Aṅguttara Nikāya
Chakka Nipāta
III: Anuttariya Vagga
The Book of Sixes
Sutta 24
Himavanta Suttaṃ
Breaking up Mount Himalaya
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
Once upon a time, The Lucky Man Sāvatthī Town revisiting, Anāthapiṇḍika Park, Jeta Grove.
There then the Lucky Man addressed the beggars:
And "Bhante!" the beggars responded.
Bhagava said this to them:
Possessing six things, beggars,
a beggar could break up Mount Himalaya, king of mountains,
not to speak of the corpus of blindness.[1]
What six?
Here a beggar will have skill at attaining serenity;
will have skill at establishing serenity;
will have skill at arising from serenity;
will have skill at the pastures of serenity;
will have skill at conducting himself in serenity.
Possessing these six things, beggars,
a beggar could break up Mount Himalaya, king of mountains,
not to speak of the corpus of blindness."
[1] I have reversed the meaning of this last phrase from: "but who will say that of the corpus of blindness?" (following Hare). I now believe this was intended to show the power of the six things not the power of blindness.