II. Duka Nipāta
XV. Samāpatti Vagga
The Book of the Gradual Sayings
More-Numbered Suttas
II. The Book of the Twos
XV. Conditions, etc.
Suttas 162-178
Translated from the Pali by
F.L. Woodward, M.A.
Copyright The Pali Text Society
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Sutta 162
[162.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Skill in mystic attainments and in emerging therefrom.
These are the two."
Sutta 163
[163.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Rectitude and mildness.
These are the two."
Sutta 164
[164.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Endurance and forbearance.
These are the two."
Sutta 165
[165.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Geniality[161] and kindly greeting.
These are the two."
Sutta 166
[166.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Harmlessness and purity.
These are the two."
Sutta 167
[167.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Watching over sense-faculties and moderation in eating.
These are the two."
Sutta 168
[168.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Not watching over sense-faculties and immoderation in eating.
These are the two."
Sutta 169
[169.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Power of computation and power of cultivation[162].
These are the two."
Sutta 170
[170.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Power of mindfulness and power of concentration.
These are the two."
Sutta 171
[171.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Calm and insight.
These are the two."
Sutta 172
[172.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Failure in morality and failure in view.
These are the two."
Sutta 173
[173.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Success in morality and success in view.
These are the two."
Sutta 174
[174.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Purity of morals and purity of view.
These are the two."
Sutta 175
[175.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Purity of view and striving accordantly.
These are the two."
Sutta 176
[176.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Discontent with good states and disinclination for striving.
These are the two."
Sutta 177
[177.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Bewilderment and loss of self-possession.
These are the two."
Sutta 178
[178.1][olds] "Monks, there are these two conditions.
What two?
Mindfulness and self-possession.
These are the two."
[161]Sākhaliya (text mispr. sāka-) = saṇha-vācā. Comy.