Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
X. Dasaka-Nipāta
XVI: Puggala-Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
X. The Book of the Tens
XVI: Persons (a)

Suttas 155-166

Translated from the Pali by F. L. Woodward, M.A.

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Suttas 155

Sevitabba Suttaṃ[ed1]

Not To Be Followed

[155.1][olds]"Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
should not be followed.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person should not be followed.

Possessed of ten qualities a person should be followed.

What ten qualities?

A person has right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person should be followed."



Sutta 156

Bhajitabbādi Suttaṃ

Not To Be Associated With

[156.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
should not be associated with.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person should not be associated with.

Possessed of ten qualities a person should be associated with.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person should be associated with."



Suttas 157

Payirupāsitabba Suttaṃ

Not To Be Cultivated

[157.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
should not be cultivated.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person should not be cultivated.

Possessed of ten qualities a person should be cultivated.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person should be cultivated."



Suttas 158

Pujja Suttaṃ

Not To Be Venerated

[158.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
should not be venerated.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person should not be venerated.

Possessed of ten qualities a person should be venerated.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person should be venerated."



Suttas 159

Pāsaṃso Suttaṃ

Not Praiseworthy

[159.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
is not praiseworthy.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person is not praiseworthy.

Possessed of ten qualities a person is praiseworthy.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person is praiseworthy."



Suttas 160

Sagārava Suttaṃ

Not Respected

[160.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
is not respected.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person is not respected.

Possessed of ten qualities a person is respected.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person is respected."



Suttas 161

Sappatisso Suttaṃ

Not To Be Shown Deference

[161.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
should not be shown deference[1].

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person should not be shown deference.

Possessed of ten qualities a person should be shown deference.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person should be shown deference."



Suttas 162

Ārādhaka Suttaṃ

Not Successful

[162.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
is not successful.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person is not successful.

Possessed of ten qualities a person is successful.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person is successful."



Suttas 163

Visujjhati Suttaṃ

Not Purified

[163.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
is not purified.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person is not purified.

Possessed of ten qualities a person is purified.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person is purified."



Suttas 164

Mānaṃ Ādhibhoti Suttaṃ

Does Not Conquer Pride

[164.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
does not conquer pride.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person does not conquer pride.

Possessed of ten qualities a person conquers pride.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person conquers pride."



Suttas 165

Paññāya Vaḍḍhati Suttaṃ

Does Not Grow in Insight

[165.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
does not grow in insight.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person does not grow in insight.

Possessed of ten qualities a person grows in insight.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person grows in insight."



Suttas 166

Bahuṃ Puññaṃ Pasavati Suttaṃ

Works Much Demerit

[166.1][olds] "Monks, a person possessed of ten qualities
works much demerit.

What ten qualities?

A person has wrong wrong view,
a person has wrong thinking,
a person has wrong speech,
a person has wrong action,
a person has wrong living,
a person has wrong effort,
a person has wrong mindfulness,
a person has wrong concentration,
a person has wrong knowledge,
a person has wrong release.

Possessed of these ten qualities
a person works much demerit.

Possessed of ten qualities a person works much merit.

What ten qualities?

A person has Right view,
a person has right thinking,
a person has right speech,
a person has right action,
a person has right living,
a person has right effort,
a person has right mindfulness,
a person has right concentration,
a person has right knowledge,
a person has right release.

Possessed of these ten a person works much merit."


[1] Text appatikkho sappatikkho (not in Indexes or P. Dict.). We should read with Burmese MSS. appatisso sappatisso.


[ed1] The PTS Pali does not have titles; Woodward gives the negative form of the subject as the pattern to use for the titles; the BJT uses the positive form of the subject for the titles. Bhk. Bodhi uses the positive form of the subject as the pattern to use for the titles.

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