Canto I.
Psalms of Single Verses
Translated from the Pali by Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids.
Public Domain
He was reborn in this Buddha-age at Sāketa, in the family of a burgess. Because his head resembled that of a ram, he acquired the nickname of Meṇḍasīra (= ram's head). While the Exalted One was staying at Sāketa in the Añjana Wood, Meṇḍasīra came to believe in him, entered the Order, and practising calm and insight, [77] acquired sixfold abhiññā. He could thus recall former births, and concerning these he uttered this verse:
[78] Full many a round of rebirth have I run
Nor found a clue.[1] Lo! now from me who sore
Have suffered is the load of ill withdrawn.
And this was his confession of aññā.
[1] In the text, 'I found not'; Commentary, 'Not getting the knowledge how to turn or roll back' (nivattakañāṇaṃ) - i.e., the unending course of rebirth.