Aṅguttara Nikāya

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II. Duka Nipāta
XIII. Dāna Vagga

The Book of Twos

Suttas 140-149


Translated from the Pāḷi by Michael M. Olds



Sutta 140

[140.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are gifts.

What two?

The carnal gift and the Dhamma gift.[1]

These, beggars, are those two gifts.

Of these two gifts, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-gift."



Sutta 141

[141.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are offerings.

What two?

The carnal offering and the Dhamma offering.

These, beggars, are those two offerings.

Of these two offerings, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-offering."



Sutta 142

[142.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are generosities.

What two?

The carnal generosity and the Dhamma generosity.

These, beggars, are those two generosities.

Of these two generosities, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-generosity."



Sutta 143

[143.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are munificences.

What two?

The carnal munificence and the Dhamma munificence.

These, beggars, are those two munificences.

Of these two munificences, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-munificence."



Sutta 144

[144.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are wealths.

What two?

The carnal wealth and the Dhamma wealth.

These, beggars, are those two wealths.

Of these two wealths, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-wealth."



Sutta 145

[145.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are wealth-sharings.

What two?

The carnal wealth-sharing and the Dhamma wealth-sharing.

These, beggars, are those two wealth-sharings.[2]

Of these two wealth-sharings, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-wealth-sharing."



Sutta 146

[146.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are portion-sharings.

What two?

The carnal portion-sharing and the Dhamma portion-sharing.

These, beggars, are those two portion-sharings.

Of these two portion-sharings, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-portion-sharing."



Sutta 147

[147.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are taking-ins.[3]

What two?

The carnal taking-in and the Dhamma taking-in.

These, beggars, are those two taking-ins.

Of these two taking-ins, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-taking-in."



Sutta 148

[148.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are taking-ons.

What two?

The taking on of the carnal and
the taking on of the Dhamma.

These, beggars, are those two taking-ons.

Of these two taking-ons, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-taking-on."



Sutta 149

[149.1][pts] "Two, beggars, are compassions.

What two?

The compassion of the carnal
and the compassion of the Dhamma.

These, beggars, are those two compassions.

Of these two compassions, beggars,
this is the superior,
that is, the Dhamma-compassion.

Dāna Vagga Terasama"


[1] Dhamma-dāna. Woodward has "spiritual". See Dhamma Vagga, note 1. I believe we have in the twos a take on the term "Dhamma" which is very old! This would probably read better as "gift made in accordance with Dhamma", but that would be a lot of words that are not in the Pāḷi. "Righteous" might work, but that would not align well with the understanding we have of "Dhamma."

[2] Saṇ Here "saṇ-wealth" where the meaning is that one shares one's food. To my mind, this is arrived at by an extension of the meaning of saṇ from "with" and "own" perhaps to "ours".

[3] Saṅgaha and for the next one: Anuggaha. Taking in here in the sense of offering assistance; taking on again in the sense of taking on responsibility to care for. Woodward translates these two as: givings of favors and acts of kindness and that seems to be the meaning per PED and the context of this group.


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