Index of the Suttas of the
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Sagāthā Vagga
Vaṅgīsa-Thera Saṃyutta
I. Sagāthā Vagga
PTS: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1884. The html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text.
BJT: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 1, Sagāthā-Vagga The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text.
The Pāḷi text for individual suttas listed below is adapted from the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series [BJT], not from the PTS version.
Each translation is linked to its Pāḷi version and to the PTS, Sister Upalavanna, Olds and where available to the ATI Bhk. Thanissaro translation, and each of these is in turn linked back to each of the others. Many, but not all have been checked against the Pāḷi Text Society edition, and many have been reformatted to include the original Pāḷi (and/or organizational) phrase and sentence breaks.
PTS: Kindred Sayings with Verses, translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids,
WP: The Book with Verses, translated by Bhkkhu Bodhi
ATI: The translations of Bhkkhu Thanissaro and others originally located on Access to Insight
MNL: The translations of Sister Upalavanna.
BD: The translations of M. Olds.
8. Vaṅgīsa-Thera Saṇyutta, I.185
PTS: The Vaṅgīsa Suttas, I.234
WP: Connected Discourses with Vaṅgīsa, 280
1. Nikkhanta Suttaṃ, I.185
The story of Vangisa when as a novice he battled and overcame lust.
PTS: Gone from Home, 234
WP: Renounced, 280
2. Arati Suttaṃ, I.186
Another episode in which Vangisa as a novice battles and overcomes lust.
PTS: Disaffection, 236
WP: Discontent, 281
3. Pesalā-Atimaññanā Suttaṃ, I.187
Vangisa, who is a skillful extempore speaker, chides himself for denigrating others with less skill at public speaking.
PTS: Disdaining the kindly, 237
WP: Well Behaved, 282
4. Ānanda Suttaṃ, I.188
Another episode where Vangisa battles lust. This time Ānanda comes to his rescue with a timely lesson.
PTS: Ānanda, 238
WP: Ānanda, 283
ATI: Instructions to Vaṅgīsa
5. Subhāsitā Suttaṃ, I.188
Vangisa delivers an extempore speech in praise of the Buddha.
PTS: Well spoken, 239
WP: Well Spoken, 284
6. Sāriputta Suttaṃ, I.189
Vangisa extols the Venerable Sariputta in verses.
PTS: Sāriputta, 241
WP: Sāriputta, 285
7. Parāraṇā Suttaṃ, I.190
The Buddha and Sariputta exchange assurances that the entire order of 500 bhikkhus that is present is without flaws. Vangisa expounds verses on the occasion.
PTS: Invitation, 242
WP: Pavarana, 286
8. Parosahassa Suttaṃ, I.192
PTS: A thousand and more, 244
WP: Over a Thousand, 288
9. Koṇḍañño Suttaṃ, I.192
A thousand bhikkhus listen to a Dhamma discourse delivered by the Buddha. Vangisa comes up with verses on the situation and the Buddha asks him if they were spontaneous or composed previously. Vangisa explains that the verses were spontaneous on the occasion and the Buddha asks him to the group a further example.
PTS: Koṇḍañña, 246
WP: Kondanna, 290
10. Moggallāna Suttaṃ, I.194
Vangisa recites spontaneous verses in praise of Mahā Moggallāna in front of the Buddha and 500 Arahants.
PTS: Moggallāna, 246
WP: Moggallāna, 291
11. Gaggarā Suttaṃ, I.195
Vangisa recites spontaneous verses on the exceeding glory of the Buddha.
PTS: At Gaggara, 247
WP: Gaggara, 292
12. Vaṅgīsa Suttaṃ, I.196
Vangisa recites verses describing the bliss of the arahantship which he has just himself gained.
PTS: Vaṅgīsa, 248
WP: Vaṅgīsa, 292