Aṅguttara Nikāya

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Aṅguttara Nikāya
Catukka Nipāta
VI: Puññābhisanda Vagga

The Book of the Fours

Sutta 56

Dutiya Samajīvī Suttaṃ

Matched Lives (2)

Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds



[1][pts][bodh] I hear tell:

Once upon a time, Bhagava addressed the beggars:


"Bhagava!" The beggars responded and The Lucky Man said this:

"Housefathers who would form the intent
that as in this visible thing
both husband and wife see one another,
in the future state also
they will see one another,
should both be matched in faith,
matched in ethical culture,
matched in generosity,
matched in wisdom.

Then, as in this visible thing
both husband and wife see one another,
in the future state also
they will see one another."




Both of a faith, well-spoken,
and of a perception of the Dhamma life,
then lovingly do wife and husband to one-another speak.

Abundant the domestic bliss arising
Unhappy are made their enemies,
when both are in ethics matched.

Here progressing matched in ethical development,
together they delight in godly-realms,
rejoicing in pleasures in due course.


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