s] daṇḍ - [to punish, fine, be subdued Skt.: daṇḍ dandh - [to be slow, slothful, silly Skt.: daṇḍ or tandr -- (daṇḍaka is a name of a silly man in bhārat 2.25 (mahābhārata?), Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon. I am unsure about this root). dam - [to control, tame, domesticate Skt.: dam day - [to divide, share Skt.: day, dā dal - [to burst, cut, tear Skt.: dal (PED gives del as the root) dav - [to run, fly Skt.: drā das - [to see, perceive Skt.: d[.r][^s], das?? [[SHOULD I KEEP THIS -- SEE dis]] dah - [to put, hold, possess Skt.: dadh dā (dad) - 1. to give, offer, divide, share Skt.: dā dā(2) - [ odāta ] - to clean Skt.: dā div (dev) - to play, gamble, lament, shine, amuse oneself Skt.:div dis - [ dassati ] - 1. to see, perceive Skt.: d[.r][^s] (see also: pass) dī (dīp) - to shine, burn, illuminate Skt.: dī, dīp dubbh (dūbh) - to harm, injure, deceive Skt.: dabh, dambh [[check this for lumb, and dumb ]] dul (dol) - to shake back and forth, swing Skt.: dul dus (des) - to hate, dislike Skt.: dvi[.s] duh (doh) - to milk, derive, extract **dkt: duh
dhaṃs - [to fall from, scatter, perish Skt.: dhvaṃs, dhvaṅs dhan(1) - to bear fruit, produce crops Skt.: dhan dhan(2) - to sound Skt.: dhvan, dhan, dhaṇ dham - [to blow, produce a sound by blowing, blow a fire Skt.: dhmā, dham dhar - [to hold, support, exist Skt.: dh[.r] dhāv - [to flow, run, clean Skt.: dhanv, dhāv, dhav dhā - [to put, hold, give Skt.: dhā dhī - [ dhīyati, pass. of dahati ] - to contain, hold **Skt: dhī dhū - [ dhunāti ] - to shake, tremble, excite Skt.: dhū dhūp - [to perfume, fumigate Skt.: dhūp dhe - [to suck, suckle, drink Skt.: dhe, dhā
nacc - [to dance, play Skt.: n[.r]t nat - [to dance, play Skt.: n[.r]t, naṭ nad - [to roar, cry, make a noise Skt.: nad nand - [to rejoice, be pleased Skt.: nand nandh - [ nandhati ] - (derivation from naddha (pp. of nayhati) in emulation of: baddha<bandhati, naddha<nandhati) Skt.: nah nam - [ namati ] - to bend, inclined Skt.: nam nas - [to perish, disappear, be destroyed Skt.: na[^s] nah - [ nayhati ] - to tie, bind Skt.: nah (see also: nandh) ni (nī) - [ ñāya ] - to go into, enter, come into Skt.: ni, nī nij - [ in nijana and oṇojeti ] - to wash Skt.: nij nī - [to lead, draw, guide Skt.: nī nhā - [to bathe, wash Skt.: snā
Pa- (indecl.) [Ved. pra, Idg. *pro, cp. Gr. πρό, Latin pro, Goth. fra, Lith. pra, pro, Oir. ro-] directional prefix of forward motion, in applied sense often emphasising the action as carried on in a marked degree or even beyond its mark (cp. Ger. ver- in its function of Goth. fra and Ger. vor). Thus the sphere of pa- may be characterised in following applications: 1. forth, forward, out: papatati fall forward, i. e. down; -neti bring forth (to); -gaṇhāti hold out; -tharati spread forth; -dhāvati run out; -bajati go forth; -sāreti stretch out; etc. - 2. (intensive) in a marked degree, more than ordinarily (cp. E. up in cut up, heap up, fill up; thus often to be translated by "up," or "out," or "about"): pakopeti up-set; -chindati cut up; -bhañjati break up; -cinati heap up; -kiṇṇaka scattered about; -nāda shouting out; -bhāti shine forth; -bhavati grow up, prevail; -dūseti spoil entirely; -jahati give up entirely; -tapeti make shine exceedingly (C. ativiya dīpeti); -jalati blaze up; -jānāti know well. - In this meaning often with adjectives like patanu very thin; -thaddha quite stiff; -dakkhiṇa right in pre-eminence; -bala very strong. - 3. "onward": paṭṭhāya from . . . onward; pavattati move on; fig. "further, later": paputta a later (secondary) son, i. e. grandson. - 4. "in front of," "before": padvāra, before the door. - 5. Sometimes in trs. (reflexive) use, like pakūjin singing out to (each other, cp Ger. besingen, an-rufen).-The most frequent combination with other (modifying) prefixes is sam-ppa; its closest relatives (in meaning 2 especially) are ā and pari. The double (assimilation) p is restored after short vowels, like appadhaṃsiya (a+pa-). -Pa (adj.) [Cp. Ved. -pa, adj. base of pā to drink, as -ga from gam or -ṭha from sthā] drinking; only in following compounds: dhenu- drinking of the cow, suckling calf M I.79; Sn 26 ( = dhenuṃ pivanto SnA 39); - pāda- a tree (lit. drinking with its feet, cp. explination at PvA 251 "pādasadisehi mūl' a-vayavehi udakassa pivanato pādapo ti") Pv IV.39; - majja- drinking intoxicants Sn 400; Pv IV.177 (a-). pac - [ pacati ] - Skt.: pac paṭ - [ pāṭeti ] - to split, tear, remove Skt.: paṭ pad - [ opādeti ] - to fall, fall down; to go Skt.: pad pass - [ passati ] - Skt.: pa[^s] puñch (puñj) - [ pa+uñch - puñchati, puñjati] - to heap up together, to collect; to smear, wipe off Skt.: proñch pus - [ poseti ] - Skt.: pu[.s] pū (puṇ) - [ punāti ] - Skt.: pū, puṇ pūr - [ pūreti ] - to fill, satisfy, nourish; to fill with wind, blow Skt.: p[rr.r], p[.r]ṇ plav - [ plavati, pilavati ] - Skt.: plu
phaṇ - [ phaṇa ] - to go, move; caus: to draw off, skim Skt.: phaṇ phand - [ phandati ] - to shake, twitch, quiver, throb Skt.: spand phar - [ pharati ] - to expand, pervade, fill, suffuse Skt.: sphar, sphur phal - [ phalati ] - to burst, cleave open, split; to bear or produce fruit Skt.: phal, sphaṭ (cp. skt: sphal, sphul, and sphuṭ) phā - [ phāti ] - to swell, increase, expand Skt.: sphāy phuṭ - [ phuṭa ] - to burst, split open; to expand, blossom Skt.: sphuṭ phul - [ phuliṅga ] - to throb, vibrate; to dart forth Skt.: sphul phull - [ phulla ] - to open, expand, blossom Skt.: phull phus - [1. [ phusati ] - to touch, contact, come into contact Skt.: sp[.r][^s] -2. [ phusāyati, phosati ] - to sprinkle, shower, rain Skt.: pru[.s]
bhañj - [ bhañjati ] - to break Skt.: bhañj bhar - [ bharati ] - Skt.: bh[.r] bhās - [ bhāsati ] - Skt.: bhās, bhā[.s] bhikkh - [ des. fr. bhaj ] - to wish to share or partake Skt.: bhik[.s] bhuj - [1. [ bhuja, obhujati ] - to bend -2. [ bhuñjati ] - to eat Skt.: bhuj bhus - [ bhusa ] - to discharge, emit, reject; to divide, distribute Skt.: bus (see also: thus)
majj - [ majjati ] - to wipe, rub, clean, purify Skt.: m[.r]j math (manth) - [ mathati ] - with others, ; to strike, hit, pierce Skt.: math, manth madd - [ maddati ] - Skt.: m[.r]d mas - [Skt.: m[.r][^s], m[.r][.s] mutt - [ mutta ] - to unrinate Skt.: mūtr
ru - [ ravati ] - Skt.: ru rukkh - [to be rough, harsh Skt.: rūk[.s] rudh (rundh) - [ rundhati ] - Skt.: rudh, rundh ruh - [ ruhati, rohati ] - to grow Skt.: ruh
lag - [ lagati, laggati ] - Skt.: lag laṅgh - [ laṅghati ] - Skt.: laṅgh lamb - [ lambati ] - Skt.: lamb likh - [ likhati ] - Skt.: lī - [ līyati ] - Skt.: lī luj - [ lujjati ] - Skt.: ruj lup - [ lumpati ] - Skt.: lup lubh - [ lubbhati ] - Skt.: lubh lumb - [ lumbati ] - Skt.: lumb lok - [ loketi ] - Skt.: lok
vakkh - [ ojā ] - [[FILL IN DEFININTION]] (hypothetical Pāli root derived from related ukkh: (skt.)uk[.s]<ukkh, vak[.s]<vakkh - this is not related to vakkhati from vac -- As yet I am not aware of any Pāli verbs derived from skt. vak[.s] ) (see also: ojā, ugga, and ukkh) Skt.: vak[.s] vaṭṭ - [ vaṭṭati ] - Skt.: v[.r]t vad - [ vadati ] - Skt.: vad vam - [ vamati ] - Skt.: vam var - [ vuṇāti, varati ] - Skt.: v[.r] vass - [ vassati ] - Skt." v[.r][.s] vah - [ vahati ] - Skt.: vah (see also: ūh) vā - [1. [ vāyati ] - to weave Skt.: ve -2. [ vāyati ] - to blow Skt.: vā vi - two, re-, bi-, un- vidh - [ vijjhati ] - Skt.: vyadh
sakk - [ sakkati ] - Skt.: [.s]va[.s]k saj - [ sajati ] - Skt.: s[.r]j sad - [ sadati ] - to sit Skt.: sad (=sīd) sand - [ sandati ] - to move on Skt.: syand, syad sar - [ sarati ] - Skt.: s[.r] sā - [ sāyati ] - Skt.: so, sā sic - [ siñcati ] - Skt.: sic sīd - [ sīdati ] - to sit Skt.: sīd (=sad) su - 1. [ savati ] - Skt.: sru sū - [ itthi, thī ] - to procreate, bring forth, produce Skt.: sū snih - [(sneh?) - [ sneha, siniyhati, snehati? ] - Skt.: snih
had - [ hadati, ohadeti ] - to defecate Skt.: had han - [ hanati ] - Skt.: han har - [ harati ] - Skt.: h[.r] has - [ ūhasati, hasati ] - Skt.: has hā - [ jahāti ] - to leave, abandon Skt.: hā hi - [ hiṇḍ - [ his - [ hī' - [ hī'eti ] - Skt.: hīḍ hū - [ heṭh - [ |