Aṇguttara Nikāya

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III. Tika Nipāta
XII. Āpāyika Vagga

Sutta 118 [DTO 121]

Paṭhama Soceyya Suttaṃ

Purities (1)

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Sourced from the edition at dhammatalks.org
Provenance, terms and conditons



[118][pts] Monks, there are these three purities.

Which three?

Bodily purity, verbal purity, and mental purity.

"And what is bodily purity?

There is the case where a certain person abstains from taking life, abstains from theft, abstains from sexual misconduct.

This is called bodily purity.

"And what is verbal purity?

There is the case where a certain person abstains from telling lies, abstains from divisive speech, abstains from harsh speech, abstains from idle chatter.

This is called verbal purity.

"And what is mental purity?

There is the case where a certain person is one who is not covetous, is one whose mind is devoid of ill will, and is one with right view.

This is called mental purity.

"These, monks, are the three purities."



Of Related Interest:

AN 10:165 [DTO #165]


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