Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
XX. Brāhmaṇa Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Fives
Chapter XX: The Brāman

Sutta 191

Soṇa Suttaṃ

The Dog Simile

Translated by E. M. Hare

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[1][than] Thus have I heard:

Once the Exalted One dwelt near Sāvatthī;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, these five[1] ancient brāhman things
are now seen in dogs,
but not in brāhmans.

What five?

Monks, in former times
brāhmans approached only a brāhmaṇī,
never a non-brāhmaṇī;
now they go to brāhmaṇī
and non-brāhmaṇī alike.

Monks, today dogs go to dogs only,
never to other creatures.

This, monks, is the first ancient brāhman thing
now seen in dogs,
not in brāhmans.

Monks, in former times
brāhmans approached a brāhmaṇī only in season,
never at other times;
now they go to a brāhmaṇī
both in and out of season.

Monks, today dogs go to dogs only in season,
never at other times.

This, monks, is the second ancient brāhman thing
now seen in dogs,
not in brāhmans.

Monks, in former times
brāhmans neither bought nor sold a brāhmaṇī,
but, consorting just where affection was mutual,
fostered concord;
now they both buy and sell brāhmaṇīs,
and consort where affection is mutual.

Monks, today dogs neither buy nor sell dogs,
but consort just where affection is mutual
and foster concord.

This, monks, is the third ancient brāhman thing
now seen in dogs,
not in brāhmans.

Monks, in former times
brāhmans hoarded neither treasure,
nor gold;
now they hoard treasure,
and gold.

Monks, today dogs hoard neither treasure,
nor gold.

[163] This, monks, is the fourth ancient brāhman thing
now seen in dogs,
not in brāhmans.

Monks, in former times
brāhmans sought food for the evening meal[2]
in the evening,
for the morning meal
in the morning;
now, after cramming their bellies to the uttermost,
they take away the remainder.

Monks, today dogs seek food for the evening meal
in the evening,
for the morning meal
in the morning.

This, monks, is the filth ancient brāhman thing
now seen in dogs,
not in brāhmans.

Verily, monks, these are the five ancient brāhman things
now seen in dogs,
but not in brāhmans.


[1] Cf. Sn. 290-1 for these brāhmaṇa-dhamma.

[2] Sāya-m-āsa, a Jātaka compound.

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