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Abhidhamma Piṭaka

Designation of Human Types
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Index of Sutta Indexes




PTS: Puggalā-Paññatti, Edited by Richard Morris, M.A., LL.D.
Designation of Human Types, translated by Bimala CharanLaw, M.A., B.L.

1. Ekakaṃ, 11

PTS: Division of Human Types by One, 17

1. Samaya-vimutto.
PTS: 1. One who is emancipated in season.

2. A-samaya-vimutto.
PTS: 2. One who is emancipated out of season.

3. Kuppa-dhammo.
PTS: 3. One of perturbable nature.

4. A-kuppa-dhammo.
PTS: 4. One of imperturbable nature.

5. Parihāna-dhammo.
PTS: 5. One liable to fall away.

6. A-parihāna-dhammo.
PTS: 6. One not liable to fall away.

7. Cetanābhabbo.
PTS: 7. One competent in will.

8. Anura-k-khaṇābhabbo.
PTS: 8. One competent in watchfulness.

9. Puthujjano.
PTS: 9. An average man.

10. Gotrabhū.
PTS: 10. One become of the family of the Ariyas.

PTS: 11. One restrained through fear.

12. Abhayūparato.
PTS: 12. One unrestrained through fear.

13. Bhabbāgamano.
PTS: 13. One capable of arriving.

14. Abhabbāgamano.
PTS: 14. One incapable of arriving.

15. Niyato.
PTS: 15. One with determined destiny.

16. Aniyato.
PTS: 16. One with undetermined destiny.

17-18. Paṭipaññāko phale ṭhito.
PTS: 17. The path-attainer.
PTS: 18. One established in fruition.

19. Samasīsī.
PTS: 19. The equal-headed.

20. Ṭhitakappī.
PTS: 20. The aeon-arrester.

21. Ariyo.
PTS: 21. The elect.

22. Anariyo.
PTS: 22. The non-elect.

23. Sekkho.
PTS: 23. The learner.

24. Asekkho.
PTS: 24. The non-learner (adept).

25. N'eva sekkho nāsekkho.
PTS: 25. Neither a learner nor a non-learner.

26. Tevijjo.
PTS: 26. One who has threefold lore.

27. Chaḷ-abhiñño.
PTS: 27. The possessor of the six super-knowledges.

28. Sammā-sambuddho.
PTS: 28. The perfectly Enlightened One.

29. Pacceka-sambuddho.
PTS: 29. The one Enlightened for himself.

30. Ubhato-bhāga-vimutto.
PTS: 30. One emancipated in both ways.

31. Paññā-vimutto.
PTS: 31. One emancipated by insight.

32. Kāya-sakkhi.
PTS: 32. The eye-witness.

33. Diṭṭhi-patto.
PTS: 33. He who has won vision.

34. Saddhā-vimutto.
PTS: 34. One emancipated by faith.

35. Dhammānusārī.
PTS: 35. One conforming to the Norm.

36. Saddhānusārī.
PTS: 36. One conforming by faith.

37. Satta-k-khattuṃ paramo.
PTS: 37. One undergoing re-births (not more than) seven times.

38. Kolaṅkolo.
PTS: 38. One transmigrating through a few families (less than seven times).

39. Eka-bījī.
PTS: 39. The single-seeded.

40. Sakadāgāmī.
PTS: 40. The once-returner.

41. Anāgāmī.
PTS: 41. The never-returner.

42. Antarā-parinibbāyī.
PTS: 42. One who dies and attains Nirvana before half the age he should have lived in a Brahma world expires.

43. Upahacca-parinibbāyī.
PTS: 43. The term-curtailing passer-away.

44. A-saṅkhāra-parinibbāyī.
PTS: 44. The automatic passer-away.

45. Sa-saṅkhāra-parinibhāyī.
PTS: 45. The passer-away after strenuous exertions.

46. Uddhaṃ-soto akaniṭṭha-gāmī.
PTS: 46. The stream-ascending Akanittha traveller.

47. Sotāpanno, sotāpatti-phala-sacchi-kiriyāya paṭipanno.
PTS: 47. The stream-attainer walking in realisation of the fruition stage.

48. Sakadāgāmī, sakadāgāmī-phala-sacchi-kiriyāya paṭipanno.
PTS: 48. The once-returner walking in the realisation of the fruition stage.

49. Anāgāmī, anāgāmī-phala-sacchi-kiriyāya paṭipanno.
PTS: 49. The never-returner walking in the realisation of the fruition stage.

50. Arahā, arahattāya paṭipanno.
PTS: 50. The Arahant walking in Arahantship.

2. Dve Puggalā, 18

PTS: Division of Human Types by Two, 28

1. Kodhano ca upanāHī ca.
PTS: 1. The wrathful and the vengeful.

2. Makkhī ca palāSī ca.
PTS: 2. The hypocrite and the charlatan.

3. Issukī ca maccharī ca.
PTS: 3. The jealous and the avaricious.

4. Saṭho ca māyāvī ca.
PTS: 4. The crafty and the deceitful.

5. Ahiriko ca anottappī ca.
PTS: 5. The shameless and the impudent.

6. Dubbaco ca pāpamitto ca.
PTS: 6. The disobedient and the associate of the wicked.

7. Indriyesu aguttadvāro ca bhojane amattaññā ca.
PTS: 7. One unguarded as to the sense-doors and one immoderate as to food.

8. Muṭṭhassati ca asampajāno ca.
PTS: 8. The forgetful and the unmindful.

9. Sīlavipanno ca diṭṭhivipanno ca.
PTS: 9. The infringer of moral law and the upholder of wrong views.

10. Ajjhattasaññojano ca bahiddhāsaññojano ca.
PTS: 10. One with internal fetters and one with external fetters.

11. Akkhodhano ca anupanāhī ca.
PTS: 11. The wrathless and the unrevengeful.

12. Amakkhī ca apaḷāsī ca.
PTS: 12. The unaffected and the unpretentious.

13. Anissukī ca amaccharī ca.
PTS: 13. The unenvious and the unavaricious.

14. Asaṭho ca amāyāvī ca.
PTS: 14. The not crafty and the undeceiving.

15. Hirīmā ca ottappī ca.
PTS: 15. The scrupulous and the conscientious.

16. Suvaco ca kalyāṇamitto ca.
PTS: 16. The obedient and the associate of the good.

17. Indriyesu guttadvāro ca bhojane mattaññū ca.
PTS: 17. One guarded as to the sense-doors and one moderate as to food.

18. Upaṭṭhitasati ca sampajāno ca.
PTS: 18. The wakeful and the mindful.

19. Sīlasampanno ca diṭṭhisampanno ca.
PTS: 19. The observer of the moral law and the upholder of right views.

20. Dve puggalā dullabhā lokasmim.
PTS: 20. Two persons who are rare in this world.

21. Dve puggalā dutappayā.
PTS: 21. Two persons who are difficult to be satisfied.

22. Dvo puggalā sutappayā.
PTS: 22. Two persons who are easily satisfied.

23. Dvinnam puggalānaṃ āsavā vaḍḍhanti.
PTS: 23. Two persons whose sinful tendencies increase.

24. Dvinnam puggalānam āsavā na vaḍḍhanti.
PTS: 24. Two persons whose sinful tendencies do not increase.

25. Hīnādhimutto ca paṇītādhimutto ca.
PTS: 25. The depraved and the refined.

26. Titto ca tappetā ca.
PTS: 26. The gratified and the gratifier.

3. Tavo Puggalā, 27

PTS: Division of Human Types by Three, 40

1. Nirāso, āsaṃso, vigatāso.
PTS: 1. The despairing, the hopeful, one above aspiration.

2. Tayo gilānūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 2. Three men who are like unto the sick.

3. Kāyasakkhī, diṭṭhippatto, saddhāvimutto.
PTS: 3. The eye-witness, the person who has won vision, he who is emancipated by faith.

4. Gūthabhāṇī, pupphabhāṇī, madhubhāṇī.
PTS: 4. The foul-mouthed, the flower-speaker, the honey-tongued.

5. Arukūpamācitto puggalo, vijjūpamācitto puggalo, vajirūpamācitto puggalo.
PTS: 5. A cancer-minded man, a lightning-minded man, a thunder-minded man.

6. Andho, ekacakkhu, dve cakkhu.
PTS: 6. The blind, the one-eyed, the two-eyed.

7. Avakujjapañño puggalo, ucchaṅga pañño puggalo, puthupañño puggalo.
PTS: 7. A man of inverted intellect, a man of folded intellect, a man of wide intellect.

8. Atth'ekacco puggalo kāmesu ca bhavesu ca avītarāgo, atth'ekacco puggalo kāmesu vītarāgo bhavesu avītarāgo, atth'ekacco puggalo kāmesu ca bhavesu vītarāgo.
PTS: 8. A man not dispassionate as to sensual pleasures, as also to the states of rebirth; a man dispassionate as to sensual pleasures, but not so as to the states of rebirth; a man dispassionate as to both.

9. Pāsāṇalekhūpamo puggalo, paṭhavīlekhūpamo puggalo, udakalekhūpamo puggalo.
PTS: 9. A man comparable to a mark upon stone, another to a mark upon earth, another to a mark of water.

10. Tayo potthakūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 10. Three men comparable to hempen cloth.

11. Tayo kāsikavatthūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 11. Three men comparable to Benares cloth.

12. Suppameyyo, duppameyyo, appameyyo.
PTS: 12. The fathomable, one difficult to fathom, the unfathomable.

13. Atth'ekacco puggalo na sevitabbo, na bhajitabbo, na payirupāsitabbo;
atth'ekacco puggalo sevitabbo, bhajitabbo, payirupāsitabbo;
atth'ekacco puggalo sakkatvā garuṅkatvā sevitabbo, bhajitabbo, payirupāsitabbo.

PTS: 13. A man not worthy to be served, to be devotedly served, to be worshipped. A man worthy to be served, to be devotedly served, to be worshipped. A man worthy to be served with regard and esteem, to be devotedly served, to be worshipped.

14. Atth'ekacco puggalo jigucchitabbo, na sevitabbo, na bhajitabbo, na payirupāsitabbo;
atth'ekacco puggalo ajjhupekkhitabbo na sevitabbo, na bhajitabbo, na payirupāsitabbo;
atth'ekacco puggalo sevitabbo, bhajitabbo, payirūpāsitabbo.

PTS: 14. A man who should be despised, not worthy to be served, to be devoted to, to be worshipped. A man who should be treated with indifference, not worthy to be served, to be devotedly served, to be worshipped. A man deserving of service, of devotion, of worship.

15. Atth'ekacco puggalo sīlesu paripūrakārī samādhismim mattasokāri paññāya mattasokārī;
atth'ekacco puggalo sīlesu ca paripūrakārī samādhismiñ ca paripūrakārī paññāya mattasokārī;
atth'ekacco puggalo sīlesu ca paripūrakārī samādhismiñ ca paripūrakārī paññāya ca paripūrakārī.

PTS: 15. A man who fulfils the moral laws,1 but incompletely practises meditation and the way of insight. A man who fulfils the moral laws, completes the practice of meditation, but incompletely practises the way of insight. A man who fulfils the moral laws, completes the practice of meditation, but completely practises the way of insight.

1G. Tayo satthāro apare pi tayo satthāro.
PTS: 16. Three teachers.
17. And again three teachers.

4. Cattāro Puggalā, 38

PTS: Division of Human Types by Four, 55

1. Asappuriso, asappurisena asappurisataro, sappuriso, sappurisena sappurisataro.
PTS: 1. A wicked man, a wicked man of worse type, a good man, a good man of better type.

2. Pāpo, pāpena pāpataro, kalyāṇo, kalyāṇenakalyāṇataro.
PTS: 2. A sinful man, the sinful man of worse type, the good man, the good man of better type.

3. Pāpadhammo, pāpadhammena pāpadhammataro, kalyāṇadhammo, kalyāṇadhammena kalyāṇadhammataro.
PTS: 3. A man of sinful propensity, one of worse type, a man of noble disposition, one of better type.

4. Sāvajjo, vajjabahulo, appasāvajjo, anavajjo.
PTS: 4. The blame-worthy, one exceedingly blameful, one hardly blame-worthy, the blameless.

5. Ugghaṭitaññū, vipaccitaññū, neyyo, padaparamo.
PTS: 5. One of quick understanding, one of medium understanding, one of slow understanding, the superficial reader.

6. Yuttapatibhāṇo no muttapaṭibhāṇo, muttapaṭibhāṇo no yuttapaṭibhāṇo, yuttapaṭibhāṇo ca muttapaṭibhāṇo ca, n' eva yuttapatibhāṇo no muttapaṭibhāṇo.
PTS: 6. One making a correct but not a prompt reply, one making a prompt but not a correct reply, one making a correct and prompt reply, one making neither a correct nor a prompt reply.

7. Cattāro dhammakathikā puggalā.
PTS: 7. Four teachers of the Norm.

8. Cattāro valāhakūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 8. Four persons comparable to a cloud.

9. Cattāro mūsikūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 9. Four persons comparable to a mouse.

10. Cattāro ambūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 10. Four persons comparable to the mango.

11. Cattāro kumbhūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 11. Four persons comparable to a jar.

12. Cattāro udakarahadūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 12. Four persons comparable to a pool of water.

13. Cattāro balivaddūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 13. Four persons comparable to a bullock.

14. Cattāro āsīvisūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 14. Four persons comparable to a serpent.

15. Atth'ekacco puggalo ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā avaṇṇārahassa vaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā hoti;||
atth'ekacco puggalo ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā vaṇṇārahassa avaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā hoti;||
atth'ekacco ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā appasādanīye ṭhāne pasādaṃ upadhaṃsitā hoti;||
atth'ekacco puggalo ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā pasādanīye ṭhāne appasādaṃ upadhaṃsitā hoti.

PTS: 15. A man speaking in praise of an unworthy man without inquiry and scrutiny. A man speaking in dispraise of a worthy man without inquiry and scrutiny. A man finding delight in an unpleasant or disagreeable thing without inquiry and scrutiny. A man harbouring dislike for a pleasant thing without inquiry and scrutiny.

16. Atth'ekacco puggalo anuvicca pariyogāhetvā avaṇṇārahassa avaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā hoti;||
atth'ekacco puggalo anuvicca pariyogāhetvā vaṇṇārahassa vaṇṇaṃ bhāsita hoti;||
atth'ekacco puggalo anuvicca pariyogāhetvā appasādanīye ṭhāne appasādaṃ upadhaṃsitā hoti;||
atth'ekacco puggalo anuvicca pariyogāhetvā pasādanīye ṭhāne pasādam upadhaṃsitā hoti.

PTS: 16. A man speaking in dispraise of an unworthy man after inquiry and scrutiny. A man speaking in praise of a praiseworthy man after inquiry and scrutiny. A man harbouring dislike for a disagreeable thing after inquiry and scrutiny. A man finding delight in a pleasant thing after Inquiry and scrutiny.

17. Atth'ekacco puggalo avaṇṇārahassa avaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā hoti bhūtaṃ tacchaṃ kālena, no ca kho vaṇṇārahassa vaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā hoti bhūtaṃ tacchaṃ kālena.||
atth'ekacco puggalo vaṇṇārahassā, vaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā hoti bhūtaṃ tacchaṃ kālena, no ca kho avaṇṇārahassā avaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā hoti bhūtaṃ tacchaṃ kālena;||
atth'ekacco puggalo avaṇṇārahassā avaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā hoti||
bhūtaṃ tacchaṃ kālena, vaṇṇārahassā vaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā, hoti bhūtaṃ tacchaṃ kālena;||
atth'ekacco puggalo n'eva avaṇṇārahassā avaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā, hoti bhūtaṃ tacchaṃ kālena, no pi vaṇṇārahassā vaṇṇaṃ bhāsitā hoti bhūtaṃ tacchaṃ kālena.

PTS: 17. A man who speaks in dispraise of an unworthy man expressing the right and just thing at the (right) time but does not speak in praise of the praise-worthy (expressing) the right and the just thing at the (right) time. A man whospeaks in praise of a praise-worthy man expressing the right and the just thing at the right time, but does not speak in dispraise of the unworthy expressing the right and the just thing at the right time. A man who speaks in dispraise of one unworthy of praise and in praise of the praise-worthy expressing the right and the just thing at the right moment. A man who neither speaks in dispraise of one unworthy of praise nor in praise of the praise-worthy expressing the right and just thing at the right moment.

18. Uṭṭhānaphalūpajīvī no puññaphalūpajīvī; puññaphalūpajīvī no uṭṭhānaphalūpajīvī; uṭṭhānaphalūpajīvī ca puññaphalūpajīvī ca; n' eva uṭṭhānaphalūpajīvī no puññaphalūpajīvī.
PTS: 18. One living on the fruits of his exertion (but) not on the fruits of his (previous) merit. One living on the fruits of his (previous) merit, (but not) on the fruits of his exertion.
One living on the fruits of both.
One living on the fruits of neither.

19. Tamo tamaparāyano, tamo jotiparāyano, joti tamaparayano, joti jotiparāyano.
PTS: 19. One who is in the dark and tends towards darkness.
One who is in the dark but tends towards light.
One who is in the light and tends towards darkness.
One who is in the light and tends towards light.

20. Oṇatoṇato, oṇatuṇṇato, uṇṇatoṇato, uṇṇatuṇṇato.
PTS: 20. The depressed and the unprogressive, the depressed but the progressive, the prosperous but the unprogressive, the prosperous as well as the progressive.

21. Cattāro rukkhūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 21. Four persons comparable to the tree.

22. Rūpappamāṇo rūpappasanno, ghosappamāṇo ghosappa-sanno, lūkhappamāno lūkhappasanno, dhammappamāṇo dhammappasanno.
PTS: 22. One considering and esteeming the outward form.
One considering and esteeming others' words.
One considering and esteeming outward austerity.
One considering and esteeming the Norm.

23. Atth'ekacco puggalo attahitāya paṭipanno hoti no parahitāya;||
atth'ekacco puggalo parahitāya paṭipanno hoti no attahitāya;||
atth'ekacco puggalo attahitāya c'eva paṭipanno hoti parahitāya ca;||
atth'ekacco puggalo n'eva attahitāya paṭipanno hoti no parahitāya.

PTS: 23. A man who strives after his own welfare but not after that of others. A man who strives after others' welfare but not after his own. A man who strives after his own welfare as well as that of others. A man who strives neither after his own welfare nor after that of others.

24. Atth'ekacco puggalo attantapo hoti attaparitāpanānuyogam anuyutto;||
atth'ekacco puggalo parantapo hoti paritāpanānuyogam anuyutto;||
atth'ekacco puggalo attantapo ca hoti attaparitāpanānuyogam anuyutto parantapo ca paraparitāpanānuyogam anuyutto;||
atth'ekacco puggalo n'eva attantapo hoti na attaparitāpanānuyogam anuyutto na parantapo na paraparitāpanānuyogam anuyutto. So anattantapo aparantehi diṭṭh'eva dhamme nicchāto nibbūto sītibhūto sukha-paṭisaṃvedī brahmabhūtena attanā viharati.

PTS: 24. A man who is self-mortifying and is engaged in practices tending to self-mortification. A man who torments others and is engaged in practices tending to torment others. A man combining the characteristics of these two types. A man who bears the characteristics of neither of them; such a man neither torturing his own self, nor torturing others, livesa higher life free from desire, calmed, appeased, and happy, in his present existence.

25. Sarāgo sadoso, samoho, samāno.
PTS: 25. One possessed of passion.
One possessed of hatred.
One possessed of delusion.
One possessed of pride.

26. Atth'ekacco puggalo lābhī hoti ajjhattaṃ cetosamathassa na lābhī adhipaniia-dhamma-vipassanāya;||
atth'ekacco puggalo lābhī hoti adhipaññā-dhamma-vipassanāya na lābhī ajjhattam cetosamathassa;||
atth'ekacco puggalo lābhī c'eva hoti ajjhattam cetosamathassa lābhī adhipaññā-dhamma-vipassanāya;||
atth'ekacco puggalo n'eva lābhi hoti ajjhattam cetosamathassa na lābhī adhipaññā-dhamma-vipassanāya.

PTS: 26. A man who attains inner tranquillity of mind but not the higher wisdom of insight into things. A man who attains the higher wisdom of insight into things but not inner tranquillity of mind.
A man who attains both.
A man who attains neither.

27. Anusotagāmī puggalo, paṭisotagāmī puggalo, ṭhitatto puggalo, tiṇṇo paraṅgato phale tiṭṭhati brāhmaṇo.
PTS: 27. A man going along the stream.
A man going against the stream.
A man remaining stationary.
A Brahmin who has crossed the stream and has gone to the other shore and is established in fruition.

28. Appasuto sutena anupapanno, appasuto sutena upapanno, bahusuto sutena anupapanno, bahusuto sutena upapanno.
PTS: 28. A man who does not act up to what little he has learnt.
A man who acts up to what little he has learnt.
A man who, though very learned, does not act up to his learning.
A man who is very learned and acts up to his learning.

29. Samaṇamacalo, samaṇapadumo, samaṇapuṇḍariko, samanesu samaṇasukhumālo.
PTS: 29. A recluse with a firm footing.
A lotus-like recluse.
A white-lotus-like recluse.
A delicate recluse.

5. Pañca Puggalā, 64

PTS: Division of Human Types by Five, 89

Five persons with various combinations of action and remorse.

1. Atth'ekacco puggalo ārabhati ca vippaṭisārī ca hoti tañ ca cetovimuttiṃ paññāvimuttiṃ yathābhūtaṃ nappajānāti yatth'assa te uppannā pāpakā akusalā dhammā aparisesā nirujjhanti:||
atth'ekacco puggalo ārabhati na vippaṭisārī hoti tañ ca cetovimuttiṃ paññāvimuttiṃ yathābhūtaṃ nappajānāti yatth'assa te uppaāna pāpakā akusalā dhamma aparisesā, nirujjhanti:||
atth'ekacco puggalo nārabhati vippaṭisārī hoti tañ ca cetovimuttiṃ paññāyavimuttiṃ yathābhūtaṃ nappajānāti yatth'assa te uppannā pāpakā akusalā dhammā aparisesā nirujjhanti:||
atth'ekacco puggalo nārabhati na vippaṭisārī hoti tañ ca cetovimuttiṃ paññāvimuttiṃ yathābhūtaṃ nappajānati yatth'assa te uppannā pāpakā akusalā dhamma aparisesā nirujjhanti.

PTS: 1. A man who acts and becomes remorseful but does not experience the emancipation of mind and the emancipation by insight as they really are, wherein the sinful and immoral states that have come into being, can completely cease to be.
A man who acts but does not become remorseful and does not experience the emancipation of mind and the emancipation by insight as they really are, wherein the sinful andimmoral states that have come into being can completely cease to be.
A man who does not act but is remorseful and does not experience the emancipation of mind and the emancipation by insight as they really are, wherein the sinful and immoral states that have come into being, can completely cease to be.
A man who neither acts nor is remorseful and does not experience the emancipation of mind and the emancipation by insight as they really are, wherein the sinful and immoral states that have come into being, can completely cease to be.
(The fifth man instructing the above four.)

2. Datva avajānāti, saṃvāsona avajānāti, ādheyyamukho hoti, loḷo hoti, mando momūho hoti.
PTS: 2. One who despises after giving.
One who despises after living together.
One with a grasp-mouth.
One who is dull and stupid.
A low-liking man.

3. Pañca yodhājivūpamā puggalā.
PTS: 3. Five persons comparable to a professional warrior.

4. Pañca piṇḍapātikā.
PTS: 4. Five persons who live on alms.

5. Pañca khalupacchābhattikā.
PTS: 5. Five persons refusing to accept food after proper time.

6. Pañca ekāsanikā.
PTS: 6. Five persons using one kind of seat.

7. Pañca paṃsukūlikā.
PTS: 7. Five persons wearing rags collected from refuse heaps.

8. Pañca tecīvarikā.
PTS: 8. Five persons wearing threefold raiment.

9. Pañca āraññikā.
PTS: 9. Five forest-dwellers.

10. Pañca rukkhamūlikā.
PTS: 10. Five who live under a tree.

11. Pañca abbhokāsikā.
PTS: 11. Five who live under the open sky.

12. Pañca nesajjikā.
PTS: 12. Five always seated (i.e., never lie down).

13. Pañca yathāsanthatikā.
PTS: 13. Five using any seats that are offered.

14. Pañca sosānika.
PTS: 14. Five who dwell in cemeteries.

6. Cha Puggalā, 70

PTS: Division of Human Types by Six, 97

1. Atth'ekacco puggalo pubbe ananussutesu dbammesu sāmaṃ saccāni abhisambujjhati, tattha ca sabbaññutaṃ pāpuṇāti phalesu ca vasībhāvara:||
atth'ekacco puggalo pubbe ananussutesu dbammesu sāmaṃ saccāni abhisambujjhati, na ca tattba sabbaññutaṃ pāpuṇāti na ca phalesu vasībhāvara:||
atth'ekacco puggalo pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu sāmaṃ saccāni abhisambujjhati, diṭṭh'eva dhamme dukkhass' anta-karo hoti sāvakapāramiṃ ca pāpuṇāti:||
atth'ekacco puggalo pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu sāmaṃ saccāni abhisambujjhati, diṭṭh'eva dhamme dukkhass' anta-karo hoti na ca sāvakapāramiṃ papunāti:||
atth'ekacco puggalo pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu sāmaṃ saccāni abhisambujjhati, diṭṭh'eva dhamme dukkhass' anta-karo hoti anagāmī hoti anāgantvā itthattaṃ:||
atth'ekacco puggalo pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu sāmaṃ saccāni abhisambujjhati, na ca diṭṭh'eva dhamme dukkhass'antakaro hoti sakadāgāmī hoti āgautvā itthattaṃ.

PTS: 1. A man who himself understands the truths in regard to the doctrines unheard of before, and obtains omniscience thereof as well as mastery over the fruition.
A man who himself understands the truths in regard to thedoctrines unheard of before, but does not obtain omniscience thereof as well as mastery over the fruition.
A man who himself understands the truths in regard to the doctrines unheard of, puts an end to suffering in his present conditions and attains the perfection of a disciple.
A man who himself understands the truths in regard to the doctrines unheard of before, puts an end to suffering in his present conditions, but does not attain the perfection of a disciple.
A man who himself understands the truths in regard to the doctrines unheard of before, puts an end to suffering in his present conditions, and becomes a non-returner not having to come back to this world.
A man who himself understands the truths in regard to the doctrines unheard of before, and becomes a once-returner having to come back to this world as he does not put an end to suffering in his present conditions.

7. Satta Puggalā, 71

PTS: Division of Human Types by Seven, 99

1. Satt'udakūpamā puggalā sakiṃ nimuggo nimuggo va hoti, ummujjitvā nimujjati, ummujjitvā ṭhito hoti, umraujjitvā vipassati viloketi, ummujjitvā patarati, ummujjitvā paṭigādhapatto hoti, ummujjitvā tiṇṇo hoti pāraṅgato phale tiṭṭhati brāhmano.
PTS: 1. Seven persons to be compared with those immersed in water.
One who once drowned is drowned.
One who is drowned after emergence.
One who remains stationary after emergence.
One who looks around after emergence.
One who swims up after emergence.
One who obtains a firm footing after emergence.
One who as a true Brahmin crosses after emergence and goes to the other shore and establishes himself in fruition.

2. Ubhato - bhāga - vimutto, paññāvimutto, kayasakkhī, diṭṭhipatto, saddhāvimutto, dhammānusāri, saddhānsārī.
PTS: 2. One emancipated in both ways.
One emancipated by insight.
An eye-witness.
He who has won view.
One emancipated by faith.
One conforming to the Norm.
One conforming by faith.

8. Aṭṭha Puggalā, 73

PTS: Division of Human Types by Eight, 103

1. Cattcāo maggasamaṅgino cattāro phalasamaṅgino puggalā.
PTS: 1. Four persons identifiable with the Path and four identifiable with the Fruition.

9. Nava Puggalā, 73

PTS: Division of Human Types by Nine, 104

1. Sammāsambuddho, paccekasambuddho, ubhatobhāgavimutto, paññāvimutto, kāyasakkhī, diṭṭhipatto, saddhāvimutto, dhammānusārī, saddhānusārī.
PTS: 1. A perfectly Enlightened One.
One enlightened for himself.
A person emancipated in both ways.
A person emancipated by insight.
An eye-witness.
He who has won view.
A person emancipated by faith.
One conforming to the Norm.
One conforming by faith.

10. Dasa Puggalā, 74

PTS: Division of Human Types by Ten, 107

1. Pañcannaṃ idha niṭṭhā pañcannaṃ idha vihāya niṭṭhā.
PTS: Five persons reaching perfection here and five reaching perfection hereafter.


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