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Saṃyutta Nikaya
Nidāna Vagga
14. [3.] Dhātu-Saṃyuttaṃ
I. Nānattavaggo Pathamo
i. Ajjhatta-pañcakaṃ

Chapter XIV
Connected Discourses on Elements
1 Diversity (External Pentad)

Sutta 8

No ce tam Sutta

Not Diversity of Quests

Translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi

Copyright Wisdom Publications.
Reproduced with permission.



[1][pts][olds] Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.[ed1]

"Bhikkhus, it is in dependence on the diversity of elements that there arises the diversity of perceptions;
in dependence on the diversity of perceptions that there arises the diversity of intentions;
in dependence on the diversity of intentions that there arises the diversity of desires;
in dependence on the diversity of desires that there arises the diversity of passions;

in dependence on the diversity of passions that there arises the diversity of quests.

The diversity of passions does not arise in dependence on the diversity of quests;
the diversity of desires does not arise in dependence on the diversity of passions;
the diversity of intentions does not arise in dependence on the diversity of desires;
the diversity of perceptions does not arise in dependence on the diversity of intentions;
the diversity of elements does not arise in dependence on the diversity of perceptions.[1]

"And what, bhikkhus, is the diversity of elements?

The form element;

the sound element;

the odour element;

the taste element;

the tactile-object element;[ed2]

the mental-phenomena element.

This, bhikkhus, is called the diversity in elements."

"And how is it, bhikkhus, that in dependence on the diversity of elements there arises the diversity of perceptions;
in dependence on the diversity of perceptions there arises the diversity of intentions;
in dependence on the diversity of intentions there arises the diversity of desires;
in dependence on the diversity of desires there arises the diversity of passions;

that in dependence on the diversity of passions there arises the diversity of quests?
That the diversity of passions does not arise in dependence on the diversity of quests;
that the diversity of desires does not arise in dependence on the diversity of passions;
that the diversity of intentions does not arise in dependence on the diversity of desires;
that the diversity of perceptions does not arise in dependence on the diversity of intentions;

that the diversity of elements does not arise in dependence on the diversity of perceptions?

"In dependence on the form element there arises perception of form;
[in dependence on perception of form there arises intention regarding form;
in dependence on intention regarding form there arises desire for form;
in dependence on desire for form there arises passion for form;

in dependence on passion for form there arises the quest for form.
Passion for form does not arise in dependence on the quest for form;
desire for form does not arise in dependence on passion for form;
intention regarding form does not arise in dependence on desire for form;
perception of form does not arise in dependence on intention regarding form;
the form element does not arise in dependence on perception of form.][2]

"In dependence on the sound element there arises perception of sound;
in dependence on perception of sound there arises intention regarding sound;
in dependence on intention regarding sound there arises desire for sound;
in dependence on desire for sound there arises passion for sound;
in dependence on passion for sound there arises the quest for sound.
Passion for sound does not arise in dependence on the quest for sound;
desire for sound does not arise in dependence on passion for sound;
intention regarding sound does not arise in dependence on desire for sound;
perception of sound does not arise in dependence on intention regarding sound;
the sound element does not arise in dependence on perception of sound.

"In dependence on the odour element there arises perception of odour;
in dependence on perception of odour there arises intention regarding odour;
in dependence on intention regarding odour there arises desire for odour;
in dependence on desire for odour there arises passion for odour;
in dependence on passion for odour there arises the quest for odour.
Passion for odour does not arise in dependence on the quest for odour;
desire for odour does not arise in dependence on passion for odour;
intention regarding odour does not arise in dependence on desire for odour;
perception of odour does not arise in dependence on intention regarding odour;
the odour element does not arise in dependence on perception of odour.

"In dependence on the taste element there arises perception of taste;
in dependence on perception of taste there arises intention regarding taste;
in dependence on intention regarding taste there arises desire for taste;
in dependence on desire for taste there arises passion for taste;
in dependence on passion for taste there arises the quest for taste.
Passion for taste does not arise in dependence on the quest for taste;
desire for taste does not arise in dependence on passion for taste;
intention regarding taste does not arise in dependence on desire for taste;
perception of taste does not arise in dependence on intention regarding taste;
the taste element does not arise in dependence on perception of taste.

"In dependence on the tactile-object element there arises perception of tactile-objects;
in dependence on perception of tactile-objects there arises intention regarding tactile-objects;
in dependence on intention regarding tactile-objects there arises desire for tactile-objects;
in dependence on desire for tactile-objects there arises passion for tactile-objects;
in dependence on passion for tactile-objects there arises the quest for tactile-objects.
Passion for tactile-objects does not arise in dependence on the quest for tactile-objects;
desire for tactile-objects does not arise in dependence on passion for tactile-objects;
intention regarding tactile-objects does not arise in dependence on desire for tactile-objects;
perception of tactile-objects does not arise in dependence on intention regarding tactile-objects;
the tactile-object element does not arise in dependence on perception of tactile-objects.

"In dependence on the mental-phenomena element there arises perception of mental-phenomena;
in dependence on perception of mental-phenomena there arises intention regarding mental-phenomena;
in dependence on intention regarding mental-phenomena there arises desire for mental-phenomena;
in dependence on desire for mental-phenomena there arises passion for mental-phenomena;
in dependence on passion for mental-phenomena there arises the quest for mental-phenomena.

Passion for mental-phenomena does not arise in dependence on the quest for mental-phenomena;
desire for mental-phenomena does not arise in dependence on passion for mental-phenomena;
intention regarding mental-phenomena does not arise in dependence on desire for mental-phenomena;
perception of mental-phenomena does not arise in dependence on intention regarding mental-phenomena;

the mental-phenomena element does not arise in dependence on perception of mental-phenomena.

It is in this way, bhikkhus, that in dependence on the diversity of elements there arises the diversity of perceptions;
in dependence on the diversity of perceptions there arises the diversity of intentions;
in dependence on the diversity of intentions there arises the diversity of desires;
in dependence on the diversity of desires there arises the diversity of passions;

that in dependence on the diversity of passions there arises the diversity of quests.
That the diversity of passions does not arise in dependence on the diversity of quests;
that the diversity of desires does not arise in dependence on the diversity of passions;
that the diversity of intentions does not arise in dependence on the diversity of desires;
that the diversity of perceptions does not arise in dependence on the diversity of intentions;

that the diversity of elements does not arise in dependence on the diversity of perceptions.


[ed1] Abbreviated Nidana expanded throughout this samyutta.

[ed2] Bhk. Bodhi includes italicized bracketed items by reference only.


[1] [228] Ee should be corrected to read: no saºkappanānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṃ; no saññānānattaṃ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattaṃ.

[2] [229] Text enclosed in brackets is found in Ee and Se, but without the elision. Se further develops the pattern for the sound element, while Be proceeds drectly from rū[adjātu bhikkhave paṭicca uppajjati rūpasaññā to dhmmadhātum paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaññā and develops the pattern for the mental-phenomena element alone.

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