Samyutta Nikaya Masthead

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Saṃyutta Nikāya
5. Mahā-Vagga
46. Bojjhanga Saṃyutta
1. Pabbata Vagga

The Book of the Kindred Sayings
5. The Great Chapter
46. Kindred Sayings on the Limbs of Wisdom
1. The Mountain

Sutta 2

Kāya Suttaṃ


Translated by F. L. Woodward

Copyright The Pali Text Society
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[1][bodh][olds] THUS have I heard:

Once the Exalted One was staying near Sāvatthī.

Then the Exalted One addressed the monks,


"Yes, lord," replied those monks to the Exalted One.

The Exalted One said:

"Just as this[1] body, monks,
is supported by material food
and stands in dependence on it,
stands not without it, -
even so, monks, the five hindrances
are supported by (their own) material food,
stand in dependence on it,
stand not without food.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising of sensual lust
not yet arisen,
or for the increase and growth of sensual lust
that has arisen?

It is the alluring feature[2] of things.

Unsystematic attention to that
is the food for the arising of sensual lust
not yet arisen,
and for the increase and growth of sensual lust
that has already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising of malevolence
not yet arisen,
or food for the increase and growth of malevolence
that has already arisen?

It is the repulsive feature[3] of things.

Unsystematic attention to that
is this food for the arising of malevolence
not yet arisen,
and for the increase and growth of malevolence
that has already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising of sloth and torpor
not yet arisen,
or for the increase and growth of sloth and torpor
that has already arisen?

It is regret,
surfeit after meals,
torpidity of mind.[4]

Unsystematic attention to that is this food
for the arising of sloth and torpor
not yet arisen,
or for the increase and growth of sloth and torpor
that has already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising of excitement and flurry
not yet arisen,
or for the increase and growth of excitement and flurry
that have already arisen?

It is non-tran- [53] quillity of mind.

Unsystematic attention to that is thr food
for the arising of excitement and flurry
not yet arisen,
or for the increase and growth of excitement and flurry
that have already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising of doubt and wavering
not yet arisen,
or for the increase and growth of doubt and wavering
that have already arisen?

It is things which are based on[5] doubt and wavering.

Unsystematic attention to that, monks, is this food
for the arising of doubt and wavering
not yet arisen,
or for the increase and growth of doubt and wavering
that have already arisen.

Just as this body, monks,
is supported by material food
and stands in dependence on it,
stands not without it, -
even so, monks, the five hindrances
are supported by (their own) material food,
stand in dependence on it,
stand not without food.




Just as this body, monks,
is supported by material food,
and stands in dependence on it,
stands not without it, -
even so, monks, the seven limbs of wisdom
are supported by (their own) material food,
stand in dependence on it,
stand not without food.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom that is mindfulness
not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness
that has already arisen?

There are, monks, things that are based
on the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness.

Systematic attention thereto,
if made much of,
is this food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom that is mindfulness
not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is mindfulness
that has already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is searching of the Norm
not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is searching of the Norm
if already arisen?

There are, monks, things good and bad,
things blameworthy and things not blameworthy,
things mean and things exalted,
things resembling darkness and things resembling light.[6]

Systematic attention thereto,
if made much of,
is this food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is searching of the Norm
not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is searching of the Norm
if already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising of the limb of [54] wisdom which is energy
not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is energy
if already arisen?

There is, monks, the element of putting forth effort,[7]
the element of exertion,[8]
the element of striving.[9]

Systematic attention thereto,
if made much of,
is this food
for the arising of the limb of wisdom which is energy
not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is energy
if already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is zest
if not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is zest
if already arisen?

There are, monks, things based on the limb of wisdom that is zest.

Systematic attention thereto,
if made much of,
is this food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is zest
if not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is zest
if already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is tranquillity
if not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is tranquillity
if already arisen?

There are, monks, tranquillity of body
and tranquillity of mind.

Systematic attention thereto,
if made much of,
is this food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is tranquillity
if not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is tranquillity
if already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is concentration
if not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is concentration
if already arisen?

There are, monks, sights that calm,
that bewilder not.[10]

Systematic attention thereto,
if made much of,
is this food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is concentration
if not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is concentration
if already arisen.

And what, monks, is food
for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is equanimity
if not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is equanimity
if already arisen?

There are, monks, things based on the limb of wisdom[11] that is equanimity.

Systematic attention thereto,
if made much of,
is this food
[55] for the arising
of the limb of wisdom which is equanimity
if not yet arisen,
or for the cultivation and fulfilment
of the limb of wisdom which is equanimity
if already arisen."


[1] Cf. Expos., 204.

[2] Subha-nimittaṇ; infra, text 103. Cf. Pts. of Contr., App. 387, 'The alluring feature (which to one who does not practise systematic thought (ayoniso manasikarontassa) is a snare and danger)'; K.S. i, 239. The threefold sign is the deceptive appearance of permanence, happiness and soul, to be abolished by the cultivation of the signless (animittaṇ).

[3] Paṭigha-nimittaṇ (at A. i, 3, asubha-nimittaṇ).

[4] Arati, tandi, vijambhitā, bhatta-sammado, cetaso līnattaṇ. See Vibh. 352; Vibh. 272, 478; SA. on S. i, 7; JA. vi, 57, etc.

[5] Ṭhāniyā.

[6] Cf. Dialog. 1, 225; D. ii, 215. Comy. sadisa-vipāka-koṭṭhāsā

[7] Ārambha-dhatu. Cf. Expos., 192. Comy.paṭhama-viriya (dhātu = source, seed).

[8] Nikkama. Cf. S. i, 194; VM. i, 132 + Comy. kosajjato nikkhantattā tato balavataraṇ.

[9] Parakkama. VM. + Comy. paraṇ ṭhānaṇ akkamanato pi balavataraṇ.

[10] Samatha- and avyagga-nimittaṇ (lit. the mark of calm and nondistraction). Cf. S. i, 96, abyagga-manaso naro. The latter, according to Comy., a synonym of the former. For details cf. VM. 1, 134.

[11] Comy. 'Things of middle state, indifference.'

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