Aṅguttara Nikāya
VIII. Aṭṭhaka Nipāta
III: Gahapati Vagga
The Book of Eights
Sutta 28
Khīṃ'āsava Bala Suttaṃ
Tools 2
Translated from the Pāḷi
Michael M. Olds
[1][pts][than][bodh] I Hear Tell:
Once upon a time, The Lucky Man Sāvatthi Town revisiting, Anāthapiṇḍika Park, Jeta Grove.
There then Old-Man Sāriputta came upon The Lucky Man and approached.
Having approached The Lucky Man, saluting, he took a seat to one side.
Then with Old-Man Sāriputta sitting to one side, The Lucky Man said this:
"How many then, Sāriputta, are the corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tools,
possessed of which tools the corrupting-influence-rid beggar declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'?"
"Eight, elder, are the corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tools,
possessed of which tools the corrupting-influence-rid beggar declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'
What are the eight?
Here elder, in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
instability in all which is own-made
has been well-seen through high wisdom.
Since, Bhante, when in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
instability in all which is own-made
has been well-seen through high wisdom,
such certainly Bhante, is an corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tool,
possessed of which tool, the corrupting-influence-rid beggar
declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'
And again, Bhante, deeper than that,
in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the similarity to burning charcoal,
of whatsoever sense pleasures there are,
has been well-seen through high wisdom.
Since, Bhante, when in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the similarity to burning charcoal,
of whatsoever sense pleasures there are,
has been well-seen through high wisdom,
such certainly Bhante, is an corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tool,
possessed of which tool, the corrupting-influence-rid beggar
declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'
And again, Bhante, deeper than that,
in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the heart has sunk into solitude,
is prone to solitude,
inclines to solitude,
withdraws from,
delights in retiring from,
comes to the end of,
all things achieved through corrupting-influence.
Since, Bhante, when in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the heart has sunk into solitude,
is prone to solitude,
inclines to solitude,
withdraws from,
delights in retiring from,
comes to the end of,
all things achieved through corrupting-influence
such certainly Bhante, is an corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tool,
possessed of which tool, the corrupting-influence-rid beggar
declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'
And again, Bhante, deeper than that,
in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the four mind-pastures have been developed,
Since, Bhante, when in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the four mind-pastures have been developed,
such certainly Bhante, is an corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tool,
possessed of which tool, the corrupting-influence-rid beggar
declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'
And again, Bhante, deeper than that,
in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the four power-paths have been developed,
Since, Bhante, when in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the four power-paths have been developed,
such certainly Bhante, is an corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tool,
possessed of which tool, the corrupting-influence-rid beggar
declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'
And again, Bhante, deeper than that,
in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the five forces have been developed,
Since, Bhante, when in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the five forces have been developed,
such certainly Bhante, is an corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tool,
possessed of which tool, the corrupting-influence-rid beggar
declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'
And again, Bhante, deeper than that,
in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the seven dimensions of awakening have been developed,
Since, Bhante, when in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the seven dimensions of awakening have been developed,
such certainly Bhante, is an corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tool,
possessed of which tool, the corrupting-influence-rid beggar
declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'
And again, Bhante, deeper than that,
in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the aristocratic multi-dimensional high way has been developed,
Since, Bhante, when in the corrupting-influence-rid beggar,
the aristocratic multi-dimensional high way has been developed,
such certainly Bhante, is an corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tool,
possessed of which tool, the corrupting-influence-rid beggar
declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'
These then, Bhante, are the eight corrupting-influence-rid beggar's tools,
possessed of which tools the corrupting-influence-rid beggar declares the riddance of the corrupting-influences saying:
'Rid are my corrupting-influences!'"