Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
51. Iddhi-Pāda Saṃyutta
1. Cāpāla Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
51. Kindred Sayings on the Bases of Psychic Power
1. Cāpāla

Sutta 9

Ñāṇa Suttaṃ


Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][olds] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"At the thought, monks:

'This is the basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle, -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'

At the thought, monks:

'This basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle,
ought to be cultivated -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'

At the thought, monks:

'This basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle,
has been cultivated -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'




At the thought, monks:

'This is the basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle, -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'

At the thought, monks:

'This basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle,
ought to be cultivated -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'

At the thought, monks:

'This basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle,
has been cultivated -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'




At the thought, monks:

'This is the basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle, -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'

At the thought, monks:

'This basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle,
ought to be cultivated -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'

At the thought, monks:

'This basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle,
has been cultivated -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'




At the thought, monks:

'This is the basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle, -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'

[230] At the thought, monks:

'This basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle,
ought to be cultivated -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'

At the thought, monks:

'This basis of psychic power
which has for its features
together with the co-factors
of concentration
and struggle,
has been cultivated -

in things unheard of before
there arose in me vision,
there arose in me knowledge,
insight arose,
wisdom arose,
light arose.'


[1] Cf. K.S. iv, 158. [see also: SN 5.56.12]

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