Aṅguttara Nikāya

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Aṅguttara Nikāya

The Book of Ones

Suttas 235-247

Translated from the Pāḷi by Michael M. Olds



[235][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who have been here a long time
is Mahāpajapati Gotami.

[236][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who is of great wisdom
is Khema (Serenity).

[237][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who are of great mental power[1]
is Uppalavanna.

[238][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who carries on the rules
is Patacara.

[239][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who teach Dhamma
is Dhammadinna.

[240][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who has mastered the burnings[2]
is Nanda.

[241][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who has firmly established energetic effort[3]
is Sona.

[242][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who has the power of the divine eye
is Sakula.

[243][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who has speedy intuitive powers
is Bhadda Kundalakesa.

[244][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who is able to recall prior habitations
is Bhadda-kapilani.

[245][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who have attained great intuitive powers
is Bhadda Kaccana.

[246][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who is a rag-robe wearer
is Kisagotami.

[247][pts] At the top, beggars, of those of my female beggars
who are freed through faith
is Sigalamata.


[1] Iddhi-mantanam. Mental iddhi.

[2] Jhāna

[3] Araddha-viriyanam. PED: Āraddha. begun, started, bent on, undertaking, holding on to, resolved, firm A I.148 -viriya (adj.) strenuous, energetic, resolute Vin I.182; D III.252, 268, 282, 285; A I.24; Sn 68, 344; It 71 (opp. hīna-viriya); Nd2 131; Ps I.171; ThA 95. Cp. viriyārambha; f. abstr. -viriyatā M I.19.

Index to Aṅguttara Nikāya I: The Ekanipata Suttas ]


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