Aṇguttara Nikāya

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Aṇguttara Nikāya
Sattaka Nipāta
IV. Devatā Vagga

The Book of the Gradual Sayings
The Book of the Sevens
Chapter IV: Devas

Sutta 31

Appamāda-Gārava Suttaṃ


Translated from the Pali by E.M. Hare.

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[1][than] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was dwelling near Sāvatthī,
at Jeta Grove, in Anāthapiṇḍika's Park.

Now as night advanced a deva,
whose surpassing loveliness lit up almost the whole of Jeta Grove,
visited the Exalted One,
saluted and stood at one side;
and so standing,
the deva spoke thus:

'Lord, these seven things lead not to a monk's decline.

What seven?

Reverence for the Master,
for Dhamma,
for the Order,
the training,
for concentration,
and for goodwill.

Indeed, lord, these seven things lead not to a monk's decline.'

Thus spake that deva
and the Master approved;
and seeing this,
the deva saluted the Exalted One
and passed out on the right.




And when the night was over,
the Exalted One addressed the monks:

Monks, this night a deva,
whose surpassing loveliness lit up almost the whole of Jeta Grove,
saluted and stood at one side;
and so standing,
the deva spoke thus:

'Lord, these seven things lead not to a monk's decline.

What seven?

Reverence for the Master,
for Dhamma,
for the Order,
the training,
for concentration,
and for goodwill.

Indeed, lord, these seven things lead not to a monk's decline.'

Thus spake that deva, Monks,
and I approved;
and seeing this,
the deva saluted
and passed out on the right.



[17] Deep reverence for the Master, Dhamma, Order;
The training, concentration, earnestness
And goodwill keenly held in high esteem:[1]
Not thus can monk decline; he's nigh the cool.[2]


[1] Cf. A. iii, 330 ff..; D. iii, 244.

[2] See Mrs. Rhys Davids' Dhp. trsl. Introd. xviii (S.B.B. vii); Dhp. 32; A. ii, 40; It. 40; Mil. 408; 'the cool' = 'Nibbāna.'

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