Vinaya Piṭaka
PTS: The Pāḷi Text Society, Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, Volumes I - V, edited by Hermann Oldenberg, 1879 -1883,
BJT: The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text of Vinaya-Pitaka, Volumes I-IV.
PTS: The Book of the Discipline, Volumes I - VI, translated by I.B. Horner,
SBE: Sacred Books of the East, Volumes 13, 17 and 20: Vinaya Texts, translated by T.W. Rhys Davids and Herman Oldenberg, 1881-1885. This work is especially important in that it is to it that the references to the Vinaya Pitaka in the PTS translations are directed. Finding the reference to the Vinaya Texts it is then easy to locate the same chapter in the PTS Horner translation by reference to this Index.
ATI: Access to Insight, translations of various sections by Bhikkhu Thanissaro
The Buddhist Monastic Code Volumes I & II combined. Volume I: The Pāṭimokkha Rules; Volume II (begins on page 643; see also the bookmarks): The Khandhaka Rules. Translated and Explained by Thānissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff).
The organization of the various sections in this index is according to the Pāḷi text of the Pāḷi Text Society, Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, edited by Hermann Oldenberg except that it begins with an Index of the Pātimokkha as a separate book.
PDF files and Zip file download of PDF files of The Book of the Discipline, translated by I. B. Horner, Pāḷi Text Society:
Volume 1: The Book of the Discipline, Volume I. Sutta-Vibhaṅga, PDF,
Volume 2: The Book of the Discipline, Volume II. Sutta-Vibhaṅga,PDF,
Volume 3: The Book of the Discipline, Volume III. Sutta-Vibhaṅga,PDF,
Volume 4: The Book of the Discipline, Volume IV. Mahā-Vagga,PDF,
Volume 5: The Book of the Discipline, Volume V. Culla-Vagga,PDF,
Volume 6: The Book of the Discipline, Volume VI. Parivāra.PDF,
Bhikkhu-pātimokkha-Pāli, Bhikkhu Pātimokkha
SBE: The Pātimokkha, The Words Of Disburdenment, Rhys Davids, Oldenberg, trans.;
PTS: Bhikkhu-Pātimokkhapā i, p 2;
The Text of the Bhikkhu Pātimokkha, Norman, trans., p 3; also contains the Pāḷi.
ATI: The Bhikkhus' Code of Discipline, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.
SBE: Nidāna, Introduction;
PTS: The recitation of the introduction, p 5
SBE: The Pārāgika Rules
PTS: The recitation of the [rules entailing] defeat, p 9;
ATI: Parajika — Rules entailing expulsion from the Saṅgha (Defeat)
SBE:The Samghādisesa Rules, Rules Which Require, As Well In Their Earlier As In Their Later Stages, Formal Meetings Of The Order;
PTS: The recitation of the saṅghādisa [rules], p 13;
ATI: Saṅghadisesa — Rules entailing an initial and subsequent meeting of the Saṅgha
SBE: The Aniyata Rules;
PTS: The recitation of the indefinite [rules], p 25;
ATI: Aniyata — Indefinite rules
SBE: The Nissaggiya Pākittiya Rules;
PTS: The expiation with forfeiture section, p 29;
ATI: Nissaggiya Pacittiya — Rules entailing forfeiture and confession
SBE: The Pākittiya Rules;
PTS: The section on matters entailing simple expiation, p 47;
ATI: Pacittiya — Rules entailing confession
SBE: The Pātidesaniya Rules;
PTS: The matters to be confessed, p 85;
ATI: Patidesaniya — Rules entailing acknowledgement
SBE: The Sekhiya Rules
PTS: The rules of training, p 89;
ATI: Sekhiya — Rules of training
SBE: The Adhikaraṇa-samatha Rules
PTS: The settlement of legal processes, p 109
ATI: Adhikarana-Samatha — Rules for settling disputes
Vinaya Piṭakaṃ
Mahā Vagga
Mahā Vagga
PTS: Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, edited by Hermann Oldenberg, Volume I: The Mahāvagga (The link is to a raw unedited copy of the 'Goettingen file' of the PTS Pāḷi)
BJT: Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, Volume 1. Mahā Vagga. The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text (unedited/unformatted),
PTS: The Book of the Discipline, Volume IV Mahāvagga, translated by I.B. Horner.
I. Mahā Khandhaka, Vol I, pp. 1
The Vinaya version of the First Sutta and the story from the Awakening to it's delivery to the Group of Five that left the world with Gotama. In the Vinaya the point is to show the origin of the way in which people were accepted into the order. There are some differnces from the way the sutta is presented elsewhere. (See First Sutta Resources and SN 5.56.11). Most importantly I believe is the way this rendition shows that what we have as the First Discourse was developed in detail 'off the books'. That is good because otherwise it is extremely difficult to show how from the bare bones that we are left with anyone could have reached Streamwinning or Arahantship given that none of the details of the Magga are explained.
SBE: First Khandaka: The Admission to the Order of Bhikkhus, Volume I, p 73
PTS: I: The Great Section, Horner, Volume IV, p 1
SBE: Under the Bodhi Tree.
PTS: 1.1: The Talk on Awakening,
SBE: Under the Agapāla Tree.
PTS: 1.2: The Talk at the Goatherds' Banyon,
SBE: Under the Mucalinda Tree.
PTS: 1.3: The Talk at the Mucalinda,
SBE: Under the Ragayatana Tree.
PTS: 1.4: The Talk at the Rājāyatana,
SBE: Brahmā's Request.
PTS: 1.5: The Talk on Brahmā's Entreaty,
Chapter 6. He addresses the Pañcavaggiya Bhikkhus
SBE: Chapter 6.
PTS: The First Discourse, Horner, trans.
Chapters 7-10. Story of Yasa, his relations and friends
SBE: Chapters 7-10.[*]
SBE: Chapter 11.
Chapter 12. Regulations about the Pabbajjā and Upasampadā Ordinations
SBE: Chapter 12.
Chapter 13. Māra again appears
SBE: Chapter 13.
SBE: Chapter 14. The Thirty Rich Young Companions.
Chapter 15. Conversion of the three Kassapas and their Disciples
SBE: Chapter 15. The First Wonder.
SBE: Chapter 16. The Second Wonder
SBE: Chapter 17. The Third Wonder.
SBE: Chapter 18. The Fourth Wonder.
SBE: Chapter 19. The Fifth Wonder.
SBE: Chapter 20.
A hair-raising sutta rendered pablum by abridgment.
SBE: Chapter 21. The Sermon on 'The Burning'.
PTS: 21: The Disquisiton on Burning,
Chapter 22. Buddha's first meeting with King Bimbisāra
SBE: Chapter 22.
Chapter 23. Conversion of Sāriputta and Moggallāna
SBE: Chapter 23.
ATI: 1.23.5. Upatissa's (Sāriputta's) Question, Thanissaro, trans.
SBE: Chapter 24.
Chapter 25. Different Rules regarding the Duties of Upajjhāya and Saddhivihārika
SBE: Chapter 25. The Duties towards an Upagghaya.
SBE: Chapter 26. The Duties towards a Saddhiviharika.
SBE: Chapter 27.
Chapters 28-31. Ceremony of Upasampadā
SBE: Chapter 28-31.
Chapters 32-35. The duties of Ācariya and Antevāsika
SBE: Chapter 32-35.
Chapters 36-37. What Bhikkhus are qualified for being Ācariya or Upajjhāya
SBE: Chapter 36-37.
Chapters 39-79. Further Rules regarding the Pabbajjā and Upasampadā Ordinations. Different classes of those who are not to be admitted to the Fraternity.
SBE: Chapter 39-79.
II. Uposatha Khandhaka Vol I, pp. 101
SBE: Second Khandhaka (The Uposatha Ceremony, and the Pātimokkha), Volume I, p 239
PTS: Observance, Horner, Volume IV, p 130
SBE: Chapters 1-36.
III. Vassupanāyika Khandhaka Vol I, pp. 137
SBE: Third Khandhaka (Residence during the Rainy Season), Volume I, p 298
PTS: The Great Division (Mahāvagga) III: The Rains, Horner, Volume IV, p 183
SBE: Chapters 1-14.
IV. Pavāraṇa Khandhaka Vol I, pp. 157
SBE: Fourth Khandhaka (The Parāvaṇā Ceremony), Volume I, p 325
PTS: The Great Division (Mahāvagga) IV: Invitation, Horner, Volume IV, p 208
SBE: Chapters 1-18.
V. Camma Khandhaka Vol I, pp. 179
SBE: Fifth Khandhaka: Rules for Foot-clothing, seats, Vehicles, etc., Volume II, p 1
PTS: The Great Division (Mahāvagga) V: On Hides, Horner, Volume IV, p 236
Chapters 1-8. Shoes and Slippers
SBE: Chapters 1-8.
Chapters 9-11. Different kinds of Seats, Vehicles
SBE: Chapters 9-11.
Chapter 13. Indulgences for the Countries bordering on Majjhadesa - story of Soṇa Kuṭikaṇṇa.
SBE: Chapter 13.
VI. Bhesajja Khandhaka Vol I, pp. 199
SBE: Sixth Khandhaka: On Medicaments, Volume II, p 41
PTS: The Great Division (Mahāvagga) VI: On Medicines, Horner, Volume IV, p 269
Chapters 1-17. Different kinds of Medicaments. Rules how to prepare, to use, and to keep them - #15: Story of Pilindavaccha
SBE: Chapters 1-17. #15: Story of Pilindavaccha
Chapters 18-21. Different kinds of Food. How to prepare and to keep them.
SBE: Chapters 18-21.
Chapter 22. Surgical Operations.
SBE: Chapters 22.
Chapter 23. Story of Suppiyā. Prohibition regarding man's flesh and themeat of different animals.
SBE: Chapters 23.
Chapter 24. Sermon about rice gruel.
SBE: Chapters 24.
Chapter 25-40. Different Rules about Food; how to prepare, to take, and to keep it.
SBE: Chapters 25-39.
Chapter 40.
ATI: 6.40.1. The Innate Principles of the Vinaya, Thanissaro, trans.
VII. Kaṭhina Khandhaka Vol I, pp. 253
SBE: Seventh Khandhaka: The Kaṭhina Ceremonies, Volume II, p 146
PTS: The Great Division (Mahāvagga) VII: On Kaṭhina, Horner, Volume IV, p 351
SBE: Chapters 1-13.
VIII. Kaṭhina Khandhaka Vol I, pp. 268
SBE: Eighth Khandhaka: The Dress of the Bhikkhus, Volume II, p 171
PTS: The Great Division (Mahāvagga) VIII: On Robe-Material, Horner, Volume IV, p 279
SBE: Chapter 1.
SBE: Chapters 2-14.
SBE: Chapter 15.
SBE: Chapters 16-25.
Chapters 26-27. Rules regarding the attendants of sick Bhikkhus.
The Buddha, inspecting a vihara comes upon a bhikkhu prostrate with disentery, lying in his own filth, neglected by the other Bhikkhus because he is no longer of any use to them. After personally helping to clean up the bhikkhu he delivers a teaching on attending to the sick.
A very moving story!
SBE: Chapters 26-27.
ATI: 8.26.1-8. The Monk with Dysentery, Thanissaro, trans.
IX. Campeyya Khandhaka Vol I, pp. 312
SBE: Ninth Khandhaka: Validity and Invalidity of Formal Acts of the Samgha, Volume II, p 256
PTS: The Great Division (Mahāvagga) IX: On (the monks at) Campā, Horner, Volume IV, p 446
SBE: Chapters 1-7.
X. Kosamba Khandhaka Vol I, pp. 337
SBE: Tenth Khandhaka: Schisms among the Saṅgha, Volume II, p 285
PTS: The Great Division (Mahāvagga) X: On (the monks of) Kosambī, Horner, Volume IV, p 483
SBE: Chapter 1.
SBE: Chapter 2. The Story of Dīghāvu
ATI: 10.2.3-20. The Story of Prince Dighavu, Thanissaro, trans.
SBE: Chapters 3-6.
Culla Vagga
Culla Vagga
PTS: Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, edited by Hermann Oldenberg, Volume II: The Culla Vagga
BJT: Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, Volume 2. Culla Vagga, The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text (unedited/unformatted),
PTS: The Book of the Discipline, Volume V Cullavagga, translated by I.B. Horner.
I. Kamma Khandhaka, Vol II, p 1
SBE: The Minor Disciplinary Proceedings, Volume II, p 329
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) I: On Formal Acts, Horner, Volume V, p 1
SBE: Chapters 1-8. Tajjaniyakammaṃ (Act of Rebuke)
SBE: Chapters 9-12. Nissayakammaṃ (Act of Subordination)
Chapters 13-17 Pabbājaniyakammaṃ
SBE: Chapters 13-17. Pabbājaniyakammaṃ (Act of Banishment)
Chapters 18-24 Paṭisāraṇiyakammaṃ
SBE: Chapters 18-24. Paṭisāraṇiyakammaṃ (Act of Reconciliation)
Chapters 25-30 Āpattiyā Adassane Ukkhepaniyakammaṃ
Chapter 31 Āpattiyā Appaṭikamma Ukkhepaniyakammaṃ
SBE: Chapter 31.
Chapters 32-35 Pāpikāya Diṭṭhiyā Āpattinissaggo Ukkhepaniyakammaṃ
SBE: Chapters 32-35.
II. Pārivāsika Khandhaka, Vol II, p 31
SBE: Second Khandhaka: Probation and Penance, Volume II, p 384
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) II: On Probation, Horner, Volume V, p 44
Chapters 1-3 (Rules for the conduct of Pārivāsika Bhikkhus)
SBE: Chapters 1-3.
Chapter 4 (Rules for Bhikkhus who have to undergo the Mālāya Paṭikassanā)
SBE: Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 (Rules for Mānattāraha Bhikkhus)
SBE: Chapter 5.
Chapters 6-8 (Rules for Mānattacārika Bhikkhus)
SBE: Chapters 6-8.
Chapter 9 (Rules for Abbhānāraha Bhikkhus)
SBE: Chapter 9.
III. Samuccaya Khandhaka, Vol II, p 38
SBE: Third Khandhaka: Probation and Penance (continued), Volume II, p 397
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) III: On Accumulation (of Offences), Horner, Volume V, p 56
SBE: Chapters 1-4.
SBE: Chapter 5.
SBE: Chapter 6.
SBE: Chapter 7.
Chapters 8-19 Different cases of fresh offences committed by a Bhikkhu while undergoing penal discipline for an old one
SBE: Chapters 8-19.
Chapters 20-26 Provisions for cases in which several offences have been committed by the same Bhikkhu
SBE: Chapters 20-26.
Chapters 27-33 Interruption of penal discipline
SBE: Chapters 27-33.
Chapters 34-36 Different cases of Purivāsa etc.
SBE: Chapters 34-36.
IV. Samatha Khandhaka, Vol II, p 73
SBE: Fourth Khandhaka: The Settlement of Disputes among the Fraternity, Volume III, p 1
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) IV: On Settlements, Horner, Volume V, p 96
Chapters 1-14 To be settled among the Fraternity
SBE: Chapters 1-14. The Settlement of Legal Questions
V. Khuddaka-Vatthu Khandhaka, Vol II, p 105
SBE: Fifth Khandhaka: On the Daily Life of the Bhikkhus, Volume III, p 66
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) V: On Minor Matters, Horner, Volume V, p 141
SBE: Chapters 1-2.
About Dhamma Recitation in Sing-song or Plain-song or chanting. I have a personal bias against chanting Dhamma which tends to make me understand this as a rule against chanting as it is commonly practiced today throughout Asian Buddhist countries. The Pāḷi is confusing or is clear and being misunderstood. On the one hand there was this rule made against āyatakena gītassarena dhammaṃ gāyanti. [long, extended, prolonged, kept up, lasting] [sung, recited, solemnly proclaimed, enunciated]-[sounding, voicing, intoning, accentuating] Dhamma [singing]. Then, when some Bhikkhus asked about sarabhañña. [sounding, voicing, intoning, accentuating]+[color] they were told that voicing with color was permissable. My persuasion is that this means giving life (a certain amount of appropriate emphasis to occasional phrases) to ordinary recitation, not the rhythmic chanting as it exists today. Going to the reasons makes my case even more dramatically. Both the Bhikkhus and the listeners are obviously being carried away by the sound. The chants are listened to like pop-music. The delivery is too fast and the words are not distinct. And there is in fact no color discernable where color would clarify meaning and this evidences the fact that this method of remembering is carrying forward the word without the spirit. I know this is a losing issue, but I think the practice needs to be questioned. See also here: AN 5.209
SBE: Chapter 3.
PTS: Chapter 3, Horner, trans.
SBE: Chapters 4-5.
SBE: Chapter 6.
PTS: Chapter 6, Horner, trans.
SBE: Chapters 7-30.
SBE: Chapter 31.
PTS: Chapter 31, Horner, trans.
SBE: Chapters 32-37.
VI. Senāsana Khandhaka, Vol II, p 146
SBE: Sixth Khandhaka: On Dwellings and Furniture, Volume III, p 157
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) VI: On Lodgings, Horner, Volume V, p 204
SBE: Chapters 1-3.
Chapter 4: Story of Anāthapiṇḍika
SBE: Chapter 4.
SBE: Chapter 5.
Chapter 6: Story of the partridge, monkey, and elephant
SBE: Chapter 6.
SBE: Chapters 7-21.
VII. Saṅgha-Bheda Khandhaka, Vol II, p 180
This chapter contains a part of the story of Devedatta's becoming an enemy of the Buddha, his attempt to kill him, and the attempt to create a schism in the order. It also contains the Buddha's statement about eating fish and flesh. (Maccha-maṃsaṃ In this translation only 'fish'). This chapter has not been fully converted to the style of this site and is included here primarily because of its relevance to SN 2.16.11.
SBE: Seventh Khandhaka: Dissensions in the Order, Volume III, p 224
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) VII: On Schism, Horner, Volume V, p 253
Chapter 1: Story of the six Sakyas and Upāli who receive together the Pabbajjā ordination.
One version of the story of the renunciations of Bhaddiya the Sākya Rāga, and Anuruddha, and Ānanda, and Bhagu, and Kimbila, and Devadatta, all except Bhagu the barber, close relatives of Gotama and who all renounced the world together.
Chapter 2-4: Story of Devadatta and Ajātasattu
SBE: Chapter 1. Dissensions in the Order
SBE: Chapters 2.
SBE: Chapters 3. Dissensions in the Order
SBE: Chapters 4.
SBE: Chapter 5.
VIII. Vatta Khandhaka, Vol II, p 207
SBE: Eighth Khandhaka: Regulations as to the Duties of the Bhikkhus towards One Another, Volume III, p 272
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) VIII: On Observances, Horner, Volume V, p 291
SBE: Chapter 1.
SBE: Chapter 2.
SBE: Chapter 3.
SBE: Chapter 4.
SBE: Chapter 5.
SBE: Chapter 6.
SBE: Chapter 7.
SBE: Chapter 8.
SBE: Chapter 9.
SBE: Chapter 10.
Chapter 11: Duties of Saddhi-vihārikas
SBE: Chapter 11.
Chapter 12: Duties of Upajjhāyas
SBE: Chapter 12.
Chapter 13: Duties of Antovāsikas
SBE: Chapter 13.
Chapter 14: Duties of Ācarīyas
SBE: Chapter 14.
IX. Pātimokkha-ṭhapana Khandhaka, Vol II, p 236
SBE: Ninth Khandhaka: On Exclusion from the Pātimokkha Ceremony, Volume III, p 299
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) IX: On Suspending the Pātimokkha, Horner, Volume V, p 330
SBE: Chapters 1-4.
SBE: Chapter 5.
PTS: Chapter 5, Horner, trans.
X. Bhikkhunī Khandhaka, Vol II, p 253
SBE: Tenth Khandhaka: On the Duties of Bhikkhunīs, Volume III, p 320
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) X: On Nuns, Horner, Volume V, p 352
SBE: Chapters 1-27.
XI. Pañcasati Khandhaka, Vol II, p 284
SBE: Eleventh Khandhaka: On the Council of Rāgagaha, Volume III, p 370
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) XI: On the Five Hundred, Horner, Volume V, p 393
SBE: Chapter 1.
XII. Sattasati Khandhaka, Vol II, p 294
SBE: Twelfth Khandhaka: On the Council of Vesālī, Volume III, p386
PTS: The Lesser Division (Cullavagga) XII: On the Seven Hundred, Horner, Volume V, p 407
SBE: Chapters 1-2.
Sutta Vibhaṅga
PTS: Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, edited by Hermann Oldenberg, Volumes III and IV: The Sutta Vibhaṅga
BJT: Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, Volume 3. Sutta-vibhaṅga, Part I,
Volume 4. Sutta-vibhaṅga, Part II, The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text (unedited/unformatted),
PTS: The Book of the Discipline, Volumes I - III, I.B. Horner, translation.
I. Pārājika
PTS: (The Pāḷi) I. The Four Pārājika Rules, Vol III, pp. 1
Defeat (Pārājika), Horner, Volume I, p 1.
Defeat (Pārājika) I. I.1
PTS: Defeat I.1.
Defeat (Pārājika) II. I.64
Defeat (Pārājika) III. I.116
Defeat (Pārājika) IV. I.151
II. Saṅghādisesa
PTS: (The Pāḷi) II. The Thirteen Saṅghādisesa Rules, Vol III, pp. 110
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa), Horner, Volume I, p 192.
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) I. I.192
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) I. I.192
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) II. I.199
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) III. I.214
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) IV. I.222
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) V. I.229
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) VI. I.246
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) VII. I.266
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) VIII. I.271
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) IX. I.288
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) X. I.296
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) XI. I.304
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) XII. I.309
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa) XIII. I.314
III. Aniyata
PTS: (The Pāḷi) III. The Two Aniyata Rules, Vol III, pp. 187
Undetermined (Aniyata), Horner, Volume I, p 330.
Undetermined (Aniyata) I. I.330
Undetermined (Aniyata) II. I.336
IV. Nissaggiya Pācittiya
PTS: (The Pāḷi) The Thirty Nissaggiya Pācittiya Rules, Vol III, pp. 195
Forfeiture (Nissaggiya), Horner, Volume II, p 1
V. Pācittiya
PTS: (The Pāḷi) The Pācittiya Rules, Vol IV, pp. 1
Expiation (Pācittiya), Horner, I-LX, Volume II, p 164; LXI-XCII, Volume III, p 1
VI. Pāṭidesaniya
PTS: (The Pāḷi) The Pāṭidesaniya Rules, Vol IV, pp. 175
Confession (Pāṭidesaniya), Horner, Volume III, p 103
VII. Sekhiya
PTS: (The Pāḷi) The Sekhiya Rules, Vol IV, pp. 185
PTS: Training (Sekhiya), Horner, Volume III, p 120
VIII. Adhikaraṇasamatha
PTS: (The Pāḷi) The Adhikaraṇasamatha Rules, Vol IV, pp. 207
Legal Questions (Adhikaraṇasamatha), Horner, Volume III, p 153
Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga
Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga
PTS: Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, edited by Hermann Oldenberg, Volume IV: The Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga
I. Pārājika
PTS: (The Pāḷi) I. The Pārājika Rules, Vol IV, pp. 211
Defeat (Pārājika), Horner, Volume III, p 156
II. Saṅghādisesa
PTS: (The Pāḷi) I. The Saṅghādisesa Rules, Vol IV, pp. 223
Formal Meeting (Saṅghādisesa), Horner, Volume III, p 177
III. Nissaggiya Pācittiya
PTS: (The Pāḷi) I. The Nissaggiya Pācittiya Rules, Vol IV, pp. 243
Forfeiture (Nissaggiya), Horner, Volume III, p 213
IV. Pācittiya
PTS: (The Pāḷi) I. The Pācittiya Rules, Vol IV, pp. 258
Expiation (Pācittiya), Horner, Volume III, p 243
V. Pāṭidesaniya
PTS: (The Pāḷi) I. The Pāṭidesaniya Rules, Vol IV, pp. 346
Confession (Pāṭidesaniya), Horner, Volume III, p 419
VI. Sekhiya
PTS: (The Pāḷi) I. The Sekhiya Rules, Vol IV, pp. 349
PTS: Training (Sekhiya), Horner, Volume III, p 424
VII. Adhikaraṇasamatha
PTS: (The Pāḷi) I. The Adhikaraṇasamatha Rules, Vol IV, pp. 351
Legal Questions (Adhikaraṇasamatha), Horner, Volume III, p 426
6. Parivāra
PTS: Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, edited by Hermann Oldenberg, Volume V: The Parivāra
Parivāra, Horner, Volume VI, p 1
BJT: Vinaya Piṭakaṃ, Volume 5. Parivāra., The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text (unedited/unformatted).
I. Mahāvibhaṅga, p 1
PTS: I. The Great Analysis, Horner, Volume VI, p 1
II. Bhikkhunī-vibhaṅga, p 54
PTS: II. The Nuns' Analysis, Horner, Volume VI, p 80
III. Samuṭṭhāna, p 86
PTS: III. Summary of Origins, Horner, Volume VI, p 123
IV. Anantarapeyyāla Samathabheda, p 91
PTS: IV-1. Consecutive Repetitions, Horner, Volume VI, p 132
IV-2. Synopsis of Decidings, Horner, Volume VI, p 149
V. Khandhakapucchāvāra, p 114
PTS: V. Questions on the Khandhakas, Horner, Volume VI, p 168
VI. Ekuttaraka, p 115
PTS: VI. As to Gradation, Horner, Volume VI, p 171
VII. Uposathādivissajjanā, p 142
PTS: VII-1. Answers abou the Beginning of Observance, Horner, Volume VI, p 230
VII-2. Exposition of Reasons, Horner, Volume VI, p 232
VIII. Gāthāsaṅgaṇika, p 144
PTS: VIII. Collection of Stanzas, Horner, Volume VI, p 234
IX. Adhikaraṇabheda, p 150
PTS: IX. Synopsis of Legal Questions, Horner, Volume VI, p 244
X. Apara Gāthāsaṅgaṇika, p 158
PTS: X. An Additional Collection of Stanzas, Horner, Volume VI, p 255
XI. Codanākaṇḍa, p 160
PTS: XI. Portion on Reproving, Horner, Volume VI, p 259
XII. Cūḷasaṅgāma, p 163
PTS: XII. The Lesser Collection, Horner, Volume VI, p 264
XIII. Mahāsaṅgāma, p 166
PTS: XIII. The Greater Collection, Horner, Volume VI, p 269
XIV. Kaṭhinabheda, p 172
PTS: XIV. Synopsis of Kaṭhina, Horner, Volume VI, p 279
XV. Upālipañcaka, p 180
PTS: XV. Upāli-Pentads, Horner, Volume VI, p 291
XVI. Samuṭṭhāna, p 207
PTS: XVI. Origin, Horner, Volume VI, p 332
XVII. Gāthāsaṅgaṇika, p 210
PTS: XVII. Second Collection of Stanzas, Horner, Volume VI, p 336
XVIII. Sedamocakagāthā, p 216
PTS: XVIII. Sweat-Inducing Stanzas, Horner, Volume VI, p 350
XIX. The Five Vaggas, p 220
PTS: XIX. The Five Divisions, Horner, Volume VI, p 359
[*] All SBE Chapters exist and where they are grouped together as here, individual chapters can be linked-to by altering the ending of the link. E.g., in this case the link to the first of the group is:
to link to Chapter 9, alter the link as follows: