Kuddhaka Nikāya
Sutta Nipāta
SBE: [faus] A Collection of Discourses Being One of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists, Vol. X Part II of The Sacred Books of the East; edited by F. Max Müller; Translated from the Pāḷi by V. Fausbøll
PTS: Sutta-Nipāta, Edited by Dines Andersen and Helmer Smith
The Group of Discourses, translated by K. R. Norman
PTS/WP: The Suttanipāta An Ancient Collection of the Buddha's Discourses Together withIts Commentaries Paramatthajotikā II and excerpts from the Niddesa, translated from the Pāḷi by Bhikkhu Bodhi,
BJT: [pali] Pāḷi text adapted from the 1995 edition of the digital version of the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series. Page references [0] are to the Pāḷi Text Society translation.
ATI: Access to Insight [amar] The Amaravati Saṅgha; [budd] Acharya Buddharakkhita; [irel] John D. Ireland; [nara] Narada Thera; [nymo] Nyanaponika Thera; [olen] Andrew Olendzki; [piya] Piyadassi Thera; [soni] R.L. Soni; [than] Bhkkhu Thanissaro.
Page numbers for the Pāḷi text in the index below are for the Pāḷi Text Society edition; the link is to this site's adaptation of the BJT text.
Please note that the version of the Pāḷi on this site was proofed against and largely follows the PTS 'New Edition', 2010. The verse numbering follows the PTS. The verse numbers in the PTS, beginning at v. 163 do not agree with the BJT or CSCD Pāḷi and the BJT and CSCD Pāḷi do not agree with each other, there are further disagreements at PTS v. 467 and 762 (at which point I gave up keeping track. There are further disagreements). The PTS Pāḷi and the PTS Norman translation are in agreement. The Fausbøll translation ends off by one ? beginning at 163?. Rather than consecutively numbering the verses from the beginning, the more logical thing would have been to let it go at numbering the verses in each sutta.
I. Uraga Vagga, p 1, vs 1-221
PTS: The Snake Chapter
(1.) 1. Uraga Suttaɱ, p 1, vs 1
SBE: Uragasutta p 1
PTS: I.1.: The Snake, p 1
ATI: The Snake, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Chapter on the Serpent, p 157
(2.) 2. Dhaniya Suttaɱ, p 3, vs 18
SBE: Dhaniyasutta p 3
PTS: I.2.: Dhaniya, p 3
ATI: Dhaniya the Cattleman
PTS/WP: Dhaniya (Dhaniya Sutta), p 159
(3.) 3. Khaggavisāṇa Suttaɱ, p 6, vs 35
SBE: Khaggavisāṇasutta p 6
PTS: I.3.: The Rhinocerous-horn, p 4
ATI: A Rhinoceros Horn
PTS/WP: The Rhinoceros Horn, p 162
(4.) 4. Kasibhāradvāja Suttaɱ, p 12, vs 76
SBE: Kasibhāradvagasutta p 11
PTS: I.4.: Kasibhāradvāja, p 8
ATI: To the Plowing Bharadvaja
PTS/WP: Kasibhāradvāja Sutta, p 167
(5.) 5. Cunda Suttaɱ, p 16, vs 83
SBE: Kundasutta p 15
PTS: I.5.: Cunda, p 11
ATI: To Cunda
PTS/WP: Cunda Sutta, p 170
(6.) 6. Parābhava Suttaɱ, p 18, vs 91
SBE: Parābhavasutta p 17
PTS: I.6.: Failure, p 12
PTS/WP: Downfall, p 171
(7.) 7. Vasala Suttaɱ, p 21, vs 116
SBE: Vasalasutta p 20
PTS: I.7.: The Outcaste, p 14
PTS/WP: The Outcast, p 174
(8.) 8. Metta Suttaɱ, p 25, vs 143
SBE: Mettasutta 24
PTS: I.8.: Loving-kindness, p 17
ATI: Good Will
PTS/WP: Loving Kindness, p 179
(9.) 9. Hemavata Suttaɱ, p 27, vs 153
SBE: Hemavatasutta p 25
PTS: I.9.: Hemavata, p 18
PTS/WP: Hemavata, p 180
(10.) 10. Āḷavaka Suttaɱ, p 31, vs 181
SBE: Āḷavakasutta p 29
PTS: I.10.: Āḷavaka, p 21
ATI: To the Alavaka Yakkha
PTS/WP: Aḷavaka, p 185
(11.) 11. Vijaya Suttaɱ, p 34, vs 193
SBE: Vigayasutta p 32
PTS: I.11.: Victory, p 23
ATI: Victory
PTS/WP: Victory, p 187
(12.) 12. Muni Suttaɱ, p 35, vs 207
SBE: Munisutta p 33
PTS: I.12.: The Sage, p 24
ATI: The Sage
PTS/WP: The Muni, p 189
II. Cūla Vagga, p 39, vs 222-404
PTS: The Small Chapter
(13.) 1. Ratana Suttaɱ, p 39, vs 222
SBE: Ratana Suttaɱ, p 37
PTS: II.1.: The Jewel, p 27
ATI: Treasures
PTS/WP: Gems, p 193
(14.) 2. Āmagandha Suttaɱ, p 42, vs 239
SBE: Āmagandha Suttaɱ, p 40
PTS: II.2.: Tainted Fare, p 29
PTS/WP: Carrion, p 196
(15.) 3. Hiri Suttaɱ, p 45, vs 253
SBE: Hiri Suttaɱ, p 42
PTS: II.3.: Modesty, p 30
ATI: Conscience
PTS/WP: Moral Shame, p 198
(16.) 4. Mahā Maṅgala Suttaɱ, p 46, vs 258
SBE: Mahāmaṅgala Suttaɱ, p 43
PTS: II.4.: Great Good-fortune, p 31
ATI: Protection
PTS/WP: Blessings, p 198
(17.) 5. Sūkiloma Suttaɱ, p 47, vs 270
SBE: Sūkiloma Suttaɱ, p 45
PTS: II.5.: Sūciloma, p 32
PTS/WP: Sūciloma, p 200
(18.) 6. Dhamma-Cariya Suttaɱ or Kapila Suttaɱ, p 49, vs 274
SBE: Dhammakariyasutta or Kapila Suttaɱ, p 46
PTS: II.6.: The Righteous Life, p 33
PTS/WP: Righteous Conduct, p 201
(19.) 7. Brāhmaṇa-Ddhammika Suttaɱ, p 50, vs 284
SBE: Brāhmaṇadhammika Suttaɱ, p 47
PTS: II.7.: Brahmanical Lore, p 34
PTS/WP: The Tradition of the Brahmins, p 203
ATI/DTO: Brahman Principles
(20.) 8. Nāvā Suttaɱ, p 55, vs 316
SBE: Nāvā Suttaɱ, p 52
PTS: II.8.: The Boat, p 37
ATI: A Boat
PTS/WP: The Boat, p 208
(21.) 9. Kiṃ Sīla Suttaɱ, p 56, vs 324
SBE: Kiṃsīla Suttaɱ, p 54
PTS: II.9.: What Moral Conduct?, p 38
ATI: With What Virtue?
PTS/WP: What Good Behavior?, p 209
(22.) 10. Uṭṭhāna Suttaɱ, p 57, vs 331
SBE: Uṭṭhāna Suttaɱ, p 55
PTS: II.10.: Arousal, p 39
ATI: Initiative
PTS/WP: Arouse Yourselves!, p 210
(23.) 11. Rāhula Suttaɱ, p 58, vs 335
SBE: Rāhula Suttaɱ, p 55
PTS: II.11.: Rāhula, p 39
PTS/WP: Rāhula, p 211
(24.) 12. Vaṅgīsa Suttaɱ, p 59, vs 343
SBE: Vaṅgīsa Suttaɱ, p 57
PTS: II.12.: Vaṅgīsa, p 40
PTS/WP: Vaṅgīsa, p 212
(25.) 13. Sammāparibbājaniya Suttaɱ, p 63, vs 359
SBE: Sammāparibbāganiya Suttaɱ, p 60
PTS: II.13.: Proper Wandering, p 42
PTS/WP: Proper Wandering, p 215
(26.) 14. Dhammika Suttaɱ, p 66, vs 376
SBE: Dhammika Suttaɱ, p 62
PTS: II.14.: Dhammika, p 44
PTS/WP: Dhammika, p 217
III. Mahā Vagga, p 72, vs. 405-765
PTS: The Great Chapter
(27.) 1. Pabbajjā Suttaɱ, p 72, vs 405
SBE: Pabbaggā Suttaɱ, p 67
PTS: III.1.: Going-forth, p 48
ATI: The Going Forth
PTS/WP: The Going Forth, p 223
(28.) 2. Padhāna Suttaɱ, p 74, vs 425
SBE: Padhāna Suttaɱ, p 69
PTS: III.2.: Striving, p 49
ATI: Exertion
PTS/WP: Striving, p 225
(29.) 3. Subhāsita Suttaɱ, p 78, vs 450
SBE: Subhāsita Suttaɱ, p 72
PTS: III.3.: The Well-spoken Word, p 51
ATI: Well-Spoken
PTS/WP: Well Spoken, p 229
(30.) 4. Sundarikabhāradvāja Sutta, p 79, vs 455
SBE: Sundarikabhāradvāga Suttaɱ, p 74
ATI/DTO: Sundarika Bhāradvāja, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.
PTS: III.4.: Sundarikabhāradvāja, p 52
PTS/WP: Sundarikabhāradvāja, p 230
(31.) 5. Māgha Suttaɱ, p 86, vs 487
SBE: Māgha Suttaɱ, p 80
PTS: III.5.: Māgha, p 56
PTS/WP: Māgha, p 236
(32.) 6. Sabhiya Suttaɱ, p 91, vs 510
SBE: Sabhiya Suttaɱ, p 85
PTS: III.6.: Sabhiya, p 59
PTS/WP: Sabhiya, p 241
(33.) 7. Sela Suttaɱ, p 102, vs 548
SBE: Sela Suttaɱ, p 96
PTS: III.7.: Sela, p 66
= Ms. Horner's translation of MN 92
PTS/WP: Sela, p 249
(34.) 8. Salla Suttaɱ, p 112, vs 574
SBE: Salla Suttaɱ, p 106
PTS: III.8.: The Barb, p 73
ATI: The Arrow
PTS/WP: The Dart, p 257
(35.) 9. Vāseṭṭha Suttaɱ, p 115, vs 594
SBE: Vāseṭṭha Suttaɱ, p 108
PTS: III.9.: Vāseṭṭha, p 74
PTS/WP: Vāseṭṭha, p 260
(36.) 10. Kokāliya Suttaɱ, p 123, vs 657
SBE: Kokāliya Suttaɱ, p 118
PTS: III.10.: Kokāliya, p 80
PTS/WP: Kokāliya, p 269
(37.) 11. Nālaka Suttaɱ, p 131, vs 679
SBE: Nālaka Suttaɱ, p 124
PTS: III.11.: Nālaka, p 85
ATI: To Nalaka
PTS/WP: Nālaka, p 274
(38.) 12. Dvayatānupassana Suttaɱ, p 139, vs 724
SBE: Dvayatānupassana Suttaɱ, p 131
PTS: III.12.: Consideration of the Pairs, p 89
ATI: The Contemplation of Dualities
PTS/WP: Contemplation of Dyads, p 280
IV. Aṭṭhaka Vagga, p 151, vs. 766-975
PTS: The Chapter of Eights
(39.) 1. Kāma Suttaɱ, p 151, vs 766
SBE: Kāma Suttaɱ, p 146
PTS: IV.1.: Sensual-pleasures, p 98
ATI: Sensual Pleasure
PTS/WP: Sensual Pleasures, p 291
(40.) 2. Guhaṭṭhaka Suttaɱ, p 151, vs 772
SBE: Guhaṭṭhaka Suttaɱ, p 147
PTS: IV.2.: The Cave, p 98
ATI: The Cave of the Body
PTS/WP: The Octad on the Cave, p 292
(41.) 3. Duṭṭhaṭṭhaka Suttaɱ, p 153, vs 780
SBE: Duṭṭhaṭṭhaka Suttaɱ, p 148
PTS: IV.3.: Evil, p 99
ATI: Corrupted
PTS/WP: The Octad on the Hostile, p 293
(42.) 4. Suddhaṭṭhaka Suttaɱ, p 154, vs 788
SBE: Suddhaṭṭhaka Suttaɱ, p 150
PTS: IV.4.: The Purified, p 100
ATI: Pure
PTS/WP: The Octad on the Pure, p 294
(43.) 5. Paramaṭṭhaka Suttaɱ, p 156, vs 796
SBE: Paramaṭṭhaka Suttaɱ, p 152
PTS: IV.5.: The Highest, p 101
ATI: Supreme
PTS/WP: The Octad on the Supreme, p 295
(44.) 6. Jarā Suttaɱ, p 158, vs 804
SBE: Garā Suttaɱ, p 154
PTS: IV.6.: Old Age, p 102
ATI: Old Age
PTS/WP: Old Age, p 296
(45.) 7. Tissametteyya Suttaɱ, p 160, vs 814
SBE: Tissametteyya Suttaɱ, p 156
PTS: IV.7.: Tissa Metteyya, p 103
ATI: Tissa Metteyya
PTS/WP: Tissa Metteyya, p 298
(46.) 8. Pasūra Suttaɱ, p 161, vs 824
SBE: Pasūra Suttaɱ, p 157
PTS: IV.8.: Pasūra, p 104
ATI: To Pasura
PTS/WP: Pasūra, p 299
(47.) 9. Māgandiya Suttaɱ, p 163, vs 835
SBE: Māgandiya Suttaɱ, p 159
PTS: IV.9.: Māgandiya, p 105
ATI: To Magandiya
PTS/WP: Māgandiya, p 300
(48.) 10. Purābheda Suttaɱ, p 166, vs 848
SBE: Purābheda Suttaɱ, p 162
PTS: IV.10.: Before the Dissolution, p 106
ATI: Before the Break-up of the Body
PTS/WP: Before the Breakup, p 303
(49.) 11. Kalahavivāda Suttaɱ, p 168, vs 862
SBE: Kalahavivāda Suttaɱ, p 164
PTS: IV.11.: Quarrels and Disputes, p 108
ATI: Quarrels and Disputes
PTS/WP: Quarrels and Disputes, p 304
(50.) 12. Cūla Viyūha Suttaɱ, p 171, vs 878
SBE: Kūlaviyūha Suttaɱ, p 167
PTS: IV.12.: The Small Discourse on Dispositions, p 109
ATI: The Lesser Array
PTS/WP: The Smaller Discourse on Deployment, p 307
(51.) 13. Mahā Viyūha Suttaɱ, p 174, vs 895
SBE: Mahāviyūha Suttaɱ, p 171
PTS: IV.13.: The Large Discourse on Disositions, p 111
ATI: The Great Array
PTS/WP: The Greater Discourse on Deployment, p 309
(52.) 14. Tuvaṭaka Suttaɱ, p 179, vs 915
SBE: Tuvaṭaka Suttaɱ, p 174
PTS: IV.14.: Speedy, p 114
ATI: Quickly
PTS/WP: Quickly, p 312
(53.) 15. Attadaṇḍa Suttaɱ, p 182, vs 935
SBE: Attadaṇḍa Suttaɱ, p 177
PTS: IV.15.: Embraced Violence, p 116
ATI: The Rod Embraced
PTS/WP: One Who Has TakenUp the Rod, p 315
(54.) 16. Sāriputta Suttaɱ, p 185, vs 955
SBE: Sāriputta Suttaɱ, p 180
PTS: IV.16.: Sāriputta, p 119
ATI: Sariputta
PTS/WP: Sāriputta, p 317
V. Pārāyana Vagga, p 190, vs. 976-1149
PTS: The Chapter on Going to the Far Shore
(55.) 1. Vatthu-Gāthā, p 190, vs 976
SBE: , p 184
PTS: V.1.: Introductory Verses, p 121
PTS/WP: Introductory Verses, p 321
(56.) 2. Ajitamāṇava-Pucchā, p 197, vs 1032
SBE: Agitamanāvapukkhā, p 190
PTS: V.2.: Ajita's Questions, p 125
ATI: [#1] Ajita's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Ajita, p 328
(57.) 3. Tissametteyyamāṇnava-Pucchā, p 199, vs 1040
SBE: Tissametteyyamāṇnavapukkhā, p 191
PTS: V.3.: Tissa Metteyya's Questions, p 126
ATI: [#2] Tissa-metteyya's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Tissa Metteyya, p 329
(58.) 4. Puṇṇakamṇnava-Pucchā, p 199, vs 1043
SBE: Puṇṇakamṇnavapukkhāv, p 192
PTS: V.4.: Puṇṇaka's Questions, p 126
ATI: [#3] Punnaka's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Punnaka, p 330
(59.) 5. Mettagūmṇnava-Pucchā, p 201, vs 1049
SBE: Mettagūmṇnavapukkhā, p 193
PTS: V.5.: Mettagū's Quesions, p 127
ATI: [#4] Mettagu's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Mettagū, p 331
(60.) 6. Dhotakamṇnava-Pucchā, p 204, vs 1061
SBE: Dhotakamṇnavapukkhā, p 196
PTS: V.6.: Dhotaka's Questions, p 128
ATI: [#5] Dhotaka's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Dhotaka, p 333
(61.) 7. Upasīvamṇnava-Pucchā, p 205, vs 1069
SBE: Upasīvamṇnavapukkhā, p 197
PTS: V.7.: Upasīva's Questions, p 129
ATI: [#6] Upasiva's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Upasīva, p 334
(62.) 8. Nandamṇnava-Pucchā, p 207, vs 1077
SBE: Nandamṇnavapukkhā, p 199
PTS: V.8.: Nanda's Questions, p 130
ATI: [#7] Nanda's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Nanda, p 336
(63.) 9. Hemakamṇnava-Pucchā, p 209, vs 1084
SBE: Hemakamṇnavapukkhā, p 201
PTS: V.9.: Hemaka's Questions, p 131
ATI: [#8] Hemaka's Question, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Hemaka, p 337
(64.) 10. Todeyyamṇnava-Pucchā, p 210, vs 1088
SBE: Todeyyamṇnavapukkhā, p 202
PTS: V.10.: Todeyya's Questions, p 132
ATI: [#9] Todeyya's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Todeyya, p 338
(65.) 11. Kappamṇnava-Pucchā, p 211, vs 1092
SBE: Kappamṇnavapukkhā, p 203
PTS: V.11.: Kappa's Questions, p 132
ATI: [#10] Kappa's Question, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Kappa, p 339
(66.) 12. Jatukaṇṇimṇnava-Pucchā, p 212, vs 1096
SBE: Gatukaṇṇimṇnavapukkhā, p 204
PTS: V.12.: Jatukaṇṇī's Quesions, p 133
ATI: [#11] Jatukannin's Question, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Jatukaṇṇī, p 339
(67.) 13. Bhadrāvudhamṇnava-Pucchā, p 213, vs 1101
SBE: Bhadrāvudhamṇnavapukkhā, p 205
PTS: V.13.: Bhadrāvudha's Questions, p 133
ATI: [#12] Bhadravudha's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Bhadrāvudha, p 340
(68.) 14. Udayamṇnava-Pucchā, p 214, vs 1105
SBE: Udayamṇnavapukkhā, p 206
PTS: V.13.: Udaya's Questions, p 134
ATI: [#12] Udaya's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Udaya, p 341
(69.) 15. Posālamṇnava-Pucchā, p 215, vs 1112
SBE: Posālamṇnavapukkhā, p 207
PTS: V.15.: Posāla's Questions, p 134
ATI: [#14] Posala's Questions, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Posāla, p 342
(70.) 16. Mogharājamṇnava-Pucchā, p 216, vs 1116
SBE: Mogharāgamṇnavapukkhā, p 208
PTS: V.16.: Mogharāja's Questions, p 135
ATI: [#15] Mogharaja's Question, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Mogharāja, p 343
(71.) 17. Piṅgiyamṇnava-Pucchā, p 217, vs 1120
SBE: Piṅgiyamṇnavapukkhā, p 209
PTS: V.17.: Piṅgiya's Questions, p 135
ATI: [#16] Pingiya's Question, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
PTS/WP: The Questions of Piṅgiya, p 343