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Index of the Suttas of the
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Nidana Vagga
Labha-sakkara Saṃyutta


Index of Sutta Indexes


II. Nidāna Vagga

PTS: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 2, Nidāna Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1888. The html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text.
BJT: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 2, Nidāna-Vagga The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text.

The Pāḷi text for individual suttas listed below is adapted from the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series [BJT], not from the PTS version.
Each translation is linked to its Pāḷi version and to the PTS, Sister Upalavanna, Olds and where available to the ATI Bhk. Thanissaro translation, and each of these is in turn linked back to each of the others. Many, but not all have been checked against the Pāḷi Text Society edition, and many have been reformatted to include the original Pāḷi (and/or organizational) phrase and sentence breaks.

PTS: The Kindred Sayings on Cause, translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids assisted by F.L. Woodward,
WP: The Book of Causation, translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi
ATI: The translations of Bhikkhu Thanissaro and others originally located on Access to Insight.
BD: The translations of M. Olds
MNL: The translations of Sister Upalavanna.

VI. Labha-sakkara Saṃyutta, I.46

Covering Suttas 1-43. A series of short suttas on the theme of the dangers in gains, fame, and flattery.

BD: Fame, Favors and Gains A complete translation of the Labhasakkara Samyutta
PTS: Kindred Sayings on Gains and Favours, II.153
WP: Connected Discourses on Gains and Honour, I.682


1. Dāruno Suttaṃ, II.225

BD: A Hard Row
PTS: Dire! II.153
WP: Dreadful, I.682

2. Balisa Suttaṃ, II.226

BD: The Hook
PTS: The hook, II.153
WP: The Hook, I.682

3. Kamma Suttaṃ, II.226

BD: The Turtle
PTS: The tortoise, II.154
WP: The Turtle, 683
ATI: The Turtle, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.

4. Dīgha-lomi Suttaṃ, II.228

BD: The Long-Fleeced Nanny Goat
PTS: Longfleece, II.154
WP: The Long-Haired Goat, I.683

5. Piḷhika Suttaṃ (or Miḷhaka Suttaṃ), II.228

BD: The DungBeetle
PTS: Dungbeetle, II.155
WP: The Dung Beetle, I.684
ATI: The Dung Beetle
WLSH: The Dung-Beetle

6. Asani Suttaṃ, II.229

BD: The Thunderbolt
PTS: Thunderbolt, II.155
WP: The Thunderbolt, I.684

7. Diṭṭha-Visalla Suttaṃ, II.229

BD: The Poisoned Dart
PTS: Poisoned, II.156
WP: The Poisoned Dart, I.685

8. Singālo Suttaṃ, II.230

BD: The Old Jackal
PTS: The jackal, 156
WP: The Jackal, I.685
ATI: The Jakal

9. Verambā Suttaṃ, II.231

BD: The Hurricane-Like Winds of the Upper Atmosphere
PTS: Hurricanes, II.157
WP: The Gale Winds, I.685

10. Sagāthaka Suttaṃ, II.231

BD: I See A Certain Beggar
PTS: Sutta with verse, II.157
WP: With Verses, I.686


11. Paṭhama Pāti Suttaṃ, II.233

BD: Not for a Golden Bowl Filled with Silver
PTS: The bowl, II.158
WP: Golden Bowl, I.687

12. Dutiya Pāti Suttaṃ, II.

BD: Not for a Silver Bowl Filled with Gold
PTS: The bowl 2, II.158
WP: Silver Bowl, I.687

13. (untitled), II.234

BD: Not for a Golden Hundredweight
PTS: 13-20: (untitled), II.158
WP: 13-20: Suvanna-nikkha, Etc., I.687

14. (untitled), II.234

BD: Not for a Hundred Gold Hundred-Weights

15. (untitled), II.234

BD: Not for a Hundred Hundred-Counts of Gold Hundred-Weights

16. (untitled), II.234

BD: Not for a Hundred Hundred Hundred-Counts of Gold Hundred-Weights

17. (untitled), II.234

BD: Not for All The Gold in the World

18. (untitled), II.234

BD: Not for Any Material Thing

19. (untitled), II.234

BD: Not for the Sake of His Life

20. (untitled), II.234

BD: Not for the Sake of the Fairest Lass in the Land


21. Mātu-gāmo Suttaṃ, II.234

BD: A Man Might Escape a Woman
PTS: Woman, II.159
WP: A Woman, I.688

22. Kalyāṇī Suttaṃ, II.235

BD: A Man Might Escape The Fairest Lass in the Land
PTS: The belle, II.159
WP: The Most Beautiful Girl of the Land, I.688

23. Putto Suttaṃ, II.235

BD: A Mother's Advice To Her Beloved Son
PTS: Son, II.159
WP: Only Son, I.688

24. Eka-dhītu Suttaṃ, II.236

BD: A Mother's Advice to Her Beloved Daughter
PTS: The only daughter, II.160
WP: Only Daughter, I.689

25. Paṭhama Samaṇa-brāhmaṇā Suttaṃ, II.236

BD: The Attraction, The Danger and the Escape
PTS: Recluses and brahmins, II.160
WP: Ascetics and Brahmins, I.689

26. Dutiya Samaṇa-brāhmaṇā Suttaṃ, II.237

BD: The Origin and Conclusion
PTS: 2, II.161
WP: Ascetics and Brahmins 2, I.689

27. Tatiya Samaṇa-brāhmaṇā Suttaṃ, II.237

BD: The Origin and Conclusion and the Attraction, the Danger, and the Escape
PTS: 3, II.161
WP: Ascetics and Brahmins 3, I.690

28. Chavi Suttaṃ, II.237

BD: Cutting right Through to the Marrow
PTS: The Skin, II.161
WP: Skin, I.690

29. Rajiu Suttaṃ, II.238

BD: Like the Rope-Binding Torture
PTS: The Cord, II.161
WP: The Rope, I.690

30. Bhikkhu Suttaṃ, II.238

BD: Even for the Arahant
PTS: The brother, 161
WP: The Bhikkhu, I.691


31. Chindi Suttaṃ, II.239

BD: Devadatta
PTS: He cut, II.162
WP: Schism, I.691

32. Mūla Suttaṃ, II.240

BD: The Root of Skill Dried Up in Devadatta
PTS: The Root, II.162
WP: Wholesome Root, I.691

33. Dhammo Suttaṃ, II.240

BD: Skill in Dhamma Dried Up in Devadatta
PTS: Conditions, II.162
WP: Wholesome Nature, I.692

34. Sukko Suttaṃ, II.240

BD: The Light of Dhamma Died Out in Devadatta
PTS: Bright (conditions), II.162
WP: Bright Nature, I.692

35. Pakkanta Suttaṃ, II.241

BD: The Ruination of Devadatta
PTS: Seceding, II.163
WP: Not Long After He Left, I.692

36. Ratha Suttaṃ, II.242

BD: Five Hundred Cartloads
PTS: The car, II.163
WP: Five Hundred Carts, I.692

37. Mātari Suttaṃ, II.242

BD: Not for the Sake of His Mother's Life
PTS: 37-43: For mother's, father's, brother's, sister's, son's, daughter's wife's sake, II.164
WP: 37-43: Mother Sutta, Etc., I.693

38. Pitā Suttaṃ, II.243

BD: Not for the Sake of His Father's Life

39. Bhātā Suttaṃ, II.243

BD: Not for the Sake of His Brother's Life

40. Bhagini Suttaṃ, II.243

BD: Not for the Sake of His Sister's Life

41. Puttā Suttaṃ, II.243

BD: Not for the Sake of his Son's Life

42. Dhītā Suttaṃ, II.243

BD: Not for the Sake of His Daughter's Life

43. Pajāpati Suttaṃ, II.243

BD: Not for the Sake of His Wife's Life

 [I. Sagathavagga]  [II. Nidanavagga]  [III. Khandhavagga]  [IV. Salayatanavagga]  [V. Mahavagga]

 [Nidanasamyutta]  [Abhisamayasamyutta]  [Dhatusamyutta]  [Anamataggasamyutta]  [Kassapasamyutta]  [Labhasakkarasamyutta]  [Rahulasamyutta]  [Lakkhanasamyutta]  [Opammasamyutta]  [Bhikkhusamyutta]


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