Aṅguttara Nikāya
Catukka Nipāta
XIV: Puggala Vagga
The Book of the Fours
Sutta 132
Paṭibhāno Puggala Suttaṃ
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time the Lucky man, Sāvatthī-town revisiting.
There then Bhagava said this to the beggars:
And "Elder!" those beggars responded.
The Lucky Man said this:
"Four, beggars, are persons found in this world.
What four?
The on-point-orator not at-ease-orator
The at-ease-orator not on-point-orator.
The on-point-orator and at-ease-orator.
The neither on-point-orator nor at-ease-orator.
These are the four persons found in this world.