Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
51. Iddhi-Pāda Saṃyutta
4. Gaṅgā Peyyala

Chapter IV
Suttas 33-44

Gaṅgā Repetition

Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds



Sutta 33

Just as the River Gaṅgā Inclines towards the East

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars,
as the river Ganges
inclines towards the east,
tends towards the east,
heads towards the east,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 34

Just as the River Yamuna Inclines towards the East

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as the river Yamuna
inclines towards the east,
tends towards the east,
heads towards the east,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 35

Just as the River Aciravati Inclines towards the East

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as the river Aciravati
inclines towards the east,
tends towards the east,
heads towards the east,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 36

Just as the River Sarabhu Inclines towards the East

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as the river Sarabhu
inclines towards the east,
tends towards the east,
heads towards the east,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 37

Just as the River Mahi Inclines towards the East

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as the river Mahi
inclines towards the east,
tends towards the east,
heads towards the east,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 38

Just as Whatever Great Rivers There Are Incline towards the East

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as whatever great rivers there are
incline towards the east,
tend towards the east,
head towards the east,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."




Sutta 39

Just as the River Gaṅgā Inclines towards the Sea

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as the river Ganges
inclines towards the sea,
tends towards the sea,
heads towards the sea,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 40

Just as the River Yamuna Inclines towards the Sea

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as the river Yamuna
inclines towards the sea,
tends towards the sea,
heads towards the sea,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 41

Just as the River Aciravati Inclines towards the Sea

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as the river Aciravati
inclines towards the sea,
tends towards the sea,
heads towards the sea,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 42

Just as the River Sarabhu Inclines towards the Sea

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as the river Sarabhu
inclines towards the sea,
tends towards the sea,
heads towards the sea,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 43

Just as the River Mahi Inclines towards the Sea

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as the river Mahi
inclines towards the sea,
tends towards the sea,
heads towards the sea,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."



Sutta 44

Just as Whatever Great Rivers There Are Incline towards the Sea

[1][pts] I Hear Tell:

"In the same way, beggars, as whatever great rivers there are
incline towards the sea,
tend towards the sea,
head towards the sea,
even so, beggars, a beggar who develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna.

And how, beggars, does a beggar develop the four power-paths,
make a big thing of the four power-paths?

Here beggars, a beggar develops the power-path
that is wish-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is energy-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is heart-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making,

develops the power-path
that is investigation-serenity-connected-exertion-own-making.

This is how, beggars, a beggar develops the four power-paths,
makes a big thing of the four power-paths,
such that he inclines towards Nibbāna,
tends towards Nibbāna,
heads towards Nibbāna."

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