Aṅguttara Nikāya
VIII. Aṭṭhaka Nipāta
IV. Dāna Vagga
The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Eights
IV: On Giving
Sutta 38
Sappurisa Suttaṃ
The Worthy Man (b)
Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.
Copyright The Pali Text Society
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Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī,
at Jeta Grove,
in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.
There the Exalted One addressed the monks, saying:
"Yes, lord," they replied, and the Exalted One said:
[1]'Monks, when a worthy man is born into a family,
it is for the good,
and happiness of many folk.
It is for the good,
and happiness
of his parents,
of his wife and children,
of his slaves,
and servants,
of his friends and com- [167] panions,
of the ghosts of his forebears,[2]
of the rajah,
of the devas,
and of recluses and godly men.
Monks, just as abundance of rain
brings to perfection all crops
for the good,
and happiness of many folk;
even so a worthy man is born into a family,
it is for the good,
and happiness of many folk.
Ah, well it is for many when within
The home a wise man's born! Untiring, night
And day, he honours mother, father, forebears,
In fitting manner,[3] mindful of their care[4]
In former days. The homeless wanderers,
Who live the godly life, he honours,[5] firm
In faith, he knows therefor things proper, right.[6]
He is the rajah's friend and favourite,
The friend of devas, kith and kin and all.
Firm set in Saddhamma, with stain of stint
Put by, he wayfares to the world of bliss.'[7]
[1] A very similar sutta recurs at A. iii, 46.
[2] Pubba-petanaṃ. Comy. paraloka-gatānaṃ ñātīnaṃ, and so in the verses, but Comy. there paṭhame.
[3] Saha dhammena.
[4] Kataṃ, lit. deed. The Comy. observes, remembering the nature of his mother's and father's previous services (kāra).
[5] I take both apace and bhajate to be pres, indic, reflective, though they can be optative, as the P.E.D. suggests.
[6] S.e. reads ñatvā dhamme'dha.
[7] Sivaṃ, the half line recurs at Sn. 115; Sn.A. 173, kheman ... anupaddavaṃ. See S. iv, 370.