Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
45. Magga Saṃyutta
1. Avijjā Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
45. Kindred Sayings on the Way
1. On Ignorance

Sutta 3

Sāriputta Suttaṃ


Translated by F. L. Woodward
Edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][bodh] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Now the venerable Sāriputta came to visit the Exalted One,
and on coming to him saluted him
and sat down at one side.

So seated he said this:

"The whole of the holy life, lord,
consists in friendship,
in association,
in intimacy with what is lovely."

"Well said! Well said, Sāriputta!

The whole,
consists in friendship,
in association,
in intimacy with what is lovely.

Of a monk who is a friend,
an associate,
an intimate
of what is lovely
we may expect this, -
that he will develop the Ariyan eightfold way,
that he will make much of the Ariyan eightfold way.

And how, Sāriputta, does such a monk
develop and make much of
the Ariyan eightfold way?

Herein, Sāriputta, he cultivates right view,
which is based on detachment,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates right aim,
which is based on detachment,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

likewise right speech,
which is based on detachment,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates right action,
which is based on detachment,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates right living,
which is based on detachment,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates right effort,
which is based on detachment,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates right mindfulness,
which is based on detachment,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

He cultivates right concentration,
which is based on detachment,
on dispassion,
on cessation,
which ends in self-surrender.

That, Sāriputta, is how a monk who is a friend,
an associate,
an intimate of what is lovely,
cultivates and makes much of
the Ariyan eightfold way.

This is the method, Sāriputta,
by which you are to understand
how the whole of this holy life
consists in friendship,
in association,
in intimacy
with what is lovely.

Indeed, Sāriputta, beings liable to rebirth
are liberated from rebirth;
beings liable to decay,
liable to death,
liable to grief,
and despair,
are liberated therefrom
because of my friendship with what is lovely.

It is by this method, Sāriputta,
that you are to understand how
the whole of this holy life
consists in friendship,
in association,
in intimacy with what is lovely."

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