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Index of the Suttas of the
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Sagāthā Vagga
Kosala Saṃyutta


Index of Sutta Indexes


I. Sagāthā Vagga

PTS: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1884. The html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text.
BJT: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text.

The Pāḷi text for individual suttas listed below is adapted from the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series [BJT], not from the PTS version.
Each translation is linked to its Pāḷi version and to the PTS, Sister Upalavanna, Olds and where available to the ATI Bhk. Thanissaro translation, and each of these is in turn linked back to each of the others. Many, but not all have been checked against the Pāḷi Text Society edition, and many have been reformatted to include the original Pāḷi (and/or organizational) phrase and sentence breaks.

PTS: Kindred Sayings with Verses, translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids,
WP: The Book with Verses, translated by Bhkkhu Bodhi
ATI: The translations of Bhkkhu Thanissaro and others originally located on Access to Insight
MNL: The translations of Sister Upalavanna.
BD: The translations of M. Olds.

3. Kosala Saṃyutta, I.68

PTS: Kosala, I.93
WP: Connected Discourses with the Kosalan, 164

Covering Suttas 1-10. Exchanges with the king, the Kosalan Pasenadi. The story of Pasanadi emerges in frequent suttas throughout the Sutta Piṭaka where we see him progress from an unbeliever to a believer who loses his kingship because of his faith. Here he is seen in this group of suttas at an early stage of his relationship with Gotama where we also get glimpses of the manner of kings at the time.

I. I.68

1. Daharo Suttaṃ, I.68

PTS: Young Creatures, 93
WP: Young, 164
ATI: Young

2. Puriso Suttaṃ, I.70

PTS: A Man, 96
ATI: A Man
WP: A Person, 166

3. Rājā Suttaṃ, I.71

PTS: The King, 96
ATI: The King
WP: Aging and Death, 167

4. Piya Suttaṃ, I.71

BD: Loved
PTS: The Dear One, 97
WP: Dear, 167
ATI: Dear, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.
Buddhism in Translations, Be A Friend to Yourself. Warren, trans.

5. Attāna-rakkhita Suttaṃ, I.72

PTS: Self-guarded, 99
WP: Self-Protected, 169
ATI: Self-protected

6. Appakā Suttaṃ, I.73

PTS: Few, 99
WP: Few, 169
ATI: Few

7. Attha-karaṇa Suttaṃ, I.74

PTS: The Seat of Judgment, 100
WP: The Judgement Hall, 170
ATI: In Judgment

8. Mallikā Suttaṃ, I.75

PTS: Mallika (Mallikaa, Mallikā), 101
ATI/DTO: Mallikā, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
WP: Mallika, 170

9. Yañña Suttaṃ, I.75

PTS: Sacrifice, 102
WP: Sacrifice, 171

10. Bandhana Suttaṃ, I.76

PTS: Bonds, 103
WP: Bondage, 172


Covering suttas 11-20. Further exchanges with the king, the Kosalan Pasenadi.

11. Jaṭilo Suttaṃ, I.77

PTS: He of the Matted Hair, 104
WP: Seven Jatilas, 173

12. Pañca-rājāno Suttaṃ, I.79

PTS: The Five Rajas, 106
WP: Five Kings, 175

13. Doṇapāka Suttaṃ, I.81

PTS: Heavy Meal, 108
WP: A Bucket Measure of Food, 176
ATI: King Pasenadi Goes on a Diet, Andrew Olendzki, trans.
ATI: A Gallon Measure, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.

14, 15. Paṭhama Saṇgāme Dve Vuttāni Suttaṃ, | Dutiya Saṇgāme Dve Vuttāni Suttaṃ, I.82, 83

PTS:(14) Two sayings about war, 1 109
(15) Two sayings about war, 2 109
WP: Battle, 177, 178
ATI: A Battle (1)
A Battle (2)

16. Dhitā Suttaṃ, I.86

PTS: The Daughter, 110
WP: Daughter, 179

17. Paṭhama Appamāda Suttaṃ, I.86

BD: Appamāda Olds translation
PTS: Diligence, 111
WP: Diligence, 179
ATI: Heedfulness

18. Dutiya Appamāda Suttaṃ, I.87

PTS: Diligence 2, 112
WP: Diligence 2, 180

19. Aputtaka Suttaṃ, I.89

PTS: Childless 1, 115
WP: Childless, 182
ATI: Heirless (1)

20. Aputtaka Suttaṃ, I.91

PTS: Childless 2, 116
WP: Childless 2, 183
ATI: Heirless (2)
Buddhism in Translations, Good and Bad Karma. Warren, trans.


21. Puggala Suttaṃ, I.93

PTS: Persons, 118
ATI/DTO: Persons, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
WP: Persons, 185

22. Ayyakā Suttaṃ, I.96

PTS: Grandmother, 122
WP: Grandmother, 188

23. Loko Suttaṃ, I.98

PTS: The World, 122
WP: World, 189
ATI: (Qualities of) the World

24. Issattam Suttaṃ, I.98

PTS: Bowmanship, 123
WP: Archery, 190
ATI: Archery Skills

25. Pabbat'ūpamaṃ Suttaṃ, I.100

PTS: The Parable of the Mountain, 125
WP: The Simile of the Mountain, 192
ATI: The Simile of the Mountains
ATI: Irresistible Force,(excerpt), Andrew Olendzki, trans.

 [I. Sagathavagga]  [II. Nidanavagga]  [III. Khandhavagga]  [IV. Salayatanavagga]  [V. Mahavagga]

 [Devatasamyutta]  [Devaputtasamyutta]  [Kosalasamyutta]  [Marasamyutta]  [Bhikkhunisamyutta]  [Brahmasamyutta]  [Brahmanasamyutta]  [Vangisatherasamyutta]  [Vanasamyutta]  [Yakkhasamyutta]  [Sakkasamyutta]


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