Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Sattaka Nipāta
2. Anusaya Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Sevens
Chapter II: Leanings

Sutta 14

Āhuneyya-Puggala Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[1] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī,
at Jeta Grove, in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park;
and there he addressed the monks, saying:


'Yes, lord,' they replied;
and the Exalted One said:

"Monks, there are these seven persons worthy of offerings,
worthy of gifts,
worthy of oblations,
the world's peerless field for merit.

What seven?

[7] The freed-both-ways,[1]
the wisdom-freed,
the seer-in-body,
the view-winner,
the faith-freed,
the Dhamma-follower,
the faith-follower.

'Verily, Monks, there are these seven persons worthy of offerings,
worthy of gifts,
worthy of oblations,
the world's peerless field for merit.


[1] See M. i, 477 ff. (F. Dial. i, 336); D. iii, 105; A. i, 73; Pug. 14; K.S. iv, 109. Our Comy. explains as n. at Dial. ii, 70 and refers to M. Childers (Dict. Art. Ubhato) quotes our Comy.


Childers: Ubhato. (ADV.). On both sides, in two ways. U. sujāto, well born on both sides (i.e., father's and mother's, Jāt.2). U. naṭṭho, doubly lost, forlorn in two respects (Mah. 52). Often as the first part of a compound. Ubhatodaso (adj.), having a fringe at each end. Ubhatopasse, on both sides (Mah. 213). Ubhatomukho asso seems to mean a horse with a mouth at each end (tassa dvīsu passesu yavasaṃ denti so dvihi mukhehi khādati, Das. 25) or possibly with two heads. Ubhatosaṇgho, both priesthoods (viz. bhikkhusaṇgho and bhikkhunisaṇgho, Pāt. 108; Mah. 196, 224). Ubhatobyañjanako, having the characteristics of both sexes, hermaphrodite (Pāt. 28). Ubhatobhāgavimutto is a technical Buddhist term. I owe to Subh. the foll. passage from Vis. M., arūupajjhānena c'eva ariyamaggena cāti ubhatobhāgena vimutto ti ubhatobhāgavimutto, u. means one who is emancipated in two ways, namely by arūpajjhāna and by ariyamagga. He also quotes from Aṇguttara Nikāya, ubhatobhāgavimutto ti dvīhi bhāgehi vimutto arūpasamāpattiyā rūpakā-yato vimutto maggena nāmakāyato, so catunnaṃ arūpasamāpattīnam ekekato vuṭṭhāya saṅkhāre sammasitvā arahattappattānaṃ catunnan ti nirodhā vuṭṭhāya arahattaṃ pattassa anāgāmino vasena ca pancavidho hoti: of which Vij. sends me this translation, "Ubh. is he who is emancipated in two ways, by means of Arūpasamāpatti he is emancipated from the body of form, by means of the Magga from the body of Nāma. He is of five kinds, namely four who having risen from the Arūpasamāpatti one after another and having grasped the Saṅkhāras attains Arhatship, and the Anāgāmin who having risen from the Nirodha-samāpatti attains arhatship." From this it appears that the Ubh. may be either an arahatta-phalaṭṭha in one of the four Arūpa havens, or an anāgāmin who has attained arahattaphala through the Nirodha meditation.

p.p. explains it all — p.p.


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