Index of Personalities
These entries consist primarily of quotations from The Dictionary of Pāḷi Proper Names [DPPN]
Dictionary of Pāḷi Proper Names, Volume 1, A-Dh, (108,287 MB)
Dictionary of Pāḷi Proper Names, Volume 2, N-H, (130,772 MB).
and The Psalms of the Early Buddhists, (all of the individual suttas of this work are available on this site: Theragātha; Therigāthā) published by The Pāḷi Text Society: Reproduced by permission of the Pāḷi Text Society which owns the copyright.
For an excellent selection of biographical material on Gotama from the Suttas, see: A Sketch of the Buddha's Life: Readings from the Pāḷi Canon. A short anthology prepared by John Bullitt of Access to Insight.
Also see the index to personalities found in the Access to Insight texts Index to Proper Names
Also see: Pāḷ, Buddhist Dictionary of Pāḷi Proper Names
For an interesting discussion of forms of address in Buddhist India, see the Mahali Sutta, Introduction.
For a table of information about former Buddhas, see 'The Last Seven Buddhas'
[ Go ] Ānanda.
[ Go ] Ajātasattu.
[ Go ] Anāthapiṇḍika; Sudatto gahapati Anāthapiṇḍiko.
[ Go ] Angulimala (AKA: Garland of Thumbs)
[ Go ] Añña Kondañña.
[ Go ] Anuruddha
[ Go ] Assaji Thera.
[ Go ] Bāhiya the Bark-clad; Bāhiyo Dārucīriyo,
[ Go ] Bakkula
[ Go ] Bhaddā Kaccānā
[ Go ] Bhaddā of the curly hair; Bhaddā Kuṇḍalakesā,
[ Go ] Bhaddā of the Kapilās; Bhaddā-kapilānī
[ Go ] Bhaddiya, Kāligodhā's son; Bhaddiyo Kāligodhāyaputto
[ Go ] Bhaddiya the Dwarf; Lakuṇṭaka-bhaddiyo
[ Go ] Bhallikā
[ Go ] Bhāradvāja the Scrap-hunter; Piṇḍola-Bhāradvājo,
[ Go ] Bimbisāra; King Seniya Bimbisāra of Magadha
[ Go ] Citta, the housefather of Macchikāsaṇḍa; Citto gahapati Macchikasaṇḍiko
[ Go ] Culla-Anathapindika
[ Go ] Cūḷa Kokālika
[ Go ] Culla-Panthaka
[ Go ] Cunda the Great Mahā Cunda (poss.: Cūḷa-Cunda)(poss: Cunda-Samaṇuddesa, Ekapattadāyaka, Cunda Thera)
[ Go ] Dabba of the Mallas; Dabbo Mallaputto
[ Go ] Devadatta
[ Go ] Dhammadinnā
[ Go ] Gotamī the Lean; Kisāgotamī
[ Go ] Hatthaka of Āḷavī; Haṭṭhako Āḷavako
[ Go ] Jāṇussoṇī brāhmaṇo
[ Go ] Jīvaka the Prince-fed; Jīvako Komārabhacco,
[ Go ] Kāḷī, the lay-follower of Kurara-ghara; (Kāḷī upāsikā kurara-gharikā
[ Go ] Kāludāyin; Kāḷudāyī
[ Go ] Kappina the Great; Mahā-kappino
[ Go ] Kassapa of Uruveḷa; Uruvela-kassapo
[ Go ] Kassapa the Boy; Kumāra-kassapo
[ Go ] Kātiyānī
[ Go ] Khemā
[ Go ] Khujjuttarā
[ Go ] Koṭṭhita the Great; Mahā Koṭṭhito
[ Go ] Kuṇḍa-Dhāna
[ Go ] Kaccāna the Great; Mahā Kaccāno
[ Go ] Kassapa the Great; Mahā Kassapo
[ Go ] Lakkhaṇa Thera
[ Go ] Maha Pajāpatī the Gotamid; Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī.
[ Go ] Mahānāma the Sakyan; Mahānāmo Sakko.
[ Go ] Mallikā
[ Go ] Mahā Moggallāno, Moggallāna The Great.
[ Go ] Mandhātā.
[ Go] Makkhali Gosala, Makkhali of the Cow Pen
[ Go ] Mogharājan
[ Go ] Nakula's mother; Nakulamātā gahapatānī
[ Go ] Nakulapitar the housefather; Nakulapitā gahapati
[ Go ] Nandā (the bhikkhuni)
[ Go ] Nanda
[ Go ] Nandaka
[ Go ] Panthaka the Great; Mahāpanthako
[ Go ] Pasenadi. King of Kosala
[ Go ] Paṭacāra
[ Go ] Pilindavaccha
[ Go ] Puṇṇa, Mantāni's son; Puṇṇo Mantāni-putto
[ Go ] Pūraṇa Kassapa
[ Go ] Rādha
[ Go ] Rāhula
[ Go ] Raṭṭhapāla
[ Go ] Revata of the Acacia Woods; Revato Khadiravaniyo
[ Go ] Revata the Doubter; Kaṅkhā-revato
[ Go ] Sāgata
[ Go ] Sakulā
[ Go ] Sāmāvatī
[ Go ] Sāriputta
[ Go ] Sigāla's mother; Sigālamātā
[ Go ] Sīha; Siha the General
[ Go ] Sīvali
[ Go ] Sobhita
[ Go ] Soṇā (the bhikkhuni)
[ Go ] Soṇa-Kuṭikaṇṇa
[ Go ] Soṇa of the Kola-vīsa clan; Soṇo Kolivīso
[ Go ] Subhūti
[ Go ] Sujātā, Senāni's daughter; Sujātā Senānidhītā
[ Go ] Suppavāsā of the Koliyans; Suppavāsā Koḷiyadhītā
[ Go ] Suppiyā, the lay-follower; Suppiyā Upāsikā
[ Go ] Sūra Ambaṭṭha
[ Go ] Tapassu and Bhalluka the Merchants
[ Go ] Udāyī, Mahā Udāyī, Paṇḍita Udāyī
[ Go ] Ugga, the housefather of Vesālī; Uggo gahapati Vesāliko
[ Go ] Uṇṇābha the brahmin
[ Go ] Uggata the housefather; Uggato gahapati
[ Go ] Upaka
[ Go ] Upāli
[ Go ] Upasena, Vanganta's son; Upaseno Vaºgantaputto
[ Go ] Uppalavaṇṇā
[ Go ] Uttarā, Nanda's mother; Uttarā Nandamātā
[ Go ] Vangīsa
[ Go ] Vajjiyamāhita
[ Go ] Vikkali
[ Go ] Velukantakiya
[ Go ] Visākhā, Migāra's mother; Visākhā Migāramātā,