Aṅguttara Nikāya
Catukka Nipāta
XVIII: Sañcetaniya Vagga
The Book of the Fours
Sutta 171
Sañcetanā Suttaṃ
Intentions (a)
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
On a certain occasion the Lucky Man addressed the beggars, saying:
"Bhadante!" replied those beggars to the Lucky Man.
Bhagava said:
2. "Beggars, either there being body,
the driving force of intent of body,
personal pleasure and pain arises,
or there being speech,
the driving force of intent of speech,
personal pleasure and pain arises,
or there being mind,
the driving force of intent of mind,
personal pleasure and pain arises,
or it is a result of blindness.
3. Either by one's self, beggars,
is managed the preparation
for bodily-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
or by another, beggars,
is managed the preparation
for bodily-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain.
Either comprehending, beggars,
is managed the preparation
for bodily-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
or not comprehending, beggars,
is managed preparation
for bodily-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain.
3. Either by one's self, beggars,
is managed the preparation
for speech-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
or by another, beggars,
is managed the preparation
for speech-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain.
Either comprehending, beggars,
is managed the preparation
for speech-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
or not comprehending, beggars,
is managed preparation
for speech-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain.
3. Either by one's self, beggars,
is managed the preparation
for mental-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
or by another, beggars,
is managed the preparation
for mental-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain.
Either comprehending, beggars,
is managed the preparation
for mental-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
or not comprehending, beggars,
is managed preparation
for mental-own-making
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain.
These things, beggars, are the afflictions of blindness.
But with the utterly dispassionate ending of blindness,
he has not got that body
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
he has not got that speech
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
he has not got that mind
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
he has not got that situation
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
he has not got that ground
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
he has not got that sphere
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain;
he has not got that managed preparation
which results in the arising
of personal pleasure and pain.